<<set $date = {
year: 1980,
month: 0,
total: 1,
current: 1,
monthVisual: 0,
<<set $stats = {
legal: 10,
pigs: 10,
crime: 10,
illegal: 10,
risk: 0,
money: 400
<<set $statuses = {
inDebt: false,
married: false,
hasChild: false,
lastOfLine: false,
worldIsYours: false,
newPoliceChief: false,
newbie: true,
cartelWars: false,
fbiFraud: false,
investScarface: false,
<<set $favor = {
maria: 0,
emmy: 0,
carla: 0,
tony: 0,
veronika: 0,
nikki: 0,
jackie: 0,
nia: 0,
michelle: 0,
val: 0,
angela: 0,
vic: 0,
<<set $sympathy = {
maria: 0,
emmy: 0,
carla: 0,
tony: 0,
veronika: 0,
nikki: 0,
jackie: 0,
nia: 0,
michelle: 0,
val: 0,
angela: 0,
vic: 0,
<<set $family = {
currentName: "Montana",
currentPersonal: "Tony",
monthsBloodline: 0,
monthsAlive: 0,
bestPersonalScore: 0,
bestFamilyScore: 0
<<set $cooldowns = {
raiseCrime: 0,
raiseBusiness: 0,
paperScam: 0,
haitianDeal: 0,
bribeCops: 0,
gangWar: 0,
event: 2,
debt: 0,
newPoliceChief: 0,
swapIL: 0,
guards: 0,
cartelWars: 0,
fbiFraud: 0,
worldIsYours: 0,
CCTV: 0,
<<set $cards = ['<<include "card1">>', '<<include "card2">>', '<<include "card3">>', '<<include "card4">>', '<<include "card5">>', '<<include "card6">>', '<<include "card7">>', '<<include "card8">>', '<<include "card9">>', '<<include "card10">>', '<<include "card11">>', '<<include "card12">>', '<<include "card13">>', '<<include "card14">>', '<<include "card15">>', '<<include "card16">>', '<<include "card17">>', '<<include "card18">>', '<<include "card19">>', '<<include "card20">>', '<<include "card21">>', '<<include "card22">>', '<<include "card23">>', '<<include "card24">>', '<<include "card25">>', '<<include "card26">>', '<<include "card27">>', '<<include "card28">>', '<<include "card29">>', '<<include "card30">>', '<<include "card31">>', '<<include "card32">>', '<<include "card33">>', '<<include "card34">>', '<<include "card35">>', '<<include "card36">>', '<<include "card37">>', '<<include "card38">>', '<<include "card39">>', '<<include "card40">>', '<<include "card41">>', '<<include "card42">>', '<<include "card43">>', '<<include "card44">>', '<<include "card45">>', '<<include "card46">>', '<<include "card47">>', '<<include "card48">>', '<<include "card49">>', '<<include "card50">>', '<<include "card51">>', '<<include "card52">>', '<<include "card53">>', '<<include "card54">>']>>
<<set $card_number = 0>>
<<set $cards = $cards.shuffle()>>
<<set $popup = {
sympathy: { visible: 2 }}>>
<<set $events = ['<<include "event1">>', '<<include "event2">>', '<<include "event3">>', '<<include "event4">>', '<<include "event5">>', '<<include "event6">>', '<<include "event7">>', '<<include "event8">>', '<<include "event9">>', '<<include "event10">>', '<<include "event11">>', '<<include "event12">>', '<<include "event13">>']>>
<<set $event_number = 0>>
<<set $events = $events.shuffle()>>
<<set $event1 = "none">>
<<set $event2 = "none">>
<<set $event3 = "none">>
<<set $event7 = "none">>
<<set $event8 = "none">>
<<set $event9 = "none">>
<<set $event10 = "none">>
<<set $event11 = "none">>
<<set $event12 = "none">>
<<set $event13 = "none">>
<<set $debt = 0>>
<<set $gameOver = false>>
<<set $previous = {
pigs: $stats.pigs,
legal: $stats.legal,
illegal: $stats.illegal,
crime: $stats.crime,
money: $stats.money,
risk: $stats.risk
<<set $upgrades = {
guards: false,
counselor: false,
CCTV: false,
<<cacheaudio "intro" "media/miami-intro-rzhaka.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "bully" "media/Bully.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "goliath" "media/Goliath.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "retardo" "media/Retardo.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "scarface" "media/Scarface.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "slick-criminal" "media/Slick-Criminal.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "v-for-vigilante" "media/V-For-Vigilante.mp3">>
<<cacheaudio "cliche" "media/Cliche.mp3">>
<<createplaylist "soundtrack">>
<<track "bully" volume 1>>
<<track "goliath" volume 1>>
<<track "retardo" volume 1>>
<<track "scarface" volume 1>>
<<track "slick-criminal" volume 1>>
<<track "v-for-vigilante" volume 1>>
<<track "cliche" volume 1>>
<<set $facilities = {
pornStudios: 0,
drugDens: 0,
bars: 0,
<<set $patreonTier = 0>>
<<set $galleryActive = false>>
<<set $gallery = {
EmmyBJ: false,
EmmyFuck: false,
MariaBJ: false,
MariaFuck: false,
MichelleBJ: false,
MichelleFuck: false,
NiaBJ: false,
NiaFuck: false,
ValentinaBJ: false,
ValentinaFuck: false,
VeronikaBJ: false,
VeronikaFuck: false,
NikkiBJ: false,
NikkiFuck: false,
AngelaBJ: false,
AngelaFuck: false,
CarlaBJ: false,
CarlaBJ2: false,
TonySpitroast: false,
ValPayraise: false,
VeronikaDeal: false,
AngieLick: false,
WorkingGirlEscape: false,
FederalAgentSeduce: false,
MobsterWidow: false,
MichelleHelpDeal: false,
DealConsultant: false,
GangbangRivalGF: false,
PornStudioReplacement: false,
ShotgunWedding: false,
OldMobsterDaughter: false,
HollywoodStarletSeduce: false,
<<set $risklock = false>>
<<set $barPrice = 100>>
<<set $drugDenPrice = 150>>
<<set $pornStudioPrice = 200>>
<<set $cheatCode = "">>
<<set $NPC1 = {
name: "none",
driving: 0,
shooting: 0,
fighting: 0,
authority: 0,
<<set $NPC2 = {
name: "none",
driving: 0,
shooting: 0,
fighting: 0,
authority: 0,
<<set $NPC3 = {
name: "none",
driving: 0,
shooting: 0,
fighting: 0,
authority: 0,
<<set $NPC4 = {
name: "none",
driving: 0,
shooting: 0,
fighting: 0,
authority: 0,
<<set $NPC = {
gen: true,
<<set $train = {
npc1: { fighting: false, driving: false, shooting: false, authority: false },
npc2: { fighting: false, driving: false, shooting: false, authority: false },
npc3: { fighting: false, driving: false, shooting: false, authority: false },
npc4: { fighting: false, driving: false, shooting: false, authority: false },
anything: 0,
<<set $crewJob = 0>>
<<set $version = 820>><<if $showHeader>><<nobr>>
<div class="container">
<<set $date.year = 1980 + Math.floor($date.month / 12)>>
<<if $family.monthsBloodline < 12>>
<<set $statuses.newbie = true>>
<<set $statuses.newbie = false>>
<<if $risklock is true>>
<<set $stats.risk to $previous.risk>>
<div class="date">
<<= $date.year>> -
<<switch $date.monthVisual>>
<<case 0>>
<<case 1>>
<<case 2>>
<<case 3>>
<<case 4>>
<<case 5>>
<<case 6>>
<<case 7>>
<<case 8>>
<<case 9>>
<<case 10>>
<<case 11>>
<div class="stats">
(C)riminal World: [<<= $stats.crime>>/20] <<if $previous.crime > $stats.crime>>
@@color:red;(-<<= $previous.crime - $stats.crime>>)
<<elseif $previous.crime < $stats.crime>>
@@color:lime;(+<<= $stats.crime - $previous.crime>>)
(L)egal Business: [<<= $stats.legal>>/20] <<if $previous.legal > $stats.legal>>
@@color:red;(-<<= $previous.legal - $stats.legal>>)
<<elseif $previous.legal < $stats.legal>>
@@color:lime;(+<<= $stats.legal - $previous.legal>>)
(I)llegal Business: [<<= $stats.illegal>>/20] <<if $previous.illegal > $stats.illegal>>
@@color:red;(-<<= $previous.illegal - $stats.illegal>>)
<<elseif $previous.illegal < $stats.illegal>>
@@color:lime;(+<<= $stats.illegal - $previous.illegal>>)
(P)igs: [<<= $stats.pigs>>/20] <<if $previous.pigs > $stats.pigs>>
@@color:red;(-<<= $previous.pigs - $stats.pigs>>)
<<elseif $previous.pigs < $stats.pigs>>
@@color:lime;(+<<= $stats.pigs - $previous.pigs>>)
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :<br>
(M)oney: [$<<= $stats.money>>] <<if $previous.money > $stats.money>>
@@color:red;(-<<= $previous.money - $stats.money>>)
<<elseif $previous.money < $stats.money>>
@@color:lime;(+<<= $stats.money - $previous.money>>)
(R)isk: [<<= $stats.risk>>/10] <<if $previous.risk > $stats.risk>>
@@color:lime;(-<<= $previous.risk - $stats.risk>>)
<<elseif $previous.risk < $stats.risk>>
@@color:red;(+<<= $stats.risk - $previous.risk>>)
<div class="secondary">
Name: <<= $family.currentPersonal>> <br>
Family: <<= $family.currentName>> <br>
Alive for: <<= $family.monthsAlive>> months (Best: <<= $family.bestPersonalScore>>) <br>
Family lasts for: <<= $family.monthsBloodline>> months (Best: <<= $family.bestFamilyScore>>)
<</nobr>><</if>><<= $cards[$card_number]>><<nobr>>
<<if $card_number == ($cards.length - 1)>>
<<set $card_number = 0>>
<<set $cards = $cards.shuffle()>>
<<set $card_number += 1>>
<<if $stats.pigs > 19 or $stats.pigs < 1 or $stats.illegal > 19 or $stats.illegal < 1 or $stats.legal > 19 or $stats.legal < 1 or $stats.crime > 19 or $stats.crime < 1>>
<<set $gameOver to true>>
<<if $stats.risk >= 10>>
<<set $gameOver to true>>
<<if $gameOver is true>>
<<goto "Death">>
<</nobr>>!!!Maria Castillo, Accountant
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/maria/portrait.png][Maria]]>><</link>></div>
Maria enters your office, looking nervous. She's clutching a folder tightly to her chest.
MARIA CASTILLO: "Boss, we have a problem. The IRS is auditing one of our front businesses. We can either cook the books or bribe the auditor. Both are risky, but we need to act fast."
1: [[Cook the books|card1res1][$stats.legal -= 1; $stats.illegal += 1; $stats.risk += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: <<if $stats.money >= 300>>[[Bribe the auditor|card1res2][$stats.legal += 2; $stats.money -= 300; $sympathy.maria += 1]]<<else>>==Bribe the auditor==<</if>> (Requires $300) <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([L] -1, [I] +1, [R] +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([L] +2, -$300, Maria's sympathy +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>>!!!Emmy Schultz, Brothel Manager
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/emmy/portrait.png][Emmy]]>><</link>></div>
Emmy struts into your office, her high heels clicking on the floor. She looks annoyed.
EMMY SCHULTZ: "Boss, we've got a client causing trouble. He's a big spender, but he's rough with the girls. Do we keep him or kick him out?"
1: [[Keep the client|card2res1][$stats.illegal += 1; $stats.crime -= 1, $sympathy.emmy -= 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Kick him out|card2res2][$stats.illegal -= 1; $stats.crime += 1, $sympathy.emmy += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([I] +1, [C] -1, Emmy's sympathy -1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([I] -1, [C] +1, Emmy's sympathy +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>>!!!Jackie Chan, Smuggler
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/jackie/portrait.png][Jackie]]>><</link>></div>
Jackie enters your office, looking excited.
JACKIE CHAN: "Boss, I've got a big shipment coming in. Double the usual amount. It's risky, but the profits would be huge. What do you say?"
1: [[Go for the big shipment|card3res1][$stats.illegal += 2; $stats.risk += 1; $stats.money += 375]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Stick to the usual amount|card3res2][$stats.illegal += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([I] +2, [R] +1, +$375)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([I] +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>> !!!Michelle Adams, Lawyer
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/michelle/portrait.png][Michelle]]>><</link>></div>
Michelle enters, looking stressed and disheveled.
MICHELLE ADAMS: "We've got a problem. One of our guys got picked up by the cops. We can either bribe the judge or let him take the fall."
1: <<if $stats.money >= 175>>[[Bribe the judge|card4res1][$stats.money -= 175; $stats.legal -= 1; $stats.pigs += 1]]<<else>>==Bribe the judge==<</if>> (Requires $175) <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Let him take the fall|card4res2][$stats.crime -= 3; $stats.pigs += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([L] -1, [P] +1, -$175)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([C] -3, [P] +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/maria/portrait.png][Maria]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Cook the books. Make it look clean."
MARIA CASTILLO: "I'll do my best, but it's risky..."
Maria leaves, looking worried. You hope her skills are enough to fool the IRS.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/maria/portrait.png][Maria]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Here's $300. Make sure the auditor sees things our way."
MARIA CASTILLO: "Consider it done, boss. Smart move."
Maria leaves with a relieved smile. You feel confident the audit will go smoothly now.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/emmy/portrait.png][Emmy]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "He's a big spender. Keep him around, but watch him closely."
EMMY SCHULTZ: "Fine, but don't blame me if this backfires."
Emmy leaves, clearly unhappy. You hope this decision doesn't come back to haunt you.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/emmy/portrait.png][Emmy]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Kick him out. We don't need that kind of heat."
EMMY SCHULTZ: "Thank you, boss. The girls will appreciate this."
Emmy leaves with a satisfied smile. You feel you've made the right call for your business and your people.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/jackie/portrait.png][Jackie]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's do it. Go big or go home, right?"
JACKIE CHAN: "You won't regret this, boss! We're gonna be rolling in cash!"
Jackie leaves, beaming. You hope this big risk pays off.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/jackie/portrait.png][Jackie]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's play it safe this time, Jackie. Stick to the usual."
JACKIE CHAN: "If you say so, boss. But we're missing out on some serious cash."
Jackie leaves, looking a bit disappointed. You feel you've made the prudent choice.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/michelle/portrait.png][Michelle]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Bribe the judge. We can't let our guy go down."
MICHELLE ADAMS: "I'll make it happen. But this is getting risky, boss."
Michelle leaves to arrange the bribe. You hope this doesn't attract too much attention.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/michelle/portrait.png][Michelle]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "He knew the risks. Let him take the fall."
MICHELLE ADAMS: "Understood. I'll make sure he doesn't talk."
Michelle leaves, looking grim. You've protected yourself, but at the cost of loyalty.
<<if $version isnot 820>><<goto "Update">><</if>><<if $statuses.newPoliceChief == true>>(!) ''New Police Chief'' status is active! This will reduce your Police influence by 1 each month. $cooldowns.newPoliceChief month(s) left. <br><</if>>
<<if $statuses.inDebt == true>>(!) ''In Debt'' status is active! You have $cooldowns.debt month(s) left to repay $<<= $debt>>. <<if $cooldowns.debt == 1>>''WARNING'': If you don't repay the debt ''right now'', after pressing //End month// you will be automatically charged not just $<<= $debt>>, but 25% of that on top, and ''if you don't have enough - you will die!'' <</if>><<if $stats.money >= $debt>>[[Repay now?|Hub][$stats.money -= $debt; $statuses.inDebt = false; $cooldowns.debt = 0]]<<else>>==Repay now?== (You don't have enough money yet)<</if>><br><</if>>
<<if $statuses.newbie == true>>(!) ''Newbie'' status is active! Your [C] may decrease by 1 each month with a 50%-chance. <<= 12 - $family.monthsBloodline>> months left.<br><</if>>
<<if $statuses.worldIsYours == true>>(!) ''World is Yours'' status is active! Your [CLIP] gets + 1 every month and you also earn +$50 every month. <<= $cooldowns.worldIsYours>> months left.<br><</if>>
<<if $statuses.cartelWars == true>>(!) ''Cartel Wars'' status is active! Your [I] may decrease by 2 each month with a 50%-chance. <<= $cooldowns.cartelWars>> months left.<br><</if>>
<<if $statuses.fbiFraud == true>>(!) ''FBI Fraud Hunt'' status is active! If your [L] is above 10 by the end of the month, you'll get +1 [R]. <<= $cooldowns.fbiFraud>> months left.<br><</if>>
<<if $statuses.married == true>>(!) ''Married'' status is active! Every month you have a 10%-chance to make a baby and get an heir.<br><</if>>
<<if $statuses.hasChild == true>>(!) ''Has A Child'' status is active! You're guaranteed to have your family bloodline to continue after your death.<br><</if>>
<<if $statuses.investScarface == true>>(!) ''Movie Investment'' status is active! Your investment will pay off in January of 1984.<br><</if>>
<<if $upgrades.guards == true>>Your mansion is guarded by ''hired thugs''! They have a 50%-chance to lower your [R] by 1 every three months.<br><</if>>
<<if $upgrades.CCTV == true>>Your mansion is has ''CCTV'' installed! It has a 75%-chance to lower your [R] by 1 every six months.<br><</if>>
<<if $cooldowns.event <= 0>><<goto "Event">><</if>>
<<set $hub = true>>
<<if $cooldowns.event == 3 and $popup.sympathy.visible <= 0>>
<<set $popup.sympathy.visible = 3>>
<<if $stats.pigs >= 10 and $stats.legal >= 10 and $stats.illegal >= 10 and $stats.crime >= 10>>
<<set _randomChar = Object.keys($sympathy).random()>>
<<set $sympathy[_randomChar] += 1>>
(!) <<= _randomChar.capitalize()>> gets +1 sympathy!
(!) If you would have kept all your 4 main Stats at 10 or above by this moment, you would get +1 sympathy to a random character. Try again in 3 months.
<<nobr>><div class="trees">
<div class="tree"><<link [img[media/actions.png][Actions]]>><</link>></div>
<div class="tree"><<link [img[media/characters.png][Characters]]>><</link>></div>
<div class="tree"><<link [img[media/gallery.png][Gallery]]>><</link>></div>
<div class="trees">
<div class="tree"><<link [img[media/crew.png][Crew]]>><</link>></div>
<div class="tree"><<link [img[media/statistics-cheats-rewards.png][Cheats & Rewards]]>><</link>></div>
<div class="tree"><<link [img[media/end-month.png][EndMonth]]>><</link>></div>
</div><</nobr>>!!!Jackie Chan, Smuggler
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/jackie/portrait.png][Jackie]]>><</link>></div>
JACKIE CHEN: "Listen, boss, I need something. We're planning a major smuggling operation through the port, but I need your guys to guard the cargo. This deal could take us both to the next level. In return, I'll offer you protection from the competition."
1: [[Provide security|card5res1][$stats.crime += 2; $stats.pigs -= 2; $stats.risk += 1; $sympathy.jackie += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Refuse|card5res2][$stats.crime -= 2]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([P] -2, [C] +2, [R] +1, Jackie's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([C] -2)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/jackie/portrait.png][Jackie]]>><</link>></div>
You agree to provide men to guard the cargo. Jackie smiles contentedly and shakes your hand.
JACKIE: "Knew I could count on you, boss. We all stand to gain from this deal."
Your men secure the cargo and your credibility in the underworld grows, but the police begin to take notice of suspicious activity in the harbour. This adds to your risks.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/jackie/portrait.png][Jackie]]>><</link>></div>
Jakie leaves, disappointed.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Tony "Spike" Ricci, Weapons Supplier
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/tony/portrait.png][Tony]]>><</link>></div>
Spike enters your office, a duffel bag in hand. He looks excited.
TONY "SPIKE" RICCI: "Boss, I've got a line on some military-grade hardware. It's hot, but it could give us a real edge. You interested?"
1: <<if $stats.money >= 200>>[[Buy the weapons|card6res1][$stats.money -= 200; $stats.illegal += 2; $stats.risk += 1; $sympathy.tony += 1]]<<else>>==Buy the weapons==<</if>> (Requires $200) <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Pass on the offer|card6res2][$stats.illegal -= 2; $stats.crime -= 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>(-$200, [I] +2, [R] +1, Tony's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([I] -2, [C] -1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/tony/portrait.png][Tony]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's see what you've got, Spike. This better be good."
TONY "SPIKE" RICCI: "You won't regret this, boss. We'll be unstoppable."
Spike leaves, grinning. You hope these new weapons will give you the edge you need.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/tony/portrait.png][Tony]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Not now, Spike. It's too risky."
TONY "SPIKE" RICCI: "Your call, boss. But don't come crying when the competition outguns us."
Spike leaves, disappointed. You hope you haven't missed out on a game-changing opportunity.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Nia Numato, Modeling Agency Owner
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nia/portrait.png][Nia]]>><</link>></div>
Nia glides into your office, looking elegant as always.
NIA NUMATO: "Darling, I've got a proposition. We can expand our 'special services' to include some high-profile clients. It's risky, but very profitable."
1: [[Expand the services|card7res1][$stats.illegal += 2; $stats.pigs -= 2; $stats.risk += 1; $stats.money += 75; $sympathy.nia += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Keep things as they are|card7res2][$stats.illegal -= 3; $stats.pigs += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([I] +2, [P] -2, [R] +1, +$75, Nia's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([I] -3, [P] +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nia/portrait.png][Nia]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's do it. Set it up, Nia."
NIA NUMATO: "Excellent choice, darling. We're going to make a fortune."
Nia leaves with a sly smile. You hope the potential profits outweigh the risks.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nia/portrait.png][Nia]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Not now, Nia. Let's keep things low-key for now."
NIA NUMATO: "If you insist, darling. But remember, fortune favors the bold."
Nia leaves, looking slightly disappointed. You feel you've made the safer choice.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Nikki Jones, Club Manager
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nikki/portrait.png][Nikki]]>><</link>></div>
Nikki storms into your office, clearly agitated.
NIKKI JONES: "Boss, we've got celebrities wanting private rooms tonight, but also a big shipment coming through the back. We can't do both."
1: [[Prioritize celebrities|card8res1][$stats.legal += 2; $stats.illegal -= 1; $sympathy.nikki += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Move the shipment|card8res2][$stats.illegal += 2; $stats.legal -= 3; $stats.risk += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([L] +2, [I] -1, Nikki's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([I] +2, [L] -3, [R] +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nikki/portrait.png][Nikki]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Go for the celebrities. Ensure they leave with a positive impression."
NIKKI JONES: "Got it, boss. We'll set up something special."
Treating the celebrities like royalty will boost your legal businesses' prestige, but it might delay your other operations.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nikki/portrait.png][Nikki]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Prioritize the shipment. The club can run without celebrities for one night."
NIKKI JONES: "You got it. It'll probably be quiet, but the back door stays open."
The risk of a shipment going wrong adds tension, but a successful night means increased illegal business activity.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Veronika Green, Police Informant
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/veronika/portrait.png][Veronika]]>><</link>></div>
Veronika calls you, sounding nervous.
VERONIKA GREEN: "There's a big raid planned for tomorrow night. Your operations might be in danger. What should I do?"
1: [[Tell her to leak false info|card9res1][$stats.pigs -= 4; $stats.risk += 1; $stats.illegal += 2;]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Advise her to stay quiet|card9res2][$stats.illegal -= 2; $stats.pigs -= 1; $sympathy.veronika += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([P] -4, [R] +1, [I] +2)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([I] -2, [P] -1, Veronika's sympathy +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/veronika/portrait.png][Veronika]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Tell the cops about a fake stash to throw them off."
VERONIKA GREEN: "I'll make the call now. It's a lot of heat, though."
Using false info is tricky, but it could buy you some time.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/veronika/portrait.png][Veronika]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Thanks for the heads up. Stay quiet, I'll hadnle it myself"
VERONIKA GREEN: "As you say, boss."
You're probably gonna take damage, but at least you didn't compromise your contacts within.
[[Continue|Hub]]<<= $events[$event_number]>><<nobr>>
<<if $event_number == ($events.length - 1)>>
<<set $event_number = 0>>
<<set $events = $events.shuffle()>>
<<set $event_number += 1>>
<<set $cooldowns.event = 3>><</nobr>>!!!Carla Diaz, Undercover FBI Agent
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/carla/portrait.png][Carla]]>><</link>></div>
Carla greets you with a cunning smile.
CARLA DIAZ: "Here's the deal, you could give me some insider info, and I'll look the other way, or hold onto it and see what happens next."
1: [[Give her information|card10res1][$stats.money += 100; $stats.pigs += 1; $stats.illegal -= 2; $stats.crime -= 2; $sympathy.carla += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: <<if $stats.crime >= 10>>[[Refuse to co-operate|card10res2][$stats.crime += 1; $stats.risk += 2]]<<else>>==Refuse to co-operate==<</if>> (Requires 10 [C]) <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>(+$100, [P] +1, [I] -2, [C] -2, Carla's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([C] +1, [R] +2)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/carla/portrait.png][Carla]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Here's some info. Don't make me regret this."
CARLA DIAZ: "Thanks for the help. I'll take care of things on my end."
The exchange feels dirty but you hope keeping her on your side was worth it.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/carla/portrait.png][Carla]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "I don't trust rats. Get out."
CARLA DIAZ: "Suit yourself, but remember who's holding all the chips."
Her departure leaves a chill in your office. You wonder if you made the right call.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Valentina "Val" Kovach, Casino Manager
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/valentina/portrait.png][Valentina]]>><</link>></div>
Val enters, an unlit cigarette dangling from her lips.
VAL KOVACH: "Boss, we caught a high-roller using marked cards. We can squeeze him for hush money or make an example of him."
1: [[Squeeze him for money|card11res1][$stats.money += 300; $stats.legal -= 2; $stats.risk += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Make an example|card11res2][$stats.crime += 1; $stats.legal -= 1; $stats.pigs -= 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>(+$300, [L] -2, [R] +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([C] +1, [L] -1, [P] -1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/valentina/portrait.png][Valentina]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's milk this cow. Get every penny."
VAL KOVACH: "Smart move, boss. He'll pay up, but it might attract unwanted attention."
Val leaves with a wicked grin. You hope this doesn't come back to bite you.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/valentina/portrait.png][Valentina]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Break his fingers. Let everyone know what happens to cheaters."
VAL KOVACH: "Brutal, but effective. I'll make sure the message is clear."
Val nods grimly and exits. The casino floor will be buzzing with whispers tonight.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Angela "Angie" Bianchi, Journalist
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/angela/portrait.png][Angela]]>><</link>></div>
Angie bursts in, notebook in hand, eyes gleaming with excitement.
ANGIE BIANCHI: "I've got a scoop on a rival gang's operations. I can publish it or sell the info to you exclusively."
1: <<if $stats.money >= 250>>[[Buy the info|card12res1][$stats.money -= 250; $stats.crime += 2]]<<else>>==Buy the info==<</if>> (Requires $250) <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Let her publish|card12res2][$stats.pigs += 1; $stats.crime -= 2; $sympathy.angela += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>(-$250, [C] +2)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([P] +1, [C] -2, Angela's sympathy +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/angela/portrait.png][Angela]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "I'll take that info off your hands. Here's 250 for your trouble."
ANGIE BIANCHI: "Pleasure doing business with you. This could be the start of a beautiful friendship."
Angie pockets the cash and hands over her notes. You've got some planning to do.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/angela/portrait.png][Angela]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Go ahead, publish it."
ANGIE BIANCHI: "But... Huh. Ok. If you say so."
Angie seems disappointed at first, but then smiles as she leaves.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Victor "Vic" Borov, Port Supervisor
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/victor/portrait.png][Victor]]>><</link>></div>
Vic shuffles in, looking nervous and sweaty.
VIC BOROV: "There's a shipment of contraband stuck at the port. We can rush it through or let it sit and draw less attention."
1: [[Rush it through|card13res1][$stats.illegal += 3; $stats.pigs -= 2; $stats.risk += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Let it sit|card13res2][$stats.illegal -= 2; $stats.legal += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([I] +3, [P] -2, [R] +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([I] -2, [L] +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/victor/portrait.png][Victor]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Get that shipment moving, now. Whatever it takes."
VIC BOROV: "Right away, boss. I'll grease all the necessary wheels."
Vic hurries out, already making calls. You hope this haste doesn't attract unwanted attention.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/victor/portrait.png][Victor]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let it cool off for a bit. We can afford to wait."
VIC BOROV: "Smart move, boss. I'll make sure it blends in with the regular cargo."
Vic nods, visibly relieved. Sometimes patience pays off in this business.
[[Continue|Hub]]<<switch $event1>>
<<case "none">>
You have an important business meeting scheduled. The outcome could significantly impact your operations. <br><br>
1. <<if $sympathy.michelle > 0>>
<<link "Get help from Michelle, your lawyer">>
<<set $stats.money += 200>>
<<set $stats.legal += 1>>
<<set $event1 = "michelle">>
<<goto "event1">>
==Get help from Michelle, your lawyer==
<</if>> (Requires Michelle's sympathy > 0) [Sex scene ahead!] <br>
2. <<if $stats.money > 249>>
<<link "Hire an outside consultant">>
<<set $stats.money -= 50>>
<<set $stats.legal += 1>>
<<set $event1 = "consultant">>
<<goto "event1">>
==Hire an outside consultant==
<</if>> (Requires $250) [Sex scene ahead!] <br>
3. <<if $stats.legal >= 12>>
<<link "Handle it yourself">>
<<set $stats.money += 200>>
<<set $stats.legal += 1>>
<<set $event1 = "yourself">>
<<goto "event1">>
==Handle it yourself==
<</if>> (Requires 12 [L]) <br>
4. <<link "Improvize">>
<<if random(1, 20) <= $stats.legal>>
<<set $stats.money += 200>>
<<set $stats.legal += 1>>
<<set $event1 = "improvGood">>
<<set $stats.money -= 100>>
<<set $stats.legal -= 2>>
<<set $event1 = "improvBad">>
<<goto "event1">>
<</link>> (Roll d20 against your [L] - <<= $stats.legal * 5>>% chance)
<<case "michelle">>
Michelle's expertise proves invaluable. The meeting goes smoothly, and you secure a favorable deal. Angie Bianchi also appears.
<<set $event1 = "none">>
<br> <br>
As the ink dries on the newly-signed contract, Michelle shoots you a sultry look. "I think this calls for a celebration, don't you?" she purrs. Before you can respond, she's on her knees, joined by Angie and the other women. Your pants hit the floor as five eager mouths descend on your rapidly hardening cock.
<br> <br>
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/events/event1michelle.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
Michelle takes the lead, her skilled tongue swirling around your sensitive head while Angie and another blonde take turns licking up and down your shaft. The other two focus their attention on your heavy balls, gently sucking and lapping at the sensitive skin. You groan deeply, overwhelmed by the multiple sensations assaulting your most intimate areas.
<br> <br>
The women work in perfect sync, trading places and techniques to keep you on edge. Angie deep throats you while Michelle suckles your balls. Then they switch, Michelle's tight throat constricting around you as Angie focuses on teasing your frenulum. The other three pepper your thighs and lower abdomen with kisses and love bites.
<br> <br>
Saliva drips down your shaft as the women slurp and gag on your meat. The office is filled with obscene wet sounds and muffled moans of pleasure. You look down to see five pairs of lust-filled eyes staring back at you, mascara starting to run from the intensity of their oral worship.
<br> <br>
"Fuck, I'm close," you pant, legs trembling. The women redouble their efforts, determined to milk every drop from you. Michelle takes you deep one last time, nose pressed against your pelvis as she swallows around you. That pushes you over the edge and you explode with a roar.
<br> <br>
Michelle pulls back, letting your spurting cock paint the faces of all five women. They moan and giggle as they're splashed with your hot seed, some greedily licking it up. As your orgasm subsides, they clean you with gentle kitten licks before tucking you away. "Now that's how you seal a deal," Michelle says with a wink, cum still glistening on her cheek. You couldn't agree more.
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Hub]]
<<set $gallery.MichelleHelpDeal = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>
<<case "consultant">>
The consultant's fresh perspective impresses your business partners. The deal is successful.
<<set $event1 = "none">>
<br> <br>
The deal is sealed, paperwork signed. You lean back in your chair with a satisfied sigh as the consultant lawyer gathers her things. She pauses, a coy smile playing on her lips. "You know," she purrs, sauntering around your desk, "I think this calls for a special celebration." Before you can respond, she's on her knees, deftly unzipping your fly.
<br> <br>
Your breath catches as she frees your rapidly hardening cock, her manicured hand wrapping around the base. She looks up at you through long lashes, maintaining eye contact as she slowly licks a stripe from root to tip. A groan escapes you as she takes you into her warm, wet mouth, cheeks hollowing as she sucks.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/events/event1consultant.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
The lawyer bobs her head, taking you deeper with each pass. Her tongue swirls around your shaft, teasing the sensitive underside. You thread your fingers through her hair, guiding her movements as she worships your cock. The wet sounds of her enthusiastic sucking fill the office.
<br> <br>
Just as you feel yourself approaching the edge, she pulls off with a pop. "I want you inside me," she demands, standing and hiking up her pencil skirt. She bends over your desk, looking back at you invitingly. You waste no time, rising to position yourself behind her.
<br> <br>
With one swift thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt in her tight, wet heat. She cries out in pleasure, pushing back against you. You grab her hips, setting a punishing pace as you pound into her willing body. The desk creaks beneath you, pens and papers scattering to the floor.
<br> <br>
Your release builds quickly, balls tightening as you approach climax. The lawyer's inner walls clench around you as she nears her own peak. With a final, deep thrust, you explode inside her, filling her with your seed as she comes undone beneath you. You both collapse onto the desk, panting heavily. "Now that," she says breathlessly, "is how you close a deal."
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Hub]]
<<set $gallery.DealConsultant = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>
<<case "yourself">>
Your business acumen shines through. The partners are impressed, and you close the deal handily.
<<set $event1 = "none">>
<br> <br>
<<case "improvGood">>
Your quick thinking pays off. Despite some close calls, you manage to seal the deal.
<<set $event1 = "none">>
<br> <br>
<<case "improvBad">>
Your improvisation backfires. The partners see through your bluff, and the deal falls apart.
<<set $event1 = "none">>
<br> <br>
<</switch>><<switch $event2>>
<<case "none">>
A group of rival gangsters has called for a meet. This could be an opportunity... or a trap. <br><br>
1. <<if $sympathy.tony > 0>>
<<link "Bring Tony 'Spike' Ricci for backup">>
<<set $stats.crime += 2>>
<<set $event2 = "tony">>
<<goto "event2">>
==Bring Tony "Spike" Ricci for backup==
<</if>> (Requires Tony's sympathy > 0) [Sex scene ahead!] <br>
2. <<if $stats.crime >= 13>>
<<link "Bring your own crew">>
<<set $stats.crime += 1>>
<<set $event2 = "crew">>
<<goto "event2">>
==Bring your own crew==
<</if>> (Requires 13 [C]) [Sex scene ahead!] <br>
3. <<link "Show weakness">>
<<set $stats.crime -= 4>>
<<set $event2 = "weak">>
<<goto "event2">>
<</link>> <br>
4. <<if $stats.money >= 200>>
<<link "Pay them off">>
<<set $stats.crime -= 1>>
<<set $stats.money -= 200>>
<<set $event2 = "pay">>
<<goto "event2">>
==Pay them off==
<</if>> (Requires $200) <br>
<<case "tony">>
Tony's reputation precedes him. The meeting turns tense, but his presence ensures respect.
<<set $event2 = "none">>
<br> <br>
In the end, the other side throws a banquet, and you and Tony spitroast one of their assistants behind their backs.
You straddle the pale, redhead assistant as she lays on the bed, spreading her milky thighs to reveal a neatly trimmed pussy, the lips already glistening with anticipation. Licking your lips, you guide the swollen head of your cock to her entrance, teasing it along her slit before thrusting deep inside her hot, tight folds with a groan.
"Ohh fuck yeah, take that cock," you grunt, grabbing her hips and starting to pump into her steadily, your heavy balls slapping against her ass with each stroke. She can only moan in response, writhing beneath you as Tony steps up, a massive bulge tenting his slacks.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/events/event2tony.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
Fishing out his thick Italian sausage, Tony smacks it against her face, chuckling darkly. "Open wide, slut. Daddy's got a treat for you." Obediently, she parts her cock-sucking lips, allowing him to shove his meaty shaft straight down her throat. He grips her hair and starts facefucking her hard, making her gag and drool around his cock.
You and Tony find a rhythm, spitroasting the moaning fucktoy between you, using her holes for your pleasure. Her pussy clenches around you, the vibrations of her moans and slurps around Tony's dick driving you wild. "Shit, this whore loves cock," you pant, increasing your pace, really drilling her cunt now.
Tony growls his agreement, shoving his dick balls deep and holding her there, cutting off her air as tears leak from her eyes. "Dumb skank's just a set of holes to fuck. C'mon boss, breed this bitch!"
Unable to hold back any longer, you slam into her harder than ever, cock throbbing inside her pussy. With a deep, animalistic groan, you flood her insides with your hot seed, pumping her full of your thick, potent babies batter. Above, Tony roars, yanking out to hose her face down with ropes of jizz, painting her like a Jackson Pollock.
Pulling out, you smirk down at the cum-drunk slut. What a picture - glazed eyes rolled back, tongue out, holes leaking spunk. The perfect end to a productive meeting. Lighting up a cigar, you and Tony clink glasses. "To a successful new partnership," you toast as the fucked senseless toy's pussy oozes your load onto the sheets.
<br> <br>
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Hub]]
<<set $gallery.TonySpitroast = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>
<<case "crew">>
Your crew's show of force makes an impression. The rivals back down. You and your men gangbang a girlfriend of one of the rival party's mobsters.
<<set $event2 = "none">>
<br> <br>
The rival's girlfriend screams in ecstasy as you and your men use her holes roughly. Her makeup is smeared, hair disheveled as she's passed between you like a toy. "Take it, you filthy slut!" one of your guys growls, ramming into her ass while another pounds her throat.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/events/event2crew.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
You grab a fistful of her hair, yanking her head back. "This is what happens when you mess with us," you snarl, spitting in her face before shoving your cock past her lips. She gags and chokes but takes it eagerly, tears streaming down her cheeks.
After thoroughly using her mouth, you pull out and slap her face with your wet dick. "Clean my shoes, whore," you command. She obediently licks the cum and spit off your expensive leather shoes as the others continue to roughly fuck her holes.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum!" one of your men announces. You all pull out, stroking yourselves as you surround her. Thick ropes of cum paint her face and tits as she moans like a bitch in heat. "More, please, use me more!" she begs shamelessly.
You flip her over, shoving her face into the puddle of fluids on the desk as you ram into her abused pussy. The others take turns slapping her ass and tits, leaving red handprints. She screams and babbles incoherently, cumming over and over.
Finally spent, you pull out and admire your handiwork. The once-prim office girl is now a mess of cum and bruises, panting and twitching. "Send the video to her boyfriend," you order with a smirk. "Let him know the price of crossing us."
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Hub]]
<<set $gallery.GangbangRivalGF = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>
<<case "weak">>
The rivals sense your vulnerability and take advantage. Your influence diminishes.
<<set $event2 = "none">>
<br> <br>
<<case "pay">>
Money talks. The rivals accept your payment, but your reputation takes a hit.
<<set $event2 = "none">>
<br> <br>
<</switch>><<switch $event3>>
<<case "none">>
There's a scandal at your underground porn studio. An actor broke his leg due to the cameraman's negligence. <br><br>
1. <<link "Beat the shit out of the cameraman">>
<<set $stats.pigs -= 2>>
<<set $stats.illegal -= 1>>
<<set $event3 = "punish">>
<<goto "event3">>
<</link>> <br>
2. <<link "Deduct compensation from the cameraman's pay">>
<<set $stats.illegal += 2>>
<<set $stats.risk += 1>>
<<set $event3 = "deduct">>
<<goto "event3">>
<</link>> <br>
3. <<if $stats.money >= 175>>
<<link "Pay for it yourself">>
<<set $stats.money -= 175>>
<<set $stats.illegal += 1>>
<<set $event3 = "pay">>
<<goto "event3">>
==Pay for it yourself==
<</if>> (Requires $175) <br>
4. <<if $stats.illegal >= 12>>
<<link "Step in as the replacement actor">>
<<set $stats.money += 50>>
<<set $stats.illegal += 1>>
<<set $event3 = "replace">>
<<goto "event3">>
==Step in as the replacement actor==
<</if>> (Requires 12 [I]) <br>
<<case "punish">>
The cameraman learns his lesson the hard way. Your crew gets the message about workplace safety.
<<set $event3 = "none">>
<br> <br>
<<case "deduct">>
A fair solution. The cameraman will be more careful next time, knowing his mistakes cost him.
<<set $event3 = "none">>
<br> <br>
<<case "pay">>
Taking responsibility keeps operations smooth. The actor appreciates your gesture.
<<set $event3 = "none">>
<br> <br>
<<case "replace">>
Your unexpected solution saves the day. The crew's respect for you grows.
<<set $event3 = "none">>
<br> <br>
The set lights beat down as you take your position behind the stunning actress. Her olive skin glistens with a light sheen of sweat, long dark hair cascading down her back. You admire the curve of her spine, the swell of her hips. The director calls action and you begin.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/events/event3replace.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
Gripping her waist, you ease into her slowly at first, savoring the tight, wet heat enveloping you. She lets out a throaty moan, pushing back to take you deeper. Finding your rhythm, you start to move with more urgency, skin slapping together loudly.
The camera circles, capturing every angle as you pound into her relentlessly. Her cries of pleasure echo through the studio, spurring you on. You tangle a hand in her silky locks, tugging gently as you rail her from behind. The actress arches her back beautifully, putting on a show for the lens.
Sweat drips down your chest as you maintain the punishing pace. The woman beneath you trembles, nearing her peak. You can feel your own release building, that familiar tightening in your core. But you hold back - the money shot isn't for a while yet.
"Cut!" the director yells. You slow your thrusts as the crew rushes in, touching up makeup and adjusting lighting. The actress looks over her shoulder at you, pupils blown wide with lust. "Ready for round two?" she purrs. You nod eagerly, already addicted to the feeling of her.
As soon as "Action!" is called again, you're back at it with renewed vigor. The force of your thrusts rocks her body, breasts swaying enticingly. You lose yourself in the primal rhythm, forgetting the cameras as pleasure overtakes you both. Who knew being a substitute actor could be so rewarding?
<br> <br>
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Hub]]
<<set $gallery.PornStudioReplacement = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>
<</switch>>Breaking news on the radio: A new police chief has been appointed in the city. Your associates are uneasy, as this could make dealings with the police more dangerous. The influence of your corrupt cops is waning.
<<set $statuses.newPoliceChief = true>>
<<set $cooldowns.newPoliceChief = 6>>
The "New Police Chief" status has been applied for 6 months. This will reduce your [P] by 1 each month.<br><br>
1. [[Alright|Hub]] <br>
2. <<if $stats.crime > 11>>[[Take care of him|Hub][$statuses.newPoliceChief = false; $cooldowns.newPoliceChief = 0; $stats.pigs -= 3]]<<else>>==Take care of him==<</if>> (Requires 12 [C]) <br>
3. <<if $stats.legal > 14>>[[Lay low|Hub][$statuses.newPoliceChief = false; $cooldowns.newPoliceChief = 0]]<<else>>==Lay low==<</if>> (Requires 15 [L]) <br>
4. <<if $stats.money > 399>>[[Bribe him|Hub][$statuses.newPoliceChief = false; $cooldowns.newPoliceChief = 0; $stats.money -= 400]]<<else>>==Bribe him==<</if>> (Requires $400)<<widget "debtCheck">>
<<if $statuses.inDebt and $cooldowns.debt == 0>>
<<set $debt += Math.round(Math.round($debt * 0.25) / 10) * 10>>
<<if $stats.money >= $debt>>
<<set $stats.money -= $debt>>
<<set $statuses.inDebt = false>>
<<set $debt = 0>>
<<set $stats.money = 0>>
<<set $gameOver = true>>
<<if $stats.money < 0>>
<<set $debt += (-1) * $stats.money>>
<<set $statuses.inDebt = true>>
<<set $cooldowns.debt += 3>>
<<set $stats.money = 0>>
<<if $stats.pigs > 19>>
The police presence has become overwhelming. Your influence over law enforcement grew too obvious, attracting federal attention. In a massive raid coordinated by the FBI, your operations were shut down.<br><br>
<<elseif $stats.pigs < 1>>
With no control over law enforcement, your empire was defenseless. The police swooped in, dismantling your organization piece by piece. Your family's influence has been permanently destroyed.<br><br>
<<elseif $stats.legal > 19>>
Your legitimate businesses grew too large too fast. The SEC launched an investigation, uncovering the web of money laundering and fraud.<br><br>
<<elseif $stats.legal < 1>>
Without any legitimate cover for your operations, your criminal empire collapsed like a house of cards.<br><br>
<<elseif $stats.illegal > 19>>
Your illegal operations became too conspicuous. The DEA had been watching, and they finally had enough evidence to move in.<br><br>
<<elseif $stats.illegal < 1>>
Your criminal empire's foundation crumbled. Without illegal income, you couldn't maintain power.<br><br>
<<elseif $stats.crime > 19>>
Your reputation in the criminal world grew too intimidating. Rival gangs united against you in a bloody war.<br><br>
<<elseif $stats.crime < 1>>
You lost all respect in the criminal world. Your own lieutenants turned against you.<br><br>
<<elseif $stats.risk >= 10>>
You played it too dangerous. Your luck finally ran out.<br><br>
Unable to pay your debts, your creditors came to collect - permanently.<br><br>
<<if $family.monthsAlive >= $family.bestPersonalScore>>
<<set $bestName = "$family.currentPersonal" + " $family.currentName">>
<<if $family.monthsBloodline >= $family.bestFamilyScore>>
<<set $bestFamily = "$family.currentName">>
<<if not $statuses.hasChild && ($stats.pigs < 1 || $stats.legal < 1 || $stats.illegal < 1 || $stats.crime < 1 || $statuses.lastOfLine)>>
Your family's criminal empire has been completely destroyed. There is no one left to take over.<br><br>
[[Start New Family|CharacterCreation]]
<<set $family = {
currentName: "Montana",
currentPersonal: "Tony",
monthsBloodline: 0,
monthsAlive: 0,
bestPersonalScore: 0,
bestFamilyScore: 0
<<set _relatives = ["cousin", "brother", "son", "uncle"]>>
<<if $statuses.hasChild>><<set _relative = "son">><<else>><<set _relative = _relatives.random()>><</if>>
Your <<= _relative>>, <<set _names = ["Tony", "Vinny", "Jackie", "Johnny", "Jonathan", "Vincent", "Bob", "Brad", "Chad", "Sonny", "Kyle", "Anthony", "Caleb", "Jack", "Manny", "Fred", "Giovanni", "Gregory", "Harrison", "Mike", "Mikey", "Angelo", "Ricky", "Salvatore", "Tommy", "Frankie", "Nico", "Carlos", "Luis", "Raul", "Diego", "Pedro", "Joey", "Marco", "Sergio", "Paulie", "Eddie", "Ray", "Bobby", "Richie", "Jimmy", "Alonzo", "Alejandro", "Julio", "Ramon", "Hector", "Lorenzo", "Bruno", "Leo", "Mario", "Enzo", "Vito", "Pablo", "Ivan", "Emilio", "Tito", "Santos", "Martin", "Samuel", "Rafael", "Victor", "Cesar", "Nick"]>><<set _newBoss = _names.random()>><<= _newBoss>> <<= $family.currentName>>, is ready to take over.<br><br>
Or you may enter a different name:
<<textbox "$family.currentPersonal" _newBoss>><br>
<<link "Continue with this name">>
<<set $family.monthsAlive = 0>>
<<set $favor = {
maria: 0,
emmy: 0,
carla: 0,
tony: 0,
veronika: 0,
nikki: 0,
jackie: 0,
nia: 0,
michelle: 0,
val: 0,
angela: 0,
vic: 0,
<<set $cooldowns = {
raiseCrime: 0,
raiseBusiness: 0,
paperScam: 0,
haitianDeal: 0,
bribeCops: 0,
gangWar: 0,
event: 2,
debt: 0,
newPoliceChief: 0,
swapIL: 0,
guards: 0,
cartelWars: 0,
fbiFraud: 0,
<<set $stats.legal = 10>>
<<set $stats.pigs = 10>>
<<set $stats.crime = 10>>
<<set $stats.illegal = 10>>
<<set $stats.risk = 0>>
<<set $statuses.married = false>>
<<set $statuses.hasChild = false>>
<<set $statuses.lastOfLine = false>>
<<set $statuses.worldIsYours = false>>
<<set $statuses.investScarface = false>>
<<set $NPC1 = {
name: "none",
driving: 0,
shooting: 0,
fighting: 0,
authority: 0,
<<set $NPC2 = {
name: "none",
driving: 0,
shooting: 0,
fighting: 0,
authority: 0,
<<set $NPC3 = {
name: "none",
driving: 0,
shooting: 0,
fighting: 0,
authority: 0,
<<set $NPC4 = {
name: "none",
driving: 0,
shooting: 0,
fighting: 0,
authority: 0,
<<set $NPC = {
gen: true,
<<set $train = {
npc1: { fighting: false, driving: false, shooting: false, authority: false },
npc2: { fighting: false, driving: false, shooting: false, authority: false },
npc3: { fighting: false, driving: false, shooting: false, authority: false },
npc4: { fighting: false, driving: false, shooting: false, authority: false },
anything: 0,
<<set $crewJob = 0>>
<<set $sympathy = {
maria: 0,
emmy: 0,
carla: 0,
tony: 0,
veronika: 0,
nikki: 0,
jackie: 0,
nia: 0,
michelle: 0,
val: 0,
angela: 0,
vic: 0,
<<if $statuses.inDebt>>
<<set $cooldowns.debt = 12>>
<<set $statuses.inDebt = false>>
<<set $debt = 0>>
<<set $gameOver = false>>
<<goto "Start">>
<<if $statuses.inDebt || $debt > 0>>
The new boss inherits a debt of $<<= $debt>>, due in 12 months.<br>
<<set $family.monthsAlive = 0>><<nobr>>
''From 1980''<br>
<<if !$statuses.inDebt>>
<<link "Take a loan">>
<<set $stats.money += 750>>
<<set $stats.legal -= 2>>
<<set $statuses.inDebt = true>>
<<set $debt = 750>>
<<set $cooldowns.debt = 6>>
<<goto "Hub">>
==Take a loan== (you're already in debt!)
($750, 6 months, 0% interest if you pay early, 25% interest if you don't)
''From 1981''<br>
<<if !$statuses.inDebt && $stats.crime < 12 && $date.year > 1980>>
<<link "Borrow from gangsters">>
<<set $stats.money += 1000>>
<<set $stats.risk += 1>>
<<set $statuses.inDebt = true>>
<<set $debt = 1000>>
<<set $cooldowns.debt = 12>>
<<goto "Hub">>
<<else>>==Borrow from gangsters==
($1000, 12 months, 0% interest if you pay early, 25% interest if you don't, +1 [R], your [C] must be at 12 or lower)
''From 1980'' <br>
<<if $family.monthsBloodline >= 8 && $cooldowns.bribeCops <= 0 && $stats.money >= 300>>
<<link "Bribe cops">>
<<set $stats.money -= 300>>
<<set $stats.pigs += 2>>
<<set $cooldowns.bribeCops = 8>>
<<goto "Hub">>
==Bribe cops==
($300, +2 [P], once every 8 months (<<if $cooldowns.bribeCops < 0>>0<<else>><<= $cooldowns.bribeCops>><</if>> left), only when your Family Bloodline is at least 8 months old)
<<if !$statuses.inDebt && $cooldowns.raiseCrime <= 0>>
<<link "Boost Criminal World">>
<<set $stats.crime += 2>>
<<set $statuses.inDebt = true>>
<<set $debt = 200>>
<<set $cooldowns.raiseCrime = 8>>
<<set $cooldowns.debt = 8>>
<<goto "Hub">>
==Boost Criminal World==
(+2 [C], $200 in debt for 8 months (<<if $cooldowns.raiseCrime < 0>>0<<else>><<= $cooldowns.raiseCrime>><</if>> left), "In Debt" status, once every 8 months)
<<if $cooldowns.raiseBusiness <= 0 && $stats.money >= 225>>
<<link "Boost Legal Business">>
<<set $stats.legal += 2>>
<<set $stats.money -= 225>>
<<set $cooldowns.raiseBusiness = 4>>
<<goto "Hub">>
==Boost Legal Business==
($225, +2 [L], once every 4 months (<<if $cooldowns.raiseBusiness < 0>>0<<else>><<= $cooldowns.raiseBusiness>><</if>> left))
''From 1981'' <br>
<<if $cooldowns.swapIL <= 0 && $date.year > 1980 && $stats.money >= 250>>
<<link "Swap Legal Business with Illegal Business">>
<<set _i = $stats.illegal>>
<<set _l = $stats.legal>>
<<set $stats.illegal = _l>>
<<set $stats.legal = _i>>
<<set $stats.money -= 250>>
<<set $cooldowns.swapIL = 10>>
<<goto "Hub">>
==Swap Legal Business with Illegal Business==
($250, once every 10 months(<<if $cooldowns.swapIL < 0>>0<<else>><<= $cooldowns.swapIL>><</if>> left))
<<if $date.year > 1980 && $stats.money >= 300>>
<<link "Lay low">>
<<set $stats.illegal -= 3>>
<<set $stats.legal -= 3>>
<<set $stats.crime -= 3>>
<<set $stats.pigs -= 3>>
<<set $stats.money -= 300>>
<<set $stats.risk += 1>>
<<goto "Hub">>
==Law low==
($300, no cooldown, ''reduces'' your [CLIP] by 3 and ''increases'' [R] by 1)
''From 1980'' <br>
<<if $cooldowns.paperScam <= 0>>
<<link "Paper scam">>
<<set $stats.pigs -= 4>>
<<set $stats.money += 300>>
<<set $cooldowns.paperScam = 6>>
<<goto "Hub">>
==Paper scam==
(-4 [P], +$300, once every 6 months(<<if $cooldowns.paperScam < 0>>0<<else>><<= $cooldowns.paperScam>><</if>> left))
<<if $stats.money >= $barPrice and $facilities.bars < 5>>
<<link "Open a bar">>
<<set $facilities.bars += 1>>
<<set $stats.money -= $barPrice>>
<<set $barPrice += 100>>
<<goto "Actions">>
==Open a bar==
<</if>> (Have $facilities.bars bars opened, generating $<<= 10 * $facilities.bars>> per month)
($<<= $barPrice>>, each generates $10 per month; Can have up to 5) [Family upgrade]
''From 1981'' <br>
<<if $cooldowns.haitianDeal <= 0 && $date.year > 1980>>
<<link "Do business with Cubans and Haitians">>
<<set $stats.illegal -= 3>>
<<set $stats.crime -= 2>>
<<set $stats.money += either(250, 350, 400, 600)>>
<<set $cooldowns.haitianDeal = 10>>
<<goto "Hub">>
==Do business with Cubans and Haitians==
(-3 [I], -2 [C], [+$250/+$350/+$400/+$600], once every 10 months(<<if $cooldowns.haitianDeal < 0>>0<<else>><<= $cooldowns.haitianDeal>><</if>> left))
<<if $stats.money >= $drugDenPrice and $facilities.drugDens < 3 and $date.year > 1980>>
<<link "Open a drug den">>
<<set $facilities.drugDens += 1>>
<<set $stats.money -= $drugDenPrice>>
<<set $drugDenPrice += 150>>
<<goto "Actions">>
==Open drug den==
<</if>> (Have $facilities.drugDens drug dens opened, generating $<<= 15 * $facilities.drugDens>> per month)
($<<= $drugDenPrice>>, each generates $15 per month; Can have up to 3) [Family upgrade]
''From 1983'' <br>
<<if $stats.money >= $pornStudioPrice and $facilities.pornStudios < 2 and $date.year > 1982>>
<<link "Open a porn studio">>
<<set $facilities.pornStudios += 1>>
<<set $stats.money -= $pornStudioPrice>>
<<set $pornStudioPrice += 200>>
<<goto "Actions">>
==Open a porn studio==
<</if>> (Have $facilities.pornStudios porn studios opened, generating $<<= 20 * $facilities.pornStudios>> per month)
($<<= $pornStudioPrice>>, each generates $20 per month; Can have up to 2) [Family upgrade]
<<if $date.year > 1982 and $stats.money > 499 and $date.month < 31 and $statuses.investScarface == false>>
<<link "Invest in a movie 'Scarface'">>
<<set $statuses.investScarface = true>>
<<set $stats.money -= 500>>
<<goto "Actions">>
==Invest in a movie 'Scarface'==
<</if>> (Invest $500 before July, get $1000 in January 1984)
''From 1981'' <br>
<<if $upgrades.guards != true && $stats.money >= 450 && $date.year > 1980>>
<<link "Hire guards for your mansion">>
<<set $stats.pigs -= 2>>
<<set $stats.money -= 450>>
<<set $stats.risk -= 1>>
<<set $cooldowns.guards = 3>>
<<set $upgrades.guards = true>>
<<goto "Hub">>
==Hire guards for your mansion==
($450, -2 [P], -1 [R] right now and -1 [R] every 3 months with a 50%-chance) [Family upgrade]
<<if $upgrades.counselor != true && $stats.money >= 500 && $date.year > 1980>>
<<link "Hire a counselor">>
<<set $stats.money -= 500>>
<<set $upgrades.counselor = true>>
<<goto "Hub">>
==Hire a counselor==
($500, allows you to pay $100 to see the consequences of both decisions you're presented with at the start of every month) [Family upgrade]
''From 1984'' <br>
<<if $upgrades.CCTV != true && $stats.money >= 450 && $date.year > 1983>>
<<link "Install CCTV in your mansion">>
<<set $stats.money -= 450>>
<<set $stats.risk -= 2>>
<<set $cooldowns.CCTV = 6>>
<<set $upgrades.CCTV = true>>
<<goto "Hub">>
==Install CCTV in your mansion==
($450, -2 [R] right now and -1 [R] every 6 months with a 75%-chance) [Family upgrade]
<div class="characters">
<div class="character">
<<link [img[media/characters/maria/icon.png][Maria]]>><</link>>
<div class="character">
<<link [img[media/characters/emmy/icon.png][Emmy]]>><</link>>
<div class="character">
<<link [img[media/characters/jackie/icon.png][Jackie]]>><</link>>
<div class="character">
<<link [img[media/characters/michelle/icon.png][Michelle]]>><</link>>
<div class="character">
<<link [img[media/characters/tony/icon.png][Tony]]>><</link>>
<div class="character">
<<link [img[media/characters/nia/icon.png][Nia]]>><</link>>
<div class="character">
<<link [img[media/characters/nikki/icon.png][Nikki]]>><</link>>
<div class="character">
<<link [img[media/characters/veronika/icon.png][Veronika]]>><</link>>
<div class="character">
<<link [img[media/characters/carla/icon.png][Carla]]>><</link>>
<div class="character">
<<link [img[media/characters/valentina/icon.png][Valentina]]>><</link>>
<div class="character">
<<link [img[media/characters/angela/icon.png][Angela]]>><</link>>
<div class="character">
<<link [img[media/characters/victor/icon.png][Victor]]>><</link>>
<div class="text125">[[Back|Hub]]</div>Choose your name and family name. These will be the foundation of your criminal empire.<br><br>
<<set _name = either("Tony", "Vinny", "Jackie", "Johnny", "Jonathan", "Vincent", "Bob", "Brad", "Chad", "Sonny", "Kyle", "Anthony", "Caleb", "Jack", "Manny", "Fred", "Giovanni", "Gregory", "Harrison", "Mike", "Mikey", "Angelo", "Ricky", "Salvatore", "Tommy", "Frankie", "Nico", "Carlos", "Luis", "Raul", "Diego", "Pedro", "Joey", "Marco", "Sergio", "Paulie", "Eddie", "Ray", "Bobby", "Richie", "Jimmy", "Alonzo", "Alejandro", "Julio", "Ramon", "Hector", "Lorenzo", "Bruno", "Leo", "Mario", "Enzo", "Vito", "Pablo", "Ivan", "Emilio", "Tito", "Santos", "Martin", "Samuel", "Rafael", "Victor", "Cesar", "Nick")>>
<<set _family = either("DeLuca", "Moretti", "Romano", "Castellano", "Ricci", "Marino", "Lombardi", "Esposito", "Greco", "Gallo", "Santoro", "Rizzo", "Mancini", "Carbone", "Rossi", "Garcia", "Martinez", "Lopez", "Hernandez", "Rodriguez", "Perez", "Fernandez", "Gonzalez", "Diaz", "Sanchez", "Ortega", "Morales", "Rivera", "Cruz", "Torres", "Suarez", "Castillo", "Delgado", "Medina", "Jimenez", "Alvarez", "Silva", "Santiago", "Reyes", "Pacheco", "Navarro", "Cabrera", "Vasquez", "Guzman", "Ortiz", "Batista", "Montoya", "Valencia", "Russo", "Vitale", "Bianco", "Fiore", "Leone", "D'Angelo", "Barone", "Conti", "Ferraro", "Messina", "DiMarco", "Bellini", "Caruso", "Palumbo", "DeSantis")>>
First name: <<textbox "$family.currentPersonal" _name>><br>
Family name: <<textbox "$family.currentName" _family>><br>[[Refresh random|CharacterCreation]]<br><br>
<<link "Start">>
<<set $cooldowns = {
raiseCrime: 0,
raiseBusiness: 0,
paperScam: 0,
haitianDeal: 0,
bribeCops: 0,
gangWar: 0,
event: 2,
debt: 0,
newPoliceChief: 0,
swapIL: 0,
guards: 0,
cartelWars: 0,
fbiFraud: 0,
CCTV: 0,
<<set $family.monthsBloodline = 0>>
<<set $family.monthsAlive = 0>>
<<set $stats = {
legal: 10,
pigs: 10,
crime: 10,
illegal: 10,
risk: 0,
money: 400
<<set $statuses = {
inDebt: false,
married: false,
hasChild: false,
lastOfLine: false,
worldIsYours: false,
newPoliceChief: false,
newbie: true,
cartelWars: false,
fbiFraud: false,
investScarface: false,
<<set $sympathy = {
maria: 0,
emmy: 0,
carla: 0,
tony: 0,
veronika: 0,
nikki: 0,
jackie: 0,
nia: 0,
michelle: 0,
val: 0,
angela: 0,
vic: 0,
<<set $favor = {
maria: 0,
emmy: 0,
carla: 0,
tony: 0,
veronika: 0,
nikki: 0,
jackie: 0,
nia: 0,
michelle: 0,
val: 0,
angela: 0,
vic: 0,
<<set $debt = 0>>
<<set $facilities = {
pornStudios: 0,
drugDens: 0,
bars: 0,
<<set $barPrice = 100>>
<<set $drugDenPrice = 150>>
<<set $pornStudioPrice = 200>>
<<set $gameOver = false>>
<<set $upgrades = {
guards: false,
counselor: false,
CCTV: false,
<<set $NPC1 = {
name: "none",
driving: 0,
shooting: 0,
fighting: 0,
authority: 0,
<<set $NPC2 = {
name: "none",
driving: 0,
shooting: 0,
fighting: 0,
authority: 0,
<<set $NPC3 = {
name: "none",
driving: 0,
shooting: 0,
fighting: 0,
authority: 0,
<<set $NPC4 = {
name: "none",
driving: 0,
shooting: 0,
fighting: 0,
authority: 0,
<<set $NPC = {
gen: true,
<<set $train = {
npc1: { fighting: false, driving: false, shooting: false, authority: false },
npc2: { fighting: false, driving: false, shooting: false, authority: false },
npc3: { fighting: false, driving: false, shooting: false, authority: false },
npc4: { fighting: false, driving: false, shooting: false, authority: false },
anything: 0,
<<set $crewJob = 0>>
<<set $events = ['<<include "event1">>', '<<include "event2">>', '<<include "event3">>', '<<include "event4">>', '<<include "event5">>', '<<include "event6">>', '<<include "event7">>', '<<include "event8">>', '<<include "event9">>', '<<include "event10">>', '<<include "event11">>', '<<include "event12">>', '<<include "event13">>']>>
<<set $event_number = 0>>
<<set $events = $events.shuffle()>>
<<set $event1 = "none">>
<<set $event2 = "none">>
<<set $event3 = "none">>
<<set $event7 = "none">>
<<set $event8 = "none">>
<<set $event9 = "none">>
<<set $event10 = "none">>
<<set $event11 = "none">>
<<set $event12 = "none">>
<<set $event13 = "none">>
<<set $cards = ['<<include "card1">>', '<<include "card2">>', '<<include "card3">>', '<<include "card4">>', '<<include "card5">>', '<<include "card6">>', '<<include "card7">>', '<<include "card8">>', '<<include "card9">>', '<<include "card10">>', '<<include "card11">>', '<<include "card12">>', '<<include "card13">>', '<<include "card14">>', '<<include "card15">>', '<<include "card16">>', '<<include "card17">>', '<<include "card18">>', '<<include "card19">>', '<<include "card20">>', '<<include "card21">>', '<<include "card22">>', '<<include "card23">>', '<<include "card24">>', '<<include "card25">>', '<<include "card26">>', '<<include "card27">>', '<<include "card28">>', '<<include "card29">>', '<<include "card30">>', '<<include "card31">>', '<<include "card32">>', '<<include "card33">>', '<<include "card34">>', '<<include "card35">>', '<<include "card36">>', '<<include "card37">>', '<<include "card38">>', '<<include "card39">>', '<<include "card40">>', '<<include "card41">>', '<<include "card42">>', '<<include "card43">>', '<<include "card44">>', '<<include "card45">>', '<<include "card46">>', '<<include "card47">>', '<<include "card48">>', '<<include "card49">>', '<<include "card50">>', '<<include "card51">>', '<<include "card52">>', '<<include "card53">>', '<<include "card54">>']>>
<<set $card_number = 0>>
<<set $cards = $cards.shuffle()>>
<<set $showHeader = true>>
<<goto "Start">>
<</link>><<nobr>><<set $previous = {
pigs: $stats.pigs,
legal: $stats.legal,
illegal: $stats.illegal,
crime: $stats.crime,
money: $stats.money,
risk: $stats.risk,
<<if $stats.money < 0>><<set $statuses.inDebt = true>><<set $debt += ($stats.money * -1)>><<set $stats.money = 0>><</if>><</nobr>><br>
<div class="text125">Emmy Schultz, Brothel Manager
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.emmy>> (<<if $sympathy.emmy > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.emmy == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.emmy < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^
^^<<if $hub>><<if $sympathy.emmy > 0>>[[Ask for a favor|EmmyFavor]]<<else>>==Ask for a favor== (sympathy too low)<</if>> [[Have sex|EmmySex]]<<else>>==Ask for a favor== ==Have sex== (must enter hub first)<</if>>^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/emmy/portrait.png"></div>
Emmy runs a tight ship at the brothel and keeps the girls and johns in line. With her long blonde hair, endless legs, and icy blue eyes, she looks the part and uses her assets well. But there's a ruthless cunning behind that pretty face.
Schultz's rap sheet includes arrests for prostitution in the late 70s but nothing recent. As long as she keeps the money flowing and stays discreet, let her run the brothel her way.
<<if $hub>>[[Back|Characters]]<<else>><<back "Back">><</if>><br>
<div class="text125">Jackie Chan, Smuggler
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.jackie>> (<<if $sympathy.jackie > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.jackie == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.jackie < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^
^^<<if $hub>><<if $sympathy.jackie > 0>>[[Ask for a favor|JackieFavor]]<<else>>==Ask for a favor== (sympathy too low)<</if>> ==Have sex== (not in this version; no gay content planned)<<else>>==Ask for a favor== ==Have sex== (must enter hub first)<</if>>^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/jackie/portrait.png"></div>
Jackie Chan (no relation to the actor) is our main pipeline for heroin and other controlled substances from the Golden Triangle. Hong Kong native, based in Florida for the past decade. Average height, wiry build, leathery skin from years in the sun. Faded tattoos on his arms.
Chan moves product for the Triads but he's an independent with connections throughout Asia. Relies on Triad muscle and a network of Chinese and Vietnamese street gangs. Prefers the import/export business to direct distribution. Stick to business and don't ask about his personal life.
<<if $hub>>[[Back|Characters]]<<else>><<back "Back">><</if>><br>
<div class="text125">Maria Castillo, Accountant
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.maria>> (<<if $sympathy.maria > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.maria == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.maria < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^
^^<<if $hub>><<if $sympathy.maria > 0>>[[Ask for a favor|MariaFavor]]<<else>>==Ask for a favor== (sympathy too low)<</if>> [[Have sex|MariaSex]]<<else>>==Ask for a favor== ==Have sex== (must enter hub first)<</if>>^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/maria/portrait.png"></div>
Maria has been managing our legal finances for the past few years and keeps the books immaculate. Her half-Latina, half-white heritage helps her fit in with both the Anglo and Hispanic financial crowds. Petite, with chestnut brown hair and a sharp mind for numbers.
Background check reveals a finance degree from University of Miami and no criminal record. Castillo seems clean so far, but keep tabs on her and the accounts. Even the most loyal accountant can skim off the top if not watched closely.
<<if $hub>>[[Back|Characters]]<<else>><<back "Back">><</if>><br>
<div class="text125">Michelle Adams, Lawyer
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.michelle>> (<<if $sympathy.michelle > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.michelle == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.michelle < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^
^^<<if $hub>><<if $sympathy.michelle > 0>>[[Ask for a favor|MichelleFavor]]<<else>>==Ask for a favor== (sympathy too low)<</if>> [[Have sex|MichelleSex]]<<else>>==Ask for a favor== ==Have sex== (must enter hub first)<</if>>^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/michelle/portrait.png"></div>
Michelle is the woman to have on speed dial when one of our guys gets picked up. Pretty, petite, and as sharp as they come. Shoulder-length chocolate hair sometimes pulled back, inquisitive hazel eyes behind wire-rimmed glasses. Dresses professionally but with a twist to it, favoring white pantsuits with linen pink shirts.
Adams navigates the good ol' boy legal network with ease, exchanging coy smiles and calling in favors. Has an unnatural ability to make evidence disappear and charges dropped. Harvard educated but not from money - grew up scrappy. Still has a little of that street edge under the polish.
<<if $hub>>[[Back|Characters]]<<else>><<back "Back">><</if>><br>
<div class="text125">Tony "Spike" Ricci, Weapons Supplier
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.tony>> (<<if $sympathy.tony > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.tony == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.tony < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^
^^<<if $hub>><<if $sympathy.tony > 0>>[[Ask for a favor|SpikeFavor]]<<else>>==Ask for a favor== (sympathy too low)<</if>> ==Have sex== (not in this version; no gay content planned)<<else>>==Ask for a favor== ==Have sex== (must enter hub first)<</if>>^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/tony/portrait.png"></div>
Spike is our main artillery hookup, specializing in "misplaced" military hardware. Sicilian ancestry. Slick black hair, olive skin, broken nose from his amateur boxing days. Always packing serious heat but relies on his crew for muscle.
Ricci owns a small import/export business, which he uses to ship weapons in coffee and banana crates from South America. He's well-connected with the Miami mob but neutral enough to deal with other organizations. Hasn't let us down yet but watch him - his coke habit is getting expensive.
<<if $hub>>[[Back|Characters]]<<else>><<back "Back">><</if>><br>
<div class="text125">Victor "Vic" Borov, Port Supervisor
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.vic>> (<<if $sympathy.vic > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.vic == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.vic < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^
^^<<if $hub>><<if $sympathy.vic > 0>>[[Ask for a favor|VicFavor]]<<else>>==Ask for a favor==<</if>> ==Have sex== (not in this version; no gay content planned)<<else>>==Ask for a favor== ==Have sex== (must enter hub first)<</if>>^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/victor/portrait.png"></div>
Victor is a mid-level bureaucrat at the Port of Miami. Broad-shouldered, barrel-chested, with heavy brows and steel grey eyes. Crude prison tattoos on hands and forearms. Knows his way around the rougher side of the docks.
Borov was a rising star in the Soviet mob until he ran afoul of a superior. Fled to Miami and used his skills to worm his way into the port authority. Not above supplementing his income by looking the other way on certain shipments. Keep him happy and he'll make sure our containers move through customs without a hitch.
<<if $hub>>[[Back|Characters]]<<else>><<back "Back">><</if>><br>
<div class="text125">Carla Diaz, Undercover FBI Agent
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.carla>> (<<if $sympathy.carla > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.carla == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.carla < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^
^^<<if $hub>><<if $sympathy.carla > 0>>[[Ask for a favor|CarlaFavor]]<<else>>==Ask for a favor==<</if>> [[Have sex|CarlaSex]]<<else>>==Ask for a favor== ==Have sex== (must enter hub first)<</if>>^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/carla/portrait.png"></div>
Diaz is a long-term undercover agent originally from Southern California. Her Asian and Latina heritage lets her pass in a range of circles. Slim build, dark hair worn long. Trained in martial arts. Carries a knife and small pistol.
Recently assigned to infiltrate Miami criminal organizations. Currently works as a cocktail waitress at the Flamingo Lounge, frequented by our associates. No record but presumed to be well-versed in surveillance and counter-surveillance techniques. Beautiful but dangerous. Feed her carefully chosen tidbits but keep her away from the inner circle.
<<if $hub>>[[Back|Characters]]<<else>><<back "Back">><</if>><br>
<div class="text125">Veronika Green, Police Informant
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.veronika>> (<<if $sympathy.veronika > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.veronika == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.veronika < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^
^^<<if $hub>><<if $sympathy.veronika > 0>>[[Ask for a favor|VeronikaFavor]]<<else>>==Ask for a favor== (sympathy too low)<</if>> [[Have sex|VeronikaSex]]<<else>>==Ask for a favor== ==Have sex== (must enter hub first)<</if>>^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/veronika/portrait.png"></div>
Veronika is a civilian aid at the Miami PD, working in the narcotics division. Sometimes a spicy redhead, other times sultry dark locks - changes her hair color like most women change shoes. Generous curves, mischievous green eyes. Loves to party.
Green has expensive tastes and her police salary can't keep up. Started selling info to dealers under investigation, then upgraded to providing counter-surveillance. For the right price, she'll hand over unmarked evidence bags of coke and "lose" key documents. Feed her ego, keep her pockets full, and she'll be a valuable asset.
<<if $hub>>[[Back|Characters]]<<else>><<back "Back">><</if>><br>
<div class="text125">Nikki Jones, Nightclub Manager
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.nikki>> (<<if $sympathy.nikki > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.nikki == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.nikki < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^
^^==Ask for a favor== ==Have sex== (not in this version)^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/nikki/portrait.png"></div>
Nikki manages our downtown nightclub, The Red Flamingo. Tall, fit, with rich dark skin, high cheekbones, and a closely cropped natural. Dresses classy but not flashy. Keeps the drinks and music flowing while discretely managing "party favors" and high-stakes poker in the back room.
Jones doesn't use her own products but isn't above a little GHB in a pretty girl's drink to loosen inhibitions, with or without consent. Worked her way up from bartender to manager. Knows everyone worth knowing in the Miami club scene. Loyal so far but has her own ambitions. Keep her close but watch your back.
<<if $hub>>[[Back|Characters]]<<else>><<back "Back">><</if>><br>
<div class="text125">Nia Numato, Modeling Agency Owner
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.nia>> (<<if $sympathy.nia > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.nia == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.nia < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^
^^<<if $hub>><<if $sympathy.nia > 0>>[[Ask for a favor|NiaFavor]]<<else>>==Ask for a favor== (sympathy too low)<</if>> [[Have sex|NiaSex]]<<else>>==Ask for a favor== ==Have sex== (must enter hub first)<</if>>^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/nia/portrait.png"></div>
Nia owns Sunshine Modeling Agency, which is an open secret as a high-class escort service. Originally from Japan, she retains a slight accent. Slender build, elegant features, glossy dark hair. Reserved demeanor but eyes miss nothing.
Numato is scrupulous about her "models" - pretty, young, no track marks. She caters to the international business set, politicos, and other elite clientele looking for a long-legged companion for the evening or weekend. Sometimes hooks us up with compromising photos of high-value targets. Keeps her sessions drug-free - her product is beauty and she doesn't cut it.
<<if $hub>>[[Back|Characters]]<<else>><<back "Back">><</if>><br>
<div class="text125">Valentina "Val" Kovach, Casino Manager
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.val>> (<<if $sympathy.val > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.val == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.val < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^
^^<<if $hub>><<if $sympathy.val > 0>>[[Ask for a favor|ValFavor]]<<else>>==Ask for a favor== (sympathy too low)<</if>> [[Have sex|ValSex]]<<else>>==Ask for a favor== ==Have sex== (must enter hub first)<</if>>^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/valentina/portrait.png"></div>
Val runs our casino with an iron fist in a velvet glove. Statuesque, with curves men would kill for. Piercing eyes and a lush, red-lipped smile. Expensive tastes in vodka and furs - knows how to wrap men around her manicured finger.
Born in the USSR but fled to the US as a teen. Still has connections in the old country for smuggling and the odd bit of blackmail. Ambitions reach far beyond the casino and not above using her body to manipulate a lonely high roller. Keep her on a tight leash.
<<if $hub>>[[Back|Characters]]<<else>><<back "Back">><</if>><br>
<div class="text125">Angela "Angie" Bianchi, Journalist
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.angela>> (<<if $sympathy.angela > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.angela == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.angela < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^
^^<<if $hub>><<if $sympathy.angela > 0>>[[Ask for a favor|AngieFavor]]<<else>>==Ask for a favor== (sympathy too low)<</if>> [[Have sex|AngieSex]]<<else>>==Ask for a favor== ==Have sex== (must enter hub first)<</if>>^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/angela/portrait.png"></div>
Angie writes for The Miami Sun, mostly lifestyle and fashion, but is hungry for a big story to get her out of fluff pieces. Petite and pretty, with long, silky dark hair, big blue eyes, and porcelain skin. Favors pantsuits and expensive heels.
Rumored to have dated a Gambino hitman in NYC before moving down to Miami. Discretely using her feminine wiles and mob connections to go after the story behind the story. Asking a little too many questions about our business. Feed her some crumbs mixed with misdirection but shut her down if she digs too deep.
<<if $hub>>[[Back|Characters]]<<else>><<back "Back">><</if>><<if $hub>>[[Quicksave]]<<else>>Quicksave<</if>>
<a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>!Miami Crime
<div class="text125">Idea - ''Mercury''
Code - ''Mercury'', ''Cock Cocknovsky''
Text - ''Mercury'', ''Cock Cocknovsky''
Art - ''Cock Cocknovsky''
Music - ''Mercury''</div>
Maria Castillo, Accountant - ''Emily Willis''
Emmy Schultz, Brothel Manager - ''Nicole Aniston''
Michelle Adams, Lawyer - ''Riley Reid''
Nia Numato, Modeling Agency Owner - ''Rae Lil Black''
Nikki Jones, Club Manager - ''Kira Noir''
Veronika Green, Police Informant - ''Sweetie Fox''
Carla Diaz, Undercover FBI Agent - ''MewSlut''
Valentina "Val" Covach, Casino Manager - ''Valentina Nappi''
Angela "Angie" Bianchi - ''Lana Rhoades''
Jackie Chan, Smuggler - ''Asian Male (prompted to an AI)''
Tony "Spike" Ricci - ''Italian Male (prompted to an AI)''
Victor "Vic" Borov - ''Slavic Male (prompted to an AI)''
<<back "Back">><div style="text-align:center">
![[Epic Introduction|Intro]]
!![[Boring Introduction]]
<div class="text125" style="text-align:center">The game features various audio media, including a //banger// synth soundtrack and ==a silly== an epic introduction voiceover.
If you wish to play the game without those sounds, please choose the ''Boring introduction'', and later, when asked, toggle the music off.</div>In 80s Miami, crime bosses were dropping like flies.
<<timed 4s t8n>><br>No, I’m not exaggerating.<</timed>>
<<timed 6s t8n>><br>One, a big-eared Irishman who somehow found himself on this land, was taken out by his own people in the first year of his "reign."<</timed>>
<<timed 14s t8n>><br>Another, a heavyset Latino with unkempt mustache and a love for young girls, was shot dead during an arrest.<</timed>>
<<timed 21s t8n>><br>The ambitious flashy guy nicknamed Jizzy, whose parties were the stuff of legends?<</timed>> <<timed 26s t8n>>By the mid-80s, everyone had already forgotten the day when he was kidnapped from a nightclub by unknown assailants over unpaid debts<</timed>><<timed 34s t8n>>—his body was never found.<</timed>>
<<timed 37s t8n>><br>Bosses lost in casinos, crossed the wrong people,<</timed>> <<timed 41s t8n>>got caught by the feds, overdosed on their own product,<</timed>> <<timed 46s t8n>>were killed by jealous wives, were killed by jealous husbands, ended up as fish food…<</timed>>
<<timed 53s t8n>><br><br>In any case, crime bosses in 80s Miami were dropping like flies.<</timed>>
<<timed 59s t8n>><br><br><span id="a">How long would ''you'' last?</span><br><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/logo.png][Intro2]]>><</link>></div><br><br>
//Click on the picture to begin//
<<ScrollTo "a">><</timed>>
<<audio "intro" play>>In 80s Miami, crime bosses were dropping like flies.
No, I’m not exaggerating.
One, a big-eared Irishman who somehow found himself on this land, was taken out by his own people in the first year of his "reign."
Another, a heavyset Latino with unkempt mustache and a love for young girls, was shot dead during an arrest.
The ambitious flashy guy nicknamed Jizzy, whose parties were the stuff of legends? By the mid-80s, everyone had already forgotten the day when he was kidnapped from a nightclub by unknown assailants over unpaid debts—his body was never found.
Bosses lost in casinos, crossed the wrong people, got caught by the feds, overdosed on their own product, were killed by jealous wives, were killed by jealous husbands, ended up as fish food…
In any case, crime bosses in 80s Miami were dropping like flies.
How long would ''you'' last?
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/logo.png][Intro2]]>><</link>></div>
//Click on the picture to begin//<blockquote>''TLDR'': Keep your 4 Primary Stats ([C]rime World, [L]egal Business, [I]llegal Business, and [P]igs) above 0 but below 20. If [R]isk hits 10 or more, you die. But it's okay to die in this game. That's part of the fun.
[[Skip|SoundPreferences]] this wall of text (you can always find it in the side-bar section and read it; but don't blame me if you don't know what you're doing!)</blockquote>
''Miami Crime'' mixes strategy, simulation, and a semi-open-world text adventure into a unique and fun experience.
Your may have heard about this game for mobile called //Reigns// or perhaps you heard about my own game //Manreign// Well, it's kinda the same thing, but //on steroids//.
The core mechanic of ''Miami Crime'' is based off those projects. You have 4 ''Primary Stats'' (namely [C]rime World, [L]egal Business, [I]llegal Business, and [P]igs - [CLIP] for short; though I doubt I'll ever use this abbreviation ever again throughout the game.
Your main goal is to keep those ''Primary Stats'' ''above'' 0 and ''below'' 20.
You also have ''Secondary Stats'': [R]isk and [M]oney. [R]isk represents your danger level - if it hits 10 or more, you're dead. [M]oney is widely used in different aspects of the game, and it is good to always have a few spare bucks, just in case.
At the start of every new month, a character will approach you with a ''Situation'' to which you'll have to options to choose from. Each decision affects values of ''Primary'' and/or ''Secondary Stats''.
By default, you can't see exactly how each decision influences the outcome of a ''Situation'', but there are ways to get around it in the game (aside from just memorizing all the ''Situations'' I've written for you).
There are also ''Events'' that occur once every 3 months. Now, ''Events'' are different from ''Situations'', although they still influence the same ''Primary'' and ''Secondary Stats''. Typically an ''Event'' offers more than two solutions to it, and can either be a more complex ''Situation'', or a ''Status Effect''.
What's ''Status Effects''? Those, when applied, last for a certain amount of time and change the gameplay in one way or another (for example, the //New Chief of Police// status will decrease your [P] stat by 1 every month for half a year, unless you do something about it).
Also, each in-game character can either hate you, be neutral, or be your friend. The ''Sympathy'' values represent that. If you're friends with a character, you may ask them for a favor that will in one way or another help you on your crime journey.
There are also a bunch of upgrades you can buy and actions you can perform, like bribing police to boost your [P], for example. They all have their own requirements, one of which can be the current ''Date''.
Yes, ''Miami Crime'' is set in the 1980s, and you start your playthrough in January 1980. You may die a dozen times as you play, but the time doesn't stop. This means a few things:
1) Some of the upgrades/actions/ are locked until you reach a certain date;
2) Once you hit 1990, the game is over (but you can always start it again, multiple "New Game+" scenarios are planned exactly for this purpose).
List of all ''Statuses'' you may encounter in-game:
- "In Debt" status indicates you're in debt and triggers your death if you happen to not have the money + interest by the time the status wears off.
- "Married" status indicates having a wife. She herself might not have a good use, but she grants a 10%-chance to get "Has Child" status every month.
- "Has Child" status allows you to continue the family bloodline even if your death did not account for that.
- "Last of Line" status indicates you have no heirs, and unless you get "Has Child" status effect before your death, your family criminal legacy crushes with your death.
- "New Police Chief" status indicates a shift in power within walls of Miami PD, granting a -1 [P] every month until the status wears off.
- "Newbie" status is automatically applied to you if you don't have at least 8 months of your family history behind your back. It has a %50-chance to get you a -1 [C] every month until the status wears off (8 months or less in rare cases).
- "Cartel Wars" status indicates an instability of your illegal operations, granting a -2 [I] every month with a 50%-chance until the status wears off.
- "FBI Fraud Hunt" status indicates an open hunting season for federal agents seeking out financial frauds. Every value [L] above 10 grants 1 [R] every month until the status wears off.
- "Movie Investment" status indicates you've supported the production of the movie "Scarface" with money, and on January 1984 you'll get your money back plus your share.
Aaand I think that's it. You can always access this page from the side-bar to refresh some gameplay aspect in your memory.
Right now, I wish you and your criminal empire good luck. Because you'll need it.
<div class="text125">[[Begin|SoundPreferences]]</div><div class="text125" style="text-align:center">Do you wish to play the game with soundtrack on or off? ^^(You can always pause/mute/stop the playback during your playthrough!)^^
Right now the soundtrack is a playlist of 7 synth tracks written by Mercury, one of the game's creators. It's pretty awesome, if you ask him.
<<link "With Soundtrack">><<playlist "soundtrack" shuffle play volume 0.5>><<goto "Scenarios">><</link>>
<<link "Without Soundtrack">><<goto "Scenarios">><</link>></div><div class="text125">
<<link "Mute">><<playlist "soundtrack" volume 0>><</link>>
<<link "Volume 25%">><<playlist "soundtrack" volume 0.25>><</link>>
<<link "Volume 50% (default)">><<playlist "soundtrack" volume 0.50>><</link>>
<<link "Volume 75%">><<playlist "soundtrack" volume 0.75>><</link>>
<<link "Volume 100%">><<playlist "soundtrack" volume 1>><</link>>
<<link "Pause">><<playlist "soundtrack" pause>><</link>>
<<link "Stop">><<playlist "soundtrack" stop>><</link>>
<<link "Play">><<playlist "soundtrack" shuffle play volume 0.5>><</link>>
<<link "Shuffle and Play">><<playlist "soundtrack" shuffle play volume 0.5>><</link>>
<<back "Back">></div>!Scenarios
!!Choose a scenario to play
<div class="text125">1. [[Normal start|CharacterCreation]]</div>
Primary Stats at 10, $400, ''Newbie'' status active for 1 year
<div class="text125">2. ==The World Is Yours==</div>
(Not in this version) [C]riminal World locked at 15, ''In debt'' status with $500 of debt applies once every year until ''the scenario's questline'' is completed.
<div class="text125">3. ==A Sheep In Wolf's Clothing==</div>
(Not in this version) [P]igs locked at 15, [R]isk gets increased by 1 every 4 months until ''the scenario's questline'' is completed.
<div class="text125">4. ==??? ????? ???? ??==</div>
(Not in this version) ???? ??? ???? ? ?????? ??? ? ??? ???? ?!Tutorial
''Miami Crime'' mixes strategy, simulation, and a semi-open-world text adventure into a unique and fun experience.
Your may have heard about this game for mobile called //Reigns// or perhaps you heard about my own game //Manreign// Well, it's kinda the same thing, but //on steroids//.
The core mechanic of ''Miami Crime'' is based off those projects. You have 4 ''Primary Stats'' (namely [C]rime World, [L]egal Business, [I]llegal Business, and [P]igs - [CLIP] for short; though I doubt I'll ever use this abbreviation ever again throughout the game.
Your main goal is to keep those ''Primary Stats'' ''above'' 0 and ''below'' 20.
You also have ''Secondary Stats'': [R]isk and [M]oney. [R]isk represents your danger level - if it hits 10 or more, you're dead. [M]oney is widely used in different aspects of the game, and it is good to always have a few spare bucks, just in case.
At the start of every new month, a character will approach you with a ''Situation'' to which you'll have to options to choose from. Each decision affects values of ''Primary'' and/or ''Secondary Stats''.
By default, you can't see exactly how each decision influences the outcome of a ''Situation'', but there are ways to get around it in the game (aside from just memorizing all the ''Situations'' I've written for you).
There are also ''Events'' that occur once every 3 months. Now, ''Events'' are different from ''Situations'', although they still influence the same ''Primary'' and ''Secondary Stats''. Typically an ''Event'' offers more than two solutions to it, and can either be a more complex ''Situation'', or a ''Status Effect''.
What's ''Status Effects''? Those, when applied, last for a certain amount of time and change the gameplay in one way or another (for example, the //New Chief of Police// status will decrease your [P] stat by 1 every month for half a year, unless you do something about it).
Also, each in-game character can either hate you, be neutral, or be your friend. The ''Sympathy'' values represent that. If you're friends with a character, you may ask them for a favor that will in one way or another help you on your crime journey.
There are also a bunch of upgrades you can buy and actions you can perform, like bribing police to boost your [P], for example. They all have their own requirements, one of which can be the current ''Date''.
Yes, ''Miami Crime'' is set in the 1980s, and you start your playthrough in January 1980. You may die a dozen times as you play, but the time doesn't stop. This means a few things:
1) Some of the upgrades/actions/ are locked until you reach a certain date;
2) Once you hit 1990, the game is over (but you can always start it again, multiple "New Game+" scenarios are planned exactly for this purpose).
List of all ''Statuses'' you may encounter in-game:
- "In Debt" status indicates you're in debt and triggers your death if you happen to not have the money + interest by the time the status wears off.
- "Married" status indicates having a wife. She herself might not have a good use, but she grants a 10%-chance to get "Has Child" status every month.
- "Has Child" status allows you to continue the family bloodline even if your death did not account for that.
- "Last of Line" status indicates you have no heirs, and unless you get "Has Child" status effect before your death, your family criminal legacy crushes with your death.
- "New Police Chief" status indicates a shift in power within walls of Miami PD, granting a -1 [P] every month until the status wears off.
- "Newbie" status is automatically applied to you if you don't have at least 8 months of your family history behind your back. It has a %50-chance to get you a -1 [C] every month until the status wears off (8 months or less in rare cases).
- "Cartel Wars" status indicates an instability of your illegal operations, granting a -2 [I] every month with a 50%-chance until the status wears off.
- "FBI Fraud Hunt" status indicates an open hunting season for federal agents seeking out financial frauds. Every value [L] above 10 grants 1 [R] every month until the status wears off.
- "Movie Investment" status indicates you've supported the production of the movie "Scarface" with money, and on January 1984 you'll get your money back plus your share.
Aaand I think that's it. You can always access this page from the side-bar to refresh some gameplay aspect in your memory.
Right now, I wish you and your criminal empire good luck. Because you'll need it.
<div class="text125"><<back "Back">></div><br>
<div class="text125">Maria Castillo, Accountant
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.maria>> (<<if $sympathy.maria > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.maria == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.maria < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/maria/portrait.png"></div>
Maria can once a year pull out a miracle - make your debts, no matter how big, disappear for a reasonable price. Bummer she can't do such a trick more often - too dangerous.
<div class="text125"><<if $statuses.inDebt>><<if $favor.maria < 1>><<if $stats.money > 499>>[[Make your debts disappear|MariaFavor][$favor.maria = 12; $statuses.inDebt = false; $debt = 0; $stats.money -= 500]] (Requires $500)<<else>>==Make your debts disappear== (Requires $500)<</if>><<else>>You should wait before using this favor again. Months left: $favor.maria<</if>><<else>>You're not in debt! Good for you, but there's nothing Maria can help you with then.<</if>></div>
<div class="text125">Maria Castillo, Accountant
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.maria>> (<<if $sympathy.maria > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.maria == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.maria < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/maria/portrait.png"></div>
<div class="text125">1. <<if $sympathy.maria > 0>>[[Have her suck you off|MariaBJ]]<<else>>==Have her suck you off== (sympathy must be at least 1, or you may simply <<if $stats.money > 499>>[[pay her|MariaBJ][$stats.money -= 500]] ($500)<<else>>...I was going to say "pay her", but you don't seem to have $500)<</if>><</if>>
2. <<if $sympathy.maria > 1>>[[Fuck her|MariaFuck]]<<else>>==Fuck her== (sympathy must be at least 2, or you may simply <<if $stats.money > 499>>[[pay her|MariaFuck][$stats.money -= 500]] ($500)<<else>>...I was going to say "pay her", but you don't seem to have $500)<</if>><</if>></div>
[[Back|Maria]]Maria enters the neon lit room, the electric green glow illuminating her curvaceous body, clad only in the acid-green lingerie that hugs her form. She approaches you with a seductive sway to her hips, her chestnut brown hair cascading over her shoulders. Her dark eyes flash with desire as they meet yours. She presses herself against you, the lace of her bra rubbing against your chest as she reaches down to stroke your hardening member through your slacks.
"I've been waiting for this moment, boss," she purrs, her accent rich and exotic. "To finally taste you, to show you how much I appreciate everything you've done for me."
With that, Maria sinks to her knees before you, her deft fingers making quick work of your belt and zipper. She frees your cock, now fully erect and throbbing with need. Maria licks her lips hungrily at the sight. She wraps one small hand around the base of your shaft, stroking you slowly as she leans in to run her tongue along the underside, from base to tip.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/characters/maria/suck.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
"Mmm, you taste even better than I imagined," she murmurs before taking you into her hot, wet mouth. Her plump lips seal around you as she begins to suck, her head bobbing up and down on your cock. You groan at the exquisite feeling of her velvety tongue swirling around the head on every upstroke.
Maria takes you deeper and deeper with each pass, relaxing her throat to accommodate your impressive size. Soon her nose is buried in the wiry hair at the base of your shaft as she deepthroats you like a seasoned pro. Her throat muscles contract around you, massaging your cock. You grasp her silky hair, fucking her beautiful face with shallow thrusts. The wet sounds of her blowjob echo obscenely in the room. Maria moans around you, clearly relishing your use of her.
She continues sucking you with enthusiasm, pausing occasionally to catch her breath before diving back in to swallow you to the hilt again and again. The sight of this gorgeous woman on her knees, servicing you so eagerly and hungrily, has you hurtling rapidly toward climax. You tell her how good she feels, how amazing her mouth is. You're close, you grunt, about to explode. But Maria doesn't slow down, if anything she sucks you harder, taking you impossibly deep…
At last, you cum deep down her windpipe, drowning her in spunk. Only a minute after you pull out, allowing her to breathe, her face blue as a plum.
"Good job," you say dismissively, and it's more than enough for Maria to smile like a good girl should.
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Maria]]
<<set $gallery.MariaBJ = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>Your pants are around your ankles as Maria kneels between your legs, her petite frame compacted there. She grips your shaft and strokes firmly, looking up at you with those sharp latina eyes, full of sultry fire.
"Is this what you wanted, Mister Scarface?" she purrs, before taking you into her warm wet mouth. Her tongue swirls around the head as she sucks you deep into her throat with surprising skill for a numbers geek.
You grunt in pleasure, hands gripping the arms of the white deck chair as Maria's head bobs up and down in your lap, slurping sounds filling the Miami night air. Her silky chestnut hair tickles your thighs as she works you over, one hand fondling your balls. This little accountant is full of surprises.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/characters/maria/fuck.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
She pulls off your glistening cock with a wet pop, replacing her mouth with her stroking hand. "Mmm, you taste so good papi. I've wanted to drain this big fat dick since you first walked into my office with that cocky swagger." Maria dives back down, sucking you to the base, nose buried in your pubes.
The wet suction of her lips and tongue is incredibly, her obvious enthusiasm and dirty talk sending jolts of pleasure through you. You reach down and gather her hair, guiding her speed as she blows you with vigor on the moonlit rooftop, the distant sounds of traffic and neon signs flickering below.
"Fuck… Just like that… Suck that dick," you growl, pushing her head down and bucking your hips to fuck her pretty little mouth. She takes it like a pro, moaning around your shaft, saliva dripping down her chin. You can feel your balls tightening, orgasm building as she worships your cock with skill and abandon.
With a roar, you erupt down Maria's willing throat, thick spurts of cum shooting into her mouth as she swallows it all down eagerly. She milks every last drop before releasing you with a satisfied gasp, cum and spit connecting her red lips to your still-twitching boner.
"Delicioso," she sighs, before standing up and straightening her tight skirt. "Just remember, I'm much more than numbers and blowjobs. I'm a partner in this venture now too. Don't forget it." With a wink, she struts away, leaving you half-dazed and fully drained. This sultry latina accountant is one asset you'll definitely be keeping close tabs on…
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Maria]]
<<set $gallery.MariaFuck = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>!!!Total scenes seen
[ <<= $gallery.EmmyBJ + $gallery.EmmyFuck + $gallery.MariaBJ + $gallery.MariaFuck + $gallery.MichelleBJ + $gallery.MichelleFuck + $gallery.NiaBJ + $gallery.NiaFuck + $gallery.ValentinaBJ + $gallery.ValentinaFuck + $gallery.NikkiBJ + $gallery.NikkiFuck + $gallery.VeronikaBJ + $gallery.VeronikaFuck + $gallery.AngelaBJ + $gallery.AngelaFuck + $gallery.CarlaBJ + $gallery.CarlaBJ2 + $gallery.TonySpitroast + $gallery.ValPayraise + $gallery.VeronikaDeal + $gallery.AngieLick + $gallery.MobsterWidow + $gallery.WorkingGirlEscape + $gallery.FederalAgentSeduce + $gallery.MichelleHelpDeal + $gallery.DealConsultant + $gallery.GangbangRivalGF + $gallery.PornStudioReplacement + $gallery.OldMobsterDaughter + $gallery.ShotgunWedding + $gallery.HollywoodStarletSeduce>> / 32 ]
- <<if $gallery.EmmyBJ or $patreonTier > 2>>[[EmmyBJ][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==EmmyBJ== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.EmmyFuck or $patreonTier > 2>>[[EmmyFuck][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==EmmyFuck== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.MariaBJ or $patreonTier > 2>>[[MariaBJ][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==MariaBJ== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.MariaFuck or $patreonTier > 2>>[[MariaFuck][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==MariaFuck== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.MichelleBJ or $patreonTier > 2>>[[MichelleBJ][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==MichelleBJ== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.MichelleFuck or $patreonTier > 2>>[[MichelleFuck][$galleryActive = true]] ''(another oral scene!)''<<else>>==MichelleFuck== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.NiaBJ or $patreonTier > 2>>[[NiaBJ][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==NiaBJ== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.NiaFuck or $patreonTier > 2>>[[NiaFuck][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==NiaFuck== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.ValentinaBJ or $patreonTier > 2>>[[ValentinaBJ][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==ValentinaBJ== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.ValentinaFuck or $patreonTier > 2>>[[ValentinaFuck][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==ValentinaFuck== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.VeronikaBJ or $patreonTier > 2>>[[VeronikaBJ][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==VeronikaBJ== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.VeronikaFuck or $patreonTier > 2>>[[VeronikaFuck][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==VeronikaFuck== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.NikkiBJ or $patreonTier > 2>>[[NikkiBJ][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==NikkiBJ== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.NikkiFuck or $patreonTier > 2>>[[NikkiFuck][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==NikkiFuck== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.AngelaBJ or $patreonTier > 2>>[[AngieBJ][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==AngieBJ== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.AngelaFuck or $patreonTier > 2>>[[AngieFuck][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==AngieFuck== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.CarlaBJ or $patreonTier > 2>>[[CarlaBJ][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==CarlaBJ== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.CarlaBJ2 or $patreonTier > 2>>[[CarlaBJ2|CarlaFuck][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==CarlaBJ2== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.MichelleHelpDeal or $patreonTier > 2>>[[Event 1 - Michelle|event1][$event1 = "michelle"; $galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==Event 1 - Michelle== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.DealConsultant or $patreonTier > 2>>[[Event 1 - Consultant|event1][$event1 = "consultant"; $galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==Event 1 - Consultant== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.GangbangRivalGF or $patreonTier > 2>>[[Event 2 - Crew|event1][$event2 = "crew"; $galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==Event 2 - Crew== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.TonySpitroast or $patreonTier > 2>>[[Event 2 - Tony|event2][$event2 = "tony"; $galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==Event 2 - Tony== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.PornStudioReplacement or $patreonTier > 2>>[[Event 3 - Replace|event1][$event3 = "replace"; $galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==Event 3 - Replace== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.WorkingGirlEscape or $patreonTier > 2>>[[Event 8 - Seduce|event7][$event7 = "escape"; $galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==Event 7 - Escape== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.OldMobsterDaughter or $patreonTier > 2>>[[Event 12 - Shrug|event12][$event12 = "shrug"; $galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==Event 12 - Shrug== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.ShotgunWedding or $patreonTier > 2>>[[Event 12 - Marry|event12][$event12 = "marry"; $galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==Event 12 - Marry== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.ValPayraise or $patreonTier > 2>>[[Val Payraise (card24res1)|card24res1][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==Val Payraise (card24res1)== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.VeronikaDeal or $patreonTier > 2>>[[Veronika Deal (card27res1)|card27res1][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==Veronika Deal (card27res1)== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $gallery.AngieLick or $patreonTier > 2>>[[Angie Lick (card28res1)|card28res1][$galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==Angie Lick (card28res1)== (not seen yet)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by either playing the game or subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
!!!Secret Scenes
- <<if $patreonTier > 2>>[[Event 8 - Seduce|event8][$event8 = "seduce"; $galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==Event 8 - Seduce== (Patreon ''$10 tier'' reward)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $patreonTier > 2>>[[Event 9 - Wife|event9][$event9 = "wife"; $galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==Event 9 - Wife== (Patreon ''$10 tier'' reward)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
- <<if $patreonTier > 2>>[[Event 13 - Seduce|event13][$event13 = "seduce"; $galleryActive = true]]<<else>>==Event 13 - Seduce== (Patreon ''$10 tier'' reward)<</if>> <br>[you can unlock this scene by subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
<div class="text125">[[Back|Hub]]</div><br>
<div class="text125">Emmy Schultz, Brothel Manager
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.emmy>> (<<if $sympathy.emmy > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.emmy == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.emmy < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/emmy/portrait.png"></div>
Emmy can help you secure more deals by providing her girls as escort for the meetings. But that's a one-in-a-year trick.
<div class="text125"><<if $favor.emmy < 1>>[[Increase [I] by 2|EmmyFavor][$favor.emmy = 12; $stats.illegal += 2]]<<else>>You should wait before using this favor again. Months left: $favor.emmy<</if>></div>
<div class="text125">Emmy Schultz, Brothel Manager
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.emmy>> (<<if $sympathy.emmy > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.emmy == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.emmy < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/emmy/portrait.png"></div>
<div class="text125">1. <<if $sympathy.emmy > 0>>[[Have her suck you off|EmmyBJ]]<<else>>==Have her suck you off== (sympathy must be at least 1, or you may simply <<if $stats.money > 499>>[[pay her|EmmyBJ][$stats.money -= 500]] ($500)<<else>>...I was going to say "pay her", but you don't seem to have $500)<</if>><</if>>
2. <<if $sympathy.emmy > 1>>[[Fuck her|EmmyFuck]]<<else>>==Fuck her== (sympathy must be at least 2, or you may simply <<if $stats.money > 499>>[[pay her|EmmyFuck][$stats.money -= 500]] ($500)<<else>>...I was going to say "pay her", but you don't seem to have $500)<</if>><</if>></div>
<div class="text125">Carla Diaz, Undercover FBI Agent
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.carla>> (<<if $sympathy.carla > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.carla == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.carla < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/carla/portrait.png"></div>
Carla can help you out in case you've drawn too much attention to yourself. That's -1 [R] once a year.
<div class="text125"><<if $favor.carla < 1>>[[Decrease [R] by 1|CarlaFavor][$favor.carla = 12; $stats.risk -= 1]]<<else>>You should wait before using this favor again. Months left: $favor.carla<</if>></div>
<div class="text125">Carla Diaz, Undercover FBI Agent
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.carla>> (<<if $sympathy.carla > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.carla == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.carla < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/carla/portrait.png"></div>
<div class="text125">1. <<if $sympathy.carla > 0>>[[Have her suck you off|CarlaBJ]]<<else>>==Have her suck you off== (sympathy must be at least 1, or you may simply <<if $stats.money > 499>>[[pay her|CarlaBJ][$stats.money -= 500]] ($500)<<else>>...I was going to say "pay her", but you don't seem to have $500)<</if>><</if>>
2. <<if $sympathy.carla > 1>>[[Have her suck you off in public|CarlaFuck]]<<else>>==Have her suck you off in public== (sympathy must be at least 2, or you may simply <<if $stats.money > 499>>[[pay her|CarlaFuck][$stats.money -= 500]] ($500)<<else>>...I was going to say "pay her", but you don't seem to have $500)<</if>><</if>></div>
<div class="text125">Tony "Spike" Ricci, Weapons Supplier
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.tony>> (<<if $sympathy.tony > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.tony == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.tony < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/tony/portrait.png"></div>
Spike is willing to spread a good word about you in the criminal world, as a yearly gesture of friendship.
<div class="text125"><<if $favor.tony < 1>>[[Increase [C] by 2|SpikeFavor][$favor.tony = 12; $stats.crime += 2]]<<else>>You should wait before using this favor again. Months left: $favor.tony<</if>></div>
[[Back|Tony]]Double-click this passage to edit it.<br>
<div class="text125">Veronika Green, Police Informant
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.veronika>> (<<if $sympathy.veronika > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.veronika == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.veronika < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/veronika/portrait.png"></div>
Veronika can "lose" some key evidence on you, making your grip on Miami PD stronger. Once a year.
<div class="text125"><<if $favor.veronika < 1>>[[Increase [P] by 2|VeronikaFavor][$favor.veronika = 12; $stats.pigs += 2]]<<else>>You should wait before using this favor again. Months left: $favor.veronika<</if>></div>
<div class="text125">Veronika Green, Police Informant
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.veronika>> (<<if $sympathy.veronika > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.veronika == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.veronika < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/veronika/portrait.png"></div>
<div class="text125">1. <<if $sympathy.veronika > 0>>[[Have her suck you off|VeronikaBJ]]<<else>>==Have her suck you off== (sympathy must be at least 1, or you may simply <<if $stats.money > 499>>[[pay her|VeronikaBJ][$stats.money -= 500]] ($500)<<else>>...I was going to say "pay her", but you don't seem to have $500)<</if>><</if>>
2. <<if $sympathy.veronika > 1>>[[Fuck her|VeronikaFuck]]<<else>>==Fuck her== (sympathy must be at least 2, or you may simply <<if $stats.money > 499>>[[pay her|VeronikaFuck][$stats.money -= 500]] ($500)<<else>>...I was going to say "pay her", but you don't seem to have $500)<</if>><</if>></div>
<div class="text125">Nikki Jones, Nightclub Manager
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.nikki>> (<<if $sympathy.nikki > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.nikki == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.nikki < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/nikki/portrait.png"></div>
Nikki can help you host profitable events at your bars, attracting revenue. $75 per bar. Once a year.
<div class="text125"><<if $favor.nikki < 1>>[[Get paid|NikkiFavor][$favor.nikki = 12; $stats.money += (100 * $facilities.bars)]] $<<= 150 * $facilities.bars>><<else>>You should wait before using this favor again. Months left: $favor.nikki<</if>></div>
<div class="text125">Nikki Jones, Nightclub Manager
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.nikki>> (<<if $sympathy.nikki > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.nikki == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.nikki < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/nikki/portrait.png"></div>
<div class="text125">1. <<if $sympathy.nikki > 0>>[[Have her suck you off|NikkiBJ]]<<else>>==Have her suck you off== (sympathy must be at least 1, or you may simply <<if $stats.money > 499>>[[pay her|NikkiBJ][$stats.money -= 500]] ($500)<<else>>...I was going to say "pay her", but you don't seem to have $500)<</if>><</if>>
2. <<if $sympathy.nikki > 1>>[[Fuck her|NikkiFuck]]<<else>>==Fuck her== (sympathy must be at least 2, or you may simply <<if $stats.money > 499>>[[pay her|NikkiFuck][$stats.money -= 500]] ($500)<<else>>...I was going to say "pay her", but you don't seem to have $500)<</if>><</if>></div>
<div class="text125">Jackie Chan, Smuggler
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.jackie>> (<<if $sympathy.jackie > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.jackie == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.jackie < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/jackie/portrait.png"></div>
Jackie can once a year make a few extra deals with you for your profit. Not too much, but it's good money.
<div class="text125"><<if $favor.jackie < 1>>[[Make $200|JackieFavor][$favor.jackie = 12; $stats.money += 200]]<<else>>You should wait before using this favor again. Months left: $favor.jackie<</if>></div>
[[Back|Jackie]]Double-click this passage to edit it.<br>
<div class="text125">Nia Numato, Modeling Agency Owner
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.nia>> (<<if $sympathy.nia > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.nia == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.nia < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/nia/portrait.png"></div>
Nia can once a year throw a few high-end parties that will attract many key players to it, but it's gonna cost and it's risky. +1 to all 4 ''Primary Stats'' and +1 [R].
<div class="text125"><<if $favor.nia < 1>><<if $stats.money > 399>>[[Do it|NiaFavor][$stats.money -= 400; $favor.nia = 12; $stats.pigs += 1; $stats.crime += 1; $stats.legal += 1; $stats.illegal += 1; $stats.risk += 1]] (Requires $400)<<else>>==Do it== (Requires $400)<</if>><<else>>You should wait before using this favor again. Months left: $favor.nia<</if>></div>
<div class="text125">Nia Numato, Modeling Agency Owner
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.nia>> (<<if $sympathy.nia > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.nia == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.nia < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/nia/portrait.png"></div>
<div class="text125">1. <<if $sympathy.nia > 0>>[[Have her suck you off|NiaBJ]]<<else>>==Have her suck you off== (sympathy must be at least 1, or you may simply <<if $stats.money > 499>>[[pay her|NiaBJ][$stats.money -= 500]] ($500)<<else>>...I was going to say "pay her", but you don't seem to have $500)<</if>><</if>>
2. <<if $sympathy.nia > 1>>[[Fuck her|NiaFuck]]<<else>>==Fuck her== (sympathy must be at least 2, or you may simply <<if $stats.money > 499>>[[pay her|NiaFuck][$stats.money -= 500]] ($500)<<else>>...I was going to say "pay her", but you don't seem to have $500)<</if>><</if>></div>
<div class="text125">Michelle Adams, Lawyer
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.michelle>> (<<if $sympathy.michelle > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.michelle == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.michelle < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/michelle/portrait.png"></div>
Michelle is willing to go as far as marrying you with a prospect of maybe having a child. That's how charming you are to her. But you still have to pay, though.
<div class="text125"><<if not $statuses.married>><<if $stats.money > 249>>[[Marry Michelle|MichelleFavor][$statuses.married = true; $stats.money -= 250]] (Requires $250)<<else>>==Marry Michelle== (Requires $250)<</if>><<else>>You're already married!<</if>></div>
<div class="text125">Michelle Adams, Lawyer
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.michelle>> (<<if $sympathy.michelle > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.michelle == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.michelle < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/michelle/portrait.png"></div>
<div class="text125">1. <<if $sympathy.michelle > 0>>[[Have her suck you off|MichelleBJ]]<<else>>==Have her suck you off== (sympathy must be at least 1, or you may simply <<if $stats.money > 499>>[[pay her|MichelleBJ][$stats.money -= 500]] ($500)<<else>>...I was going to say "pay her", but you don't seem to have $500)<</if>><</if>>
2. <<if $sympathy.michelle > 1>>[[Have her suck you off again|MichelleFuck]]<<else>>==Have her suck you off again== (sympathy must be at least 2, or you may simply <<if $stats.money > 499>>[[pay her|MichelleFuck][$stats.money -= 500]] ($500)<<else>>...I was going to say "pay her", but you don't seem to have $500)<</if>><</if>></div>
<div class="text125">Valentina "Val" Kovach, Casino Manager
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.val>> (<<if $sympathy.val > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.val == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.val < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/valentina/portrait.png"></div>
Once a year, you may attend a private gambling session with Val herself. The stakes are high - $350. You play dice: whoever gets the nighest number wins, on ties you win.<<if $favor.val == 12>>
You rolled: $yourDice1 and $yourDice2
She rolled: $herDice1 and $herDice2<</if>>
<div class="text125"><<if $favor.val < 1>><<if $stats.money > 349>><<link "Play dice with her">><<set $yourDice1 = random(1, 6)>><<set $yourDice2 = random(1, 6)>><<set $herDice1 = random(1, 6)>><<set $herDice2 = random(1, 6)>><<if ($yourDice1 + $yourDice2) >= ($herDice1 + $herDice2)>><<set $stats.money += 350>><<elseif ($yourDice1 + $yourDice2) == ($herDice1 + $herDice2)>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 350>><</if>><<set $favor.val = 12>><<goto "ValFavor">><</link>> (Requires $350)<<else>>==Play dice with her== (Requires $350)<</if>><<else>>You should wait before using this favor again. Months left: $favor.val<</if>></div>
<div class="text125">Valentina "Val" Kovach, Casino Manager
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.val>> (<<if $sympathy.val > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.val == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.val < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/valentina/portrait.png"></div>
<div class="text125">1. <<if $sympathy.val > 0>>[[Have her suck you off|ValentinaBJ]]<<else>>==Have her suck you off== (sympathy must be at least 1, or you may simply <<if $stats.money > 499>>[[pay her|ValentinaBJ][$stats.money -= 500]] ($500)<<else>>...I was going to say "pay her", but you don't seem to have $500)<</if>><</if>>
2. <<if $sympathy.val > 1>>[[Fuck her|ValentinaFuck]]<<else>>==Fuck her== (sympathy must be at least 2, or you may simply <<if $stats.money > 499>>[[pay her|ValentinaFuck][$stats.money -= 500]] ($500)<<else>>...I was going to say "pay her", but you don't seem to have $500)<</if>><</if>></div>
<div class="text125">Angela "Angie" Bianchi, Journalist
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.angela>> (<<if $sympathy.angela > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.angela == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.angela < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/angela/portrait.png"></div>
Angela can help you restore your public image by publishing a couple of complimentary articles (+2 [L]). Once a year.
<div class="text125"><<if $favor.angela < 1>>[[Do it|AngieFavor][$favor.angela = 12; $stats.legal += 2]]<<else>>You should wait before using this favor again. Months left: $favor.nia<</if>></div>
<div class="text125">Angela "Angie" Bianchi, Journalist
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.angela>> (<<if $sympathy.angela > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.angela == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.angela < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/angela/portrait.png"></div>
<div class="text125">1. <<if $sympathy.angela > 0>>[[Have her suck you off|AngieBJ]]<<else>>==Have her suck you off== (sympathy must be at least 1, or you may simply <<if $stats.money > 499>>[[pay her|AngieBJ][$stats.money -= 500]] ($500)<<else>>...I was going to say "pay her", but you don't seem to have $500)<</if>><</if>>
2. <<if $sympathy.angela > 1>>[[Fuck her|AngieFuck]]<<else>>==Fuck her== (sympathy must be at least 2, or you may simply <<if $stats.money > 499>>[[pay her|AngieFuck][$stats.money -= 500]] ($500)<<else>>...I was going to say "pay her", but you don't seem to have $500)<</if>><</if>></div>
<div class="text125">Victor "Vic" Borov, Port Supervisor
^^Sympathy: <<= $sympathy.vic>> (<<if $sympathy.vic > 0>>@@color:lime;Friendship@@<<elseif $sympathy.vic == 0>>@@color:grey;Neutral@@<<elseif $sympathy.vic < 0>>@@color:red;Hate@@<</if>>)^^</div>
<div class="portrait"><img src="media/characters/victor/portrait.png"></div>
Vic is your man to go whenever you want to handle your operations to third-party companies, coasting you a fortune but ideal for losing heat. Once a year.
<div class="text125"><<if $favor.vic < 1>>[[Decrease [CLIP] and [R] by 2|VicFavor][$favor.vic = 12; $stats.crime -= 2; $stats.illegal -= 2; $stats.legal -= 2; $stats.pigs -= 2; $stats.risk -= 2]]<<else>>You should wait before using this favor again. Months left: $favor.vic<</if>></div>
[[Back|Victor]]Double-click this passage to edit it.!!!Nia Numato, Modeling Agency Owner
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nia/portrait.png][Nia]]>><</link>></div>
Nia glides in, a mischievous glint in her eye.
NIA NUMATO: "Darling, I've got a proposition. We can use our models to smuggle drugs at an upcoming fashion show. High risk, but very high reward. Or we can keep things clean and above board."
1: [[Use models to smuggle|card19res1][$stats.illegal += 3; $stats.money += 350; $stats.risk += 2]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Keep the show clean|card19res2][$stats.legal += 2; $stats.money += 75; $sympathy.nia += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([I] +3, +$350, [R] +2)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([L] +2, +$75, Nia's sympathy +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nia/portrait.png][Nia]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's do it. Set it up, Nia. But be careful."
NIA NUMATO: "Darling, careful is my middle name. This will be a show to remember."
Nia sashays out, already planning. You're in for a big payday, but the stakes have never been higher.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nia/portrait.png][Nia]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "No drugs, Nia. Let's keep this one clean."
NIA NUMATO: "As you wish, darling. We'll still put on a fabulous show."
Nia leaves, slightly disappointed but understanding. You've missed out on a big score, but avoided a massive risk.
!!!Nikki Jones, Club Manager
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nikki/portrait.png][Nikki]]>><</link>></div>
Nikki storms in, fuming.
NIKKI JONES: "Boss, we've got a situation. The health inspector is threatening to shut us down unless we pay a hefty bribe. We can pay up or try to blackmail him with some dirt I've dug up."
1: <<if $stats.money >= 250>>[[Pay the bribe|card20res1][$stats.money -= 250; $stats.legal += 1]]<<else>>==Pay the bribe==<</if>> (Requires $250) <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Blackmail the inspector|card20res2][$stats.crime += 2; $stats.pigs -= 1; $stats.risk += 1; $sympathy.nikki += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>(-$250, [L] +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([C] +2, [P] -1, [R] +1, Nikki's sympathy +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nikki/portrait.png][Nikki]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Pay the bribe, Nikki. We can't afford to be shut down."
NIKKI JONES: "Alright, boss. I'll take care of it. This guy's a real piece of work."
Nikki leaves, grumbling. You've kept the club open, but it's cost you a pretty penny.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nikki/portrait.png][Nikki]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Use the dirt, Nikki. Make sure he never bothers us again."
NIKKI JONES: "With pleasure, boss. This guy won't know what hit him."
Nikki leaves with a wicked grin. You've saved some money, but made a dangerous enemy.
!!!Carla Diaz, Undercover FBI Agent
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/carla/portrait.png][Carla]]>><</link>></div>
Carla approaches you discreetly at a party.
CARLA DIAZ: "I've got some sensitive FBI intel that could be very valuable to you. But I want a favor in return - help me take down a rival agent who's onto me."
1: [[Accept the deal|card22res1][$stats.crime += 2; $stats.pigs -= 2; $stats.risk += 1; $sympathy.carla += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Refuse the offer|card22res2][$stats.crime -= 2; $stats.pigs += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([C] +2, [P] -2, [R] +1, Carla's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([C] -2, [P] +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/carla/portrait.png][Carla]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "You've got a deal, Carla. Let's take care of your problem."
CARLA DIAZ: "Excellent. I'll get you the intel ASAP. This is the beginning of a beautiful partnership."
You've gained valuable information, but you're playing a dangerous game with the FBI.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/carla/portrait.png][Carla]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Sorry, Carla. That's a line I'm not willing to cross."
CARLA DIAZ: "Your loss. Don't say I never offered to help."
You've maintained your integrity, but missed out on potentially game-changing information.
!!!Valentina "Val" Kovach, Casino Manager
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/valentina/portrait.png][Valentina]]>><</link>></div>
Val enters, looking excited.
VAL KOVACH: "Boss, I've got an opportunity. We can rig the big poker tournament coming up. Guaranteed win, but if we're caught, it's game over. Or we can keep it clean and still make a decent profit."
1: [[Rig the tournament|card23res1][$stats.illegal += 3; $stats.money += 500; $stats.risk += 2; $sympathy.val += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Keep it clean|card23res2][$stats.legal += 2; $stats.money += 150]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([I] +3, +$500, [R] +2, Valentina's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([L] +2, +$150)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/valentina/portrait.png][Valentina]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's do it. Make sure we win big, Val."
VAL KOVACH: "You got it, boss. This is gonna be a payday to remember."
Val leaves, grinning from ear to ear. The potential payout is massive, but so is the risk.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/valentina/portrait.png][Valentina]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "No rigging, Val. We'll make our money the clean way this time."
VAL KOVACH: "If you say so, boss. We'll still turn a nice profit."
Val leaves, slightly disappointed but understanding. You've missed out on a huge score, but avoided a massive risk.
!!!Victor "Vic" Borov, Port Manager
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/victor/portrait.png][Victor]]>><</link>></div>
Vic enters, looking nervous.
VIC BOROV: "Boss, we've got a situation. A ship full of immigrants just docked. We can either help smuggle them in for a fee or tip off the authorities."
1: [[Smuggle the immigrants|card25res1][$stats.illegal += 2; $stats.money += 200; $stats.pigs -= 4; $sympathy.vic += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Tip off the authorities|card25res2][$stats.legal += 1; $stats.pigs += 2]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([I] +2, +$200, [P] -4, Victor's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([L] +1, [P] +2)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/victor/portrait.png][Victor]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "We'll help them, Vic. Set it up and make sure it's done quietly."
VIC BOROV: "You got it, boss. These people won't forget your kindness."
Vic leaves, looking relieved. You've made some money and potentially gained some grateful allies, but increased your risk.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/victor/portrait.png][Victor]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Call it in, Vic. We can't afford that kind of heat right now."
VIC BOROV: "Understood, boss. I'll make the call now."
Vic leaves, looking a bit conflicted. You've stayed on the right side of the law, but missed out on potential profit and allies.
!!!Maria Castillo, Accountant
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/maria/portrait.png][Maria]]>><</link>></div>
Maria bursts in, eyes wide with excitement.
MARIA CASTILLO: "Boss, I've discovered a way to launder money through credit cards! It's cutting-edge and hard to trace, but it requires a significant investment in tech."
1: <<if $stats.money > 149>>[[Invest in credit card laundering|card14res1][$stats.illegal += 2; $stats.legal -= 2; $stats.money -= 150; $sympathy.maria += 1]]<<else>>==Invest in credit card laundering==<</if>> (Requires $150) <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Stick to traditional methods|card14res2][$stats.crime -= 1; $stats.pigs += 1; $stats.money += 50]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([I] +2, [L] -2, -$150, Maria's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([C] -1, [P] +1, +$50)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/maria/portrait.png][Maria]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's do it, Maria. Time to embrace the future."
MARIA CASTILLO: "You won't regret this, boss! I'll start setting up the credit cards right away."
Maria leaves, practically bouncing with enthusiasm. You've taken a financial hit, but potentially opened up a new frontier in money laundering.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/maria/portrait.png][Maria]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Too risky, Maria. Let's stick to what we know."
MARIA CASTILLO: "I understand, boss. We'll keep our operations traditional for now."
Maria leaves, slightly deflated. You've played it safe, but missed an opportunity to modernize your operation.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Emmy Schultz, Brothel Manager
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/emmy/portrait.png][Emmy]]>><</link>></div>
Emmy enters, looking conflicted.
EMMY SCHULTZ: "Boss, we've got an offer to partner with a sketchy pharmaceutical company. They want to test experimental drugs on our workers. It's dangerous, but they're offering a fortune."
1: [[Accept the partnership|card15res1][$stats.crime += 3; $stats.legal -= 2; $stats.money += 300; $sympathy.emmy -= 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Reject the offer|card15res2][$stats.legal += 1; $stats.pigs -= 1; $sympathy.emmy += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([C] +3, [L] -2, +$300, Emmy's sympathy -1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([L] +1, [P] -1, Emmy's sympathy +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/emmy/portrait.png][Emmy]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Take the deal, Emmy. The money's too good to pass up."
EMMY SCHULTZ: "If you say so, boss. But I don't like this one bit."
Emmy leaves, visibly uncomfortable. You've secured a significant payday, but at what cost to your conscience and Emmy's trust?
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/emmy/portrait.png][Emmy]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "No way, Emmy. We're not endangering our people like that."
EMMY SCHULTZ: "Thank goodness. I'm proud to work for you, boss."
Emmy leaves, looking relieved and grateful. You've missed out on a big payday, but maintained your ethics and Emmy's respect.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Michelle Adams, Lawyer
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/michelle/portrait.png][Michelle]]>><</link>></div>
Michelle enters, looking grim.
MICHELLE ADAMS: "Boss, I've got dirt on a judge who's been giving us trouble. We can blackmail him to rule in our favor, or I can anonymously leak the info to the press."
1: [[Blackmail the judge|card16res1][$stats.crime += 2; $stats.pigs -= 2; $stats.legal -= 1; $stats.money += 75]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Leak to the press|card16res2][$stats.legal += 1; $stats.pigs += 1; $sympathy.michelle += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([C] +2, [P] -2, [L] -1, +$75)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([L] +1, [P] +1, Michelle's sympathy +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/michelle/portrait.png][Michelle]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Alright, Michelle. Let's do it."
MICHELLE ADAMS: "I'll prepare everything in no time, Mr. <<= $family.currentName>>"
Michelle leaves, looking slightly disappointed.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/michelle/portrait.png][Michelle]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Leak the info, Michelle. That's the only right way."
MICHELLE ADAMS: "Couldn't agree more, Mr. <<= $family.currentName>>"
Michelle leaves, smiling.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Tony "Spike" Ricci, Weapons Supplier
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/tony/portrait.png][Tony]]>><</link>></div>
Spike enters, looking unusually serious.
TONY "SPIKE" RICCI: "Boss, I've got a line on some cutting-edge military tech. It's risky and expensive, but it could give us a huge advantage."
"Or we could sell the intel to the feds for a quick, clean profit," He adds hesitantly.
1: <<if $stats.money > 299>>[[Buy the military tech|card17res1][$stats.illegal += 3; $stats.money -= 300; $stats.crime += 2; $sympathy.tony += 1]]<<else>>==Buy the military tech==<</if>> (Requires $300) <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Sell intel to the feds|card17res2][$stats.legal += 1; $stats.pigs += 2; $stats.money += 150; $sympathy.tony -= 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([I] +3, -$300, [C] +2, Tony's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([L] +1, [P] +2, +$150, Tony's sympathy -1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/tony/portrait.png][Tony]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's get that tech, Spike. It's time we upgraded our arsenal."
TONY "SPIKE" RICCI: "Hell yeah, boss! This is gonna be a game-changer!"
Spike leaves, grinning from ear to ear. You've taken a big financial hit, but potentially given your operation a massive advantage.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/tony/portrait.png][Tony]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "We're selling the intel, Spike. It's safer and cleaner."
TONY "SPIKE" RICCI: "If you say so, boss. Feels like we're missing out, though."
Spike leaves, looking disappointed. You've made a quick profit and improved your standing with the feds, but missed out on a potential game-changing advantage.
!!!Nia Numato, Modeling Agency Owner
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nia/portrait.png][Nia]]>><</link>></div>
Nia enters, looking conflicted.
NIA NUMATO: "Darling, we've been offered a chance to partner with a major fashion brand. It's legit and could be huge for us, but we'd have to clean up our act significantly."
1: [[Partner with the brand|card18res1][$stats.legal += 3; $stats.illegal -= 2; $stats.money += 100; $sympathy.nia += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Reject the partnership|card18res2][$stats.crime += 1; $stats.pigs -= 1; $stats.money -= 50]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([L] +3, [I] -2, +$100, Nia's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([C] +1, [P] -1, -$50)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nia/portrait.png][Nia]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's do it, Nia. It's time we expanded into legitimate business."
NIA NUMATO: "Oh, darling! This is going to be fabulous. I'll start the paperwork right away."
Nia leaves, practically floating. You've taken a step towards legitimacy, but it might complicate your other operations.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nia/portrait.png][Nia]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "We're not ready for that kind of scrutiny, Nia. Turn them down."
NIA NUMATO: "I understand, darling. We'll stick to what we know best."
Nia leaves, looking slightly disappointed. You've maintained your criminal flexibility, but missed out on a potentially lucrative legitimate opportunity.
!!!Carla Diaz, Undercover FBI Agent
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/carla/portrait.png][Carla]]>><</link>></div>
Carla approaches you discreetly at a charity event.
CARLA DIAZ: "I've got a proposition. I can help you take down a major rival, but in exchange, I need you to let one of your smaller operations get busted. It's a trade-off."
1: [[Accept the deal|card21res1][$stats.crime += 2; $stats.illegal -= 1; $stats.pigs += 1; $sympathy.carla += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Refuse the offer|card21res2][$stats.legal += 1; $stats.pigs -= 1; $stats.money += 75]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([C] +2, [I] -1, [P] +1, Carla's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([L] +1, [P] -1, +$75)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/carla/portrait.png][Carla]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "You've got a deal, Carla. Make it happen."
CARLA DIAZ: "Excellent. I'll set things in motion. Remember, this didn't happen."
Carla disappears into the crowd. You've sacrificed a minor operation, but potentially gained a major advantage over a rival.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/carla/portrait.png][Carla]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "No deal, Carla. I don't sacrifice my own."
CARLA DIAZ: "Your loyalty is admirable, if misplaced. Until next time."
Carla walks away, looking slightly impressed. You've maintained your integrity, but missed a chance to take down a rival.
!!!Valentina "Val" Kovach, Casino Manager
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/valentina/portrait.png][Valentina]]>><</link>></div>
Val enters your office with a glass of wine in her hand, swaying those wide hips of hers - purposefully, of course.
VAL KOVACH: "<<= $family.currentPersonal>>, baby. I need more of that dough you've been feeding me. I remember my part of the deal, you wouldn't even need to ask, just take."
The only money you can spare belongs to your enforcers - payments for their good job.
1: <<if $stats.money > 149>>[[Give her a payraise|card24res1][$stats.illegal += 2; $stats.money -= 150; $sympathy.val += 1; $stats.crime -= 4]]<<else>>==Give her a payraise==<</if>> (Requires $150) ''[UNIQUE SEX SCENE AHEAD]'' <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Refuse|card24res2][$stats.crime += 2; $stats.money += 50]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([I] +2, [C] -4, -$150, Valentina's sympathy +1, Unique sex scene)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([C] +2, +$50)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/valentina/portrait.png][Valentina]]>><</link>></div>
She's happy to reward you with a proper fucking for your cooperation.
Val lets out a shameless moan, a broad smile runs across her crimson lips, her eyes widening in anticipation. "Pay rise - for this," she purrs, licking those lips as she undoes the buttons on that low-cut blouse. She exposes her marvelous tits, perky nipples hardening from arousal and chilly air conditioning. The whore straddles your legs on the chair, grinding her nice round ass against the tent in your slacks.
She sucks the air through her teeth, reaching down to undo your belt, fishing out that fat cock. Val spits down onto it, giving it a few strokes before lifting her hips. She lines up your meat with her entrance and impales herself balls deep in one movement. Her plush pussy envelopes you, gripping that shaft tight as she begins riding you hard and fast.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/cards/card24res1.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
"Oh fuck yeah baby, nice thick cock," the slut groans, hands braced on your chest as she bounces on your dick. Her big tits jiggle with each motion, sweat glistening on that pale skin in the office light. You reach up to grope and maul those jugs as she services you, tweaking her nipples between your fingers.
Val throws her head back, fiery red hair cascading down her back as she rides you harder, with real urgency now. "Nghh yes! Gonna fucking - ream my cunt! Pound me into the - unf - chair!" The gold digger is getting more vocal now, shamelessly using you for her own pleasure. That's what you get for thinking with your dick around opportunistic skanks like her.
Her snatch starts fluttering around you and you know she's close. You grab her hips in a bruising grip and really lay into her, hammering upwards and bouncing her on your lap. "Take it slut, milk that cock for your raise!" you snarl, feeling your own orgasm building.
Val lets out a near scream, her pussy clamping down like a vice as she cums on your cock, coating your shaft in her juices. You follow right after, grunting and flooding her greedy hole with thick ropes of jizz. She collapses into your chest, your softening dick still buried inside her as your cum leaks out around it. "Mmm, pleasure doing business with you, <<= $family.currentPersonal>>," the bitch purrs like the cat that got the cream. Looks like your enforcers will have to wait for their pay…
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Hub]]
<<set $gallery.ValPayraise = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/valentina/portrait.png][Valentina]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "You kidding? This money belongs to my people, sorry babe, no spare change."
VAL KOVACH: "Pfft. Whatever you say."
Val leaves, slamming the door behind her.
[[Continue|Hub]]Status ''Cartel Wars'' applied for 3 months. A war has sparked between columbian cartels. Drug supply is unstable. Expect your [I] to decrease by 2 every month with a 50-% chance.
<<set $statuses.cartelWars = true>>
<<set $cooldowns.cartelWars = 3>>
1. [[Alright|Hub]] <br>
2. <<if $stats.pigs > 13>>[[Make the law enforcement establish a safe channel for you|Hub][$statuses.cartelWars = false; $cooldowns.cartelWars = 0; $stats.crime -= 2]]<<else>>==Make the law enforcement establish a safe channel for you==<</if>> (Requires 14 [P]) <br>
3. <<if $sympathy.jackie > 0>>[[Ask Jackie to interfere|Hub][$statuses.cartelWars = false; $cooldowns.cartelWars = 0]]<<else>>==Ask Jackie to interfere==<</if>> (Requires at least 1 Sympathy) <br>Status ''FBI Fraud Hunt'' applied for 4 months. FBI has opened hunting season for financial frauds. Our legal fronts are at risk of being compromised. Any [L] value above 10 is gonna earn you 1 [R] each month.
<<set $statuses.fbiFraud = true>>
<<set $cooldowns.fbiFraud = 3>>
1. [[Alright|Hub]] <br>
2. <<if $sympathy.carla > 0>>[[Get Carla's help|Hub][$statuses.fbiFraud = false; $cooldowns.fbiFraud = 0; $stats.pigs -= 2]]<<else>>==Get Carla's help==<</if>> (Requires at least 1 Sympathy) <br>The sexy Ms. Kovach sits atop your mahogany desk, her soft rump planted on the hard wooden surface. You whipe out your cock and smack her across the face with it. The casino manager's eyes widen at the sight of it, watering slightly as she begins to salivate.
Valentina hungrily grabs your tool and brings it to her lipstick-covered mouth. She plants a wet kiss on the head, before wrapping those succulent lips around the shaft, beginning to bob her head. Sucking you off is her specialty, and it's immediately apparent: her plump peach lips forming a perfect seal while her skilled tongue massages the underside of your cock. As she bobs back and forth, you can feel the back of her throat with each thrust. Her mouth is so warm and soft, like velvet.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/characters/valentina/suck.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
Valentina's eyes dart up to look at you as she slurps and gurgles on your meat. Drool leaks from the corner of her stretched mouth. The wanton display only serves to turn you on more. You grab her hair and start face-fucking her in earnest now, really ramming your cock down her tight throat. Val takes it like a champ, holding onto your thighs for dear life as you use her.
"Shit, you're such a good little cocksucker," you groan, pelvis slamming into her face. Tears stream down her cheeks but she never stops sucking, determined to milk your shaft for all it's worth. The hardcore deepthroating has you on the edge embarrassingly quickly. Your secretary just has that effect.
"Gonna cum straight down your whore throat," you grunt, pulling her face all the way down to the base. Val looks up at you, mascara running, and just holds herself there, your cock lodged in her gullet. That does it. With a deep groan, you explode, pumping rope after thick rope of hot jizz directly into her stomach. The slutty manager swallows it all greedily, nursing on your cock to make sure she gets every drop.
Finally, you pull out, smearing your spit-shined dick across her face. Val gasps for air before grinning up at you with a messy smile. "Thanks boss, you always give me what I need," she says sultrily before climbing off your desk and sauntering out, hips swaying hypnotically.
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Valentina]]
<<set $gallery.ValentinaBJ = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>You have Val bent backwards over a fluffy white footstool carved out of wood, her burgundy red hair falling onto the snow-white floor. Her white latex pants look elegant on her, highlighting her wonderful, thick thighs. The material is stretched tight against her asscheeks. The crotch area, however, is carefully cut out to expose her soft pink pussy to the white neon lights all around you.
Your hands are secured around her thighs - gripping her tight, pressing them against your body - as you relentlessly pound her ripe asshole. She's curved backwards, head hanging down under the footstool. Her face is red from the pressure, red hair tossed around. She takes it like a pro. She takes your brutal fucking like a fucking pro.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/characters/valentina/fuck.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
You increase your pace, watching your rock-hard cock slide in and out between her pink-white lips. Her ass-walls stretch around your meat as you slam yourself into her, balls smacking against her buttcheeks. It makes a loud slapping sound in the secluded room. The footstool is rocking with each thrust you make.
"Ahn! Ahn! Ahn!" Val lets out high-pitched moans with each movement. Her gorgeous tits are jumping aroudn on her chest. You slide a white-gloved hand up her black corset and grip her boob not-so-gently. You feel the nipple with your thumb and pinch it suddenly, making her squeal sharply and clench her fuckhole around your shaft. "Oh yeah, right there, baby!" she screams, eyes rolling back into her skull, as you knead her breasts and ramrod her pussy all at once.
Your dick is throbbing, ready to come. You grab her throat and squeeze, at the same time speeding your thrusting up to a wild pace. Valentina's mouth opens wide, but you only allow her tiny gulps of air. She's raspy, she's suffocating slightly, but her eyes tell you that she loves the skull-fucking more than anything. Her hands grip your tight buttcheeks firmly as she rocks back against you, taking each of your feral thrusts with a gagged moan.
You let out a long groan as you explode, dumping a fat load of jizz deep into her spasming pussy, filling her up. Val shudders in ecstasy, a powerful orgasm rocking her fabulous body as you paint her walls white. Once you're finished, you quickly pull out and flip her over, soaking your long dick with saliva and plunging it straight down that whorish throat for cleanup.
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Valentina]]
<<set $gallery.ValentinaFuck = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>!!!Michelle Adams, Lawyer
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/michelle/portrait.png][Michelle]]>><</link>></div>
Michelle enters your office with a confident look on her face.
MICHELLE ADAMS: "Boss, it's time we slow down our illegal operations and allow for the legal part to grow. I know it sounds scary, but I think that's what we have to do."
1: [[Slow down the illegal operations|card26res1][$stats.crime -= 3; $stats.pigs += 1; $stats.legal += 2; $sympathy.michelle += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Refuse|card26res2][$stats.legal -= 2; $stats.illegal += 2; $stats.money += 150]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([C] -3, [P] +1, [L] +2, Michelle's sympathy)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([L] -2, [I] +2, +$150)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/michelle/portrait.png][Michelle]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Alright, Michelle. I trust you on this."
MICHELLE ADAMS: "Thank you, sir. Thank you for your trust. You'll see it was the right call."
Michelle leaves, smirking to herself.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/michelle/portrait.png][Michelle]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "The answer is no."
YOU: "The answer is still no. I can't do that. Sorry, Michelle."
Michelle shakes her head in disbelief and leaves you be..
[[Continue|Hub]]The busty Asian model agency owner is laid out on the bed, her petite body dressed in a tight black dress that hugs her curves. Her head is hanging off the edge, sleek black hair cascading down. You stand above her, looking down at that pretty face. Nia looks up at you with dick-drunk eyes, tongue lolling out, just begging for a rough mouth fucking.
Never one to disappoint a slut in need, you fish out your fat cock and smack it on her face a few times. "Open wide, you dumb whore," you sneer, pressing the tip against her lips. Nia parts them obediently, allowing you to slide your shaft all the way down her tight throat with no resistance. You groan at the warm, wet sensation enveloping your dick. Perfect…
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/characters/nia/suck.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
You grab her hair and start piston-fucking her mouth without mercy, slamming down into her gullet. Wet gagging noises fill the room as you pound away. Numato's hands fly to your hips, trying to slow you down, but you ignore the bitch, using her skull like a glorified fleshlight. Tears and mascara stream down her cheeks as she struggles to handle your cock.
"That's it you slant-eyed fucktoy, take it all!" you growl, giving her hair a sharp tug. You feel her throat spasming around your meat but you don't let up, just keep ruthlessly drilling her esophagus, heavy balls slapping against her nose with each thrust. The Asian slut has no choice but to try her best to breathe through her nose as you claim her throat.
You can feel your orgasm building, balls tightening as you jackhammer into her face with short, brutal strokes. Nia's completely slack now, just a warm set of holes for you to use as you see fit. With one final thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt in her throat and explode, flooding her stomach with thick spurts of spunk as you groan in pleasure.
Pulling out, you admire your work - Nia gasping for air, eyes unfocused, drool and cum leaking from her abused throat-cunt. "Clean it," you order, smearing your spit-soaked cock across her face. She laps at it eagerly like a bitch in heat until you're satisfied. Tucking yourself away, you chuckle darkly. "Anytime you want another throat-rearranging, you know where to find me slut." You turn and exit, leaving the well-used whore a mess on the hotel bed."
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Nia]]
<<set $gallery.NiaBJ = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>Nia lowers her dripping cunt onto your throbbing erection, moaning whorishly as you fill and stretch out her tight Asian snatch good. "Oh fuck, your cock is so big!" She screams, throwing her head back as she starts to bounce on your dick. Her hands rest firmly a top your muscular thighs for support. Behind you through the large glass windows, her luxurious pool and hot tub can be seen, but you don't care about that now - you're too busy enjoying this hot bitch's pussy.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/characters/nia/fuck.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
"Yeah, take my fucking dick you dirty slut!" You grunt, watching her sexy red dress ride up as her phat PAWG ass ripples with each thrust. She's grinding on you like her life depends on it, tight cunt swallowing your cock again and again. Nia looks back at you with lust-crazed eyes. "Fuck me harder! Destroy my fucking pussy!"
You grab her hips in a bruising grip and start wildly slamming up into her, making the sexy model howl in pleasure. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! You spank her jiggling butt as you rut into her, leaving bright red hand prints on her perky cheeks. She's riding you even harder now, juices gushing out and soaking your crotch. The lewd squelching sounds of your hardcore fucking echo in the spacious living room.
"Shit, I'm gonna cum!" You roar, feeling your heavy balls tighten. Nia screams "Yes, yes, fill me up! I wanna feel your hot cum inside me!" You don't hesitate, grabbing her roughly and crashing her down onto the base of your shaft one last time. Your cock twitches and throbs as you shoot thick ropes of jizz deep into her spasming cunt, mixing with her own squirting juices. She milks your cock for everything it's got as a powerful orgasm rips through her body.
Finally, you relax back onto the plush rug, both of you gasping for air. Nia slowly lifts herself off of your softening rod with a wet plop, a river of semen pouring out of her well-fucked hole. "Mmmm, that was incredible, babe" she purrs, cum dribbling down her thighs. "Ready for round two?" You smirk and smack her ass, pushing her onto her knees. She knows what to do, wrapping her lips around your cock and starts sucking, eagerly cleaning her juices off your dick. The night's just getting started…
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Nia]]
<<set $gallery.NiaFuck = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>You stand above Michelle, admiring her perfectly made-up face and professional outfit as she kneels before you, a glint of submissive lust in her eyes. She gazes up at your imposing form, biting her lip seductively. "Please, put that big cock in my mouth. I want to taste you," she begs sultrily.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/characters/michelle/suck.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
Never one to refuse such a polite request, you grab her head and guide your hard shaft between her parted lips. She moans around your girth as you slide deep, hitting the back of her throat. You start pumping your hips, fucking her pretty face with increasing intensity.
Michelle takes it like a champ, maintaining eye contact as you use her mouth. Drool leaks from the corners of her stretched lips, smearing her lipstick as wet gagging noises fill the room. But she's determined to pleasure you, hollowing her cheeks and sucking hard.
"Fuck yeah, take that cock you silver-tongued slut," you growl, picking up the pace. Your heavy balls slap against her chin with each thrust. Tears stream down her face but she doesn't dare tap out, letting you relentlessly pound her throat pussy.
Feeling your climax approaching, you pull her face flush against your groin, holding her there as you erupt straight down her gullet. Michelle swallows rapidly, not spilling a single drop as she gulps down your heavy load. You sigh in deep satisfaction.
Releasing her head, your wet cock slips from her lips with a pop. She gasps for air, face a beautiful mess, and grins up at you. "Thank you sir, I needed that," she rasps, voice hoarse from the thorough skull-fucking. You smile down at her - she's earned her retainer fee today.
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Michelle]]
<<set $gallery.MichelleBJ = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>Still naked after the intense oral session, Michelle climbs atop you as you sit on the large bouncy yoga ball. She straddles your hips, rubbing her soaked pussy lips along your shaft, coating you in her arousal. "I need you inside me, right now!" the petite lawyer demands needily.
Gripping the ball for stability, you watch as she positions your cock at her entrance and swiftly impales herself, taking you to the hilt. "Ohhhh fuck!" she cries out, immediately starting to bounce on your pole. Her tight cunt feels incredible, velvet walls rippling along your shaft.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/characters/michelle/suck.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
You grab her firm ass, helping lift her up and down as she rides you with wild abandon. Her perky tits bounce hypnotically in your face. Leaning in, you capture a nipple between your teeth, biting and sucking the sensitive bud. Michelle throws her head back in ecstasy, grinding her clit against your pubic bone.
"Yes, yes, fuck me! Don't stop!" she screams, skin slapping lewdly as she humps you with sharp, desperate motions. You can feel her pussy starting to flutter around your pistoning cock. She's close. Grabbing her hips, you take control, somehow fucking up into her even harder from your position.
That does it. With a intense shriek, Michelle comes undone, clear fluids squirting out around your shaft as she climaxes hard. The sensation of her rippling pussy muscles milking you is too much - with a groan, you flood her insides with your second load of the day. She collapses against your chest, trembling and mewling in overstimulated bliss.
You hold the sweaty, cum-drunk lawyer close as the aftershocks wrack her body, still lazily moving inside her. Eventually, she regains her senses and grants you a sly, satisfied smile. "Mmm, now that's what I call a power session," Michelle purrs, slowly dismounting. Your combined juices leak out as she stands on wobbly legs. You grin back - this high-profile client is well worth servicing.
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Michelle]]
<<set $gallery.MichelleFuck = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>Emmy kneels between your spread legs, her luscious lips inches from your throbbing erection. She looks up at you with sensuous bedroom eyes, blonde hair cascading over her shoulders. "I've been thinking about sucking this big cock all day," she purrs seductively, wrapping a manicured hand around your shaft. Emmy gives it a few slow pumps, admiring your girth with a hungry gaze.
Unable to resist any longer, the busty brothel manager parts her plump lips and takes you into her warm, wet mouth. "Mmm," she moans around your cock, sending delicious vibrations through you. Maintaining intense eye contact, Emmy starts bobbing her head, slurping obscenely as she services you with enthusiasm. Her tongue swirls around the tip, teasing your slit and frenulum.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/characters/emmy/suck.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
You groan in pleasure, reaching down to brush her silky hair back as you watch her work. Emmy takes you deeper with each bob, opening her throat and swallowing around your sensitive glans. Her blue eyes water but she doesn't stop, determined to milk your cock for all its worth. She hallows her cheeks, providing incredible suction as drool escapes the corners of her stretched lips.
One hand fondles your heavy balls while the other rests on your thigh, red nails lightly scratching your skin. Every move Emmy makes is calculated to bring you maximum pleasure. Her oral skills are unparalleled, refined through years of experience. You find yourself getting lost in the slick, velvety sensation of her perfect blowjob. It's hard to hold back as she worships your manhood so devotedly.
You start gently thrusting your hips to meet her mouth. Emmy lets you fuck her face, gagging around your cock but not letting up for a second. She expertly takes you into her throat again and again, nose pressing into your pelvis. The filthy wet sounds of her slobbering on your meat fill the room. Looking down at her, mascara smeared, you know you won't last much longer.
She senses your impending orgasm, doubling her efforts. As the tension mounts, Emmy pulls back to focus her tongue on the sensitive head while stroking your shaft fast. "Come for me baby, give me that hot load," she commands breathily. That's all it takes to push you over the edge. With a deep groan, you erupt like a geyser, painting the back of her throat with your seed. Emmy swallows it all, gently suckling to coax out every last drop as she milks you dry. You collapse back into the couch, breathing heavily, thoroughly drained by her amazing oral. Emmy releases your spent cock with a smile, licking her lips. "Mmm, delicious as always. Until next time, handsome."
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Emmy]]
<<set $gallery.EmmyBJ = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>"Fuck I need you right now," Emmy growls, shoving you against the kitchen counter. She attacks your mouth with sloppy, aggressive kisses while pawing at your chest. Breaking away, the wanton blonde spins around and bends over, placing one stocking-clad foot up on the granite counter-top, presenting her dripping pussy to you. "Get that big dick in me, NOW," she demands over her shoulder, wiggling her juicy ass invitingly.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/characters/emmy/fuck.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
Wasting no time, you line up your rock-hard cock and slam balls-deep into her tight cunt in one powerful stroke. "OH FUCK YES!" Emmy screams, hands scrabbling for purchase on the marble surface as you start pounding her hard from behind. The lewd slapping of skin-on-skin echoes through the kitchen as your hips smack into her plump rear again and again.
"Take it you dirty slut, take that fucking cock," you snarl, gripping her hips bruisingly as you thoroughly rearrange her guts. Emmy whines and moans whorishly, pushing back to meet your vicious thrusts. She's soaking wet, pussy gushing arousal with every slam of your cock. You reach around to maul her big fake tits, pinching the nipples hard and making her yelp.
Emmy starts wildly humping back at you, desperate for more friction against her g-spot. "Harder, HARDER! Fucking destroy me!" she wails, eyes rolling back in absolute ecstasy. You comply, using her hole like a cocksleeve, grunting with the effort of pistoning in and out. Her pussy is heavenly, rippling walls gripping you like a velvet vice.
"Shit, gonna cum already," you pant, sweat dripping down your face. The familiar tingling starts in the base of your spine as your balls tighten, signalling your impending release. Emmy senses it too, clenching down rhythmically and practically sobbing brokenly from the intensity. "Me too! Don't stop, don't you dare fucking stop!"
With an animalistic roar, you hilts deep and explode inside her, painting her cervix with thick ropes of jizz. The sensation of being marked so potently triggers Emmy's own screaming orgasm, cunt spasming almost violently on your spurting shaft, milking out every drop. She squirts clear fluid, splashing your crotch and dripping down her shaking thighs.
After what feels like an eternity, your orgasms wind down, leaving you both gasping and twitching. You slowly pull out, causing a river of semen to escape her gaped hole. "Holy shit," Emmy rasps, legs like jelly, barely able to hold herself up. You just chuckle, giving her reddened ass a light smack. "Couldn't have said it better myself. Now how about you clean me up and we go for round two?" Her eyes light up as she eagerly drops to her knees, cum-hungry mouth already seeking out your messy cock.
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Emmy]]
<<set $gallery.EmmyFuck = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>//Saved to slot A!//
<<include 'Hub'>><br>
!!!Activate a cheat code
<<textbox "$cheatCode" $cheatCode>> - Enter it here and click [[here|Cheats & Rewards]]<<if $cheatCode == "calibr">><<set $patreonTier = 2>>
''$5 Tier'' activated! You may use the cheat menu now.<<elseif $cheatCode == "bobr">><<set $patreonTier = 3>>
''$10 Tier'' activated! You may use the cheat menu now. Also, the gallery is unlocked (secret scenes included!)<</if>>
!!!Cheat menu
<<if $patreonTier > 1>>[[Increase|Cheats & Rewards][$stats.crime += 1]] or [[Decrease|Cheats & Rewards][$stats.crime -= 1]] [C] by 1
[[Increase|Cheats & Rewards][$stats.legal += 1]] or [[Decrease|Cheats & Rewards][$stats.legal -= 1]] [L] by 1
[[Increase|Cheats & Rewards][$stats.illegal += 1]] or [[Decrease|Cheats & Rewards][$stats.illegal -= 1]] [I] by 1
[[Increase|Cheats & Rewards][$stats.pigs += 1]] or [[Decrease|Cheats & Rewards][$stats.pigs -= 1]] [P] by 1
[[Lock|Cheats & Rewards][$risklock = true]] [R] or [[Unlock|Cheats & Rewards][$risklock = false]]
Set [M]oney to [[$800|Cheats & Rewards][$stats.money = 800]]<<else>>Access restricted. <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Subscribe</a> (cheat menu reward starts from ''$5 tier'')<</if>>
$bestName was the name of your most long-lasting boss. He reigned for $family.bestPersonalScore months.
$bestFamily was the family name of your most long-lasting clan. It lasted for $family.bestFamilyScore months.
[[Back|Hub]]!!!Veronika Green, Police Informant
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/veronika/portrait.png][Veronika]]>><</link>></div>
She walks into your office, swaying those wide hips.
VERONIKA GREEN: "<<= $family.currentPersonal>>, baby, my bosses demand I give them something on your boys. Please, baby, do me a favor, and I won't disappoint."
1. [[Do her a favor and betray your men|card27res1][$stats.crime -= 4; $stats.pigs += 2; $sympathy.veronika += 1]] ''[UNIQUE SEX SCENE AHEAD]'' <span id="counselor1"></span>
2. [[Refuse|card27res2][$stats.crime += 1; $stats.pigs -= 2]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([C] -4, [P] +2, Veronika's sympathy +1, Sex Scene)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([C] +1, [P] -2)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/veronika/portrait.png][Veronika]]>><</link>></div>
Veronika saunters into your office, hips swaying seductively in her tight police uniform. She locks the door behind her before turning to face you with a mischievous grin. "I have a special thank you for helping me out, boss," the sexy redhead purrs, slowly unbuttoning her top. "I know just how to reward loyalty."
She strips efficiently, revealing a skimpy black lace bra barely containing her perky tits and a matching thong that shows off her incredible ass. Veronika gets down on all fours, crawling towards you with feline grace. Reaching your feet, she nuzzles your straining fly, mouthing at your bulge. "Mmm, is this all for me?"
You groan as she frees your throbbing cock, slender fingers wrapped around the base. Veronika looks up at you through long lashes, green eyes burning with lust. Maintaining eye contact, she extends her pink tongue and licks a slow stripe from root to tip, swirling around the swollen head. "Delicious," she coos before opening wide and engulfing your dick in velvety heat.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/cards/card27res1.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
Veronika takes you deep right away, years of practice allowing her to suppress her gag reflex as your cock hits the back of her throat. She swallows around you, throat muscles rippling along your length. Her nose presses into your pelvis as she holds you there, savoring the musky taste and scent of your arousal.
Only when the need for oxygen becomes urgent does Veronika pull off, strings of saliva connecting her plump lips to your spit-shined shaft. She takes a deep breath before diving back in, fucking her own face on your meat. Wet slurping and gagging noises fill the office as she sets a relentless pace, deepthroating you over and over.
Tears leak from the corners of her eyes, mascara starting to run, but she doesn't let up for a second. Whenever it becomes too much, Veronika pulls back to catch her breath, pumping your slick shaft and tonguing your sensitive frenulum. Then she's back at it, pushing herself to take you right down her gullet. You rest a hand on her head, gently encouraging her oral onslaught. She looks up at you, enjoying the way the powerful men in this town become putty in her skilled mouth.
Your balls tighten as the pressure builds, signaling your approaching orgasm. Veronika feels your cock twitch against her tongue and doubles her efforts, bobbing faster, practically inhaling your cock. The intense sensation proves too much. With a deep, guttural groan, you explode, firing thick ropes of cum straight down her hungry throat. She swallows rapidly, milking your shaft with her muscles, not spilling a single precious drop.
Veronika keeps you in her mouth until you start to soften, licking you clean before letting you slip from her lips. She sits back on her haunches, catching her breath, a satisfied smile on her flushed face. You take in the sight of her - makeup ruined, saliva dripping down her chin and onto her heaving tits, eyes shining with pride. No one gives head quite like your pretty informant. "Fuck, Veronika, that was incredible," you praise breathlessly. She preens at the compliment. "Anything for you, Boss. It's the least I can do."
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Hub]]
<<set $gallery.VeronikaDeal = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/veronika/portrait.png][Veronika]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Get the fuck outta here with such requests. Remember who you belond to, tramp."
VERONIKA GREEN: "Okaaa-ay, okay, I'm s- okay, I'm s-sor-r-ry!"
She looks flabberghasted and mutters nonsense excuses as she leaves your office.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Angela "Angie" Bianchi, Journalist
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/angela/portrait.png][Angela]]>><</link>></div>
Angie barges in like she owns the place.
ANGELA BIANCHI: "That's it, playboy. I’ve dug up some real dirt on your ass. And I'm gonna publish it and make a whole lotta money. Unless… you’re willing to convince me not to do so… with your lips and tongue?"
1: [[Lick her good for her silence|card28res1][$stats.crime -= 2; $sympathy.angela += 1]] ''[UNIQUE SEX SCENE AHEAD]'' <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: <<if $stats.crime > 9>>[[Threaten her|card28res2][$stats.crime += 2, $stats.pigs -=4]]<<else>>==Threaten her==<</if>> (Requires 10 [C]) <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([C] -2, Angela's sympathy +1, Sex scene)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([C] +2, [L] -4)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/angela/portrait.png][Angela]]>><</link>></div>
Angie leads you into her home gym. "I think we can come to an arrangement about my story," she purrs, sauntering over to the padded mats. In one swift motion, she pulls her tight spandex shorts down, exposing her perfect, bare pussy. Your mouth waters at the sight. "Why don't you put that tongue to better use than making excuses?"
More than happy to comply if it means keeping your secrets safe, you lay back on the sports carpet. Angie stands above you, a foot on either side of your head. Slowly, teasingly, she lowers herself until her glistening folds hover mere inches from your face. The heady, musky scent of her arousal invades your nostrils. Unable to resist, you crane your neck up, extending your tongue to taste her.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/cards/card28res1.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
"Oooh, eager aren't we?" she coos at the first touch of your tongue against her sensitive flesh. Angie grinds down, smearing her juices across your mouth and chin as she rides your face. You lap at her greedily, tracing every fold and crease, circling her engorged clit. She gasps and moans above you, fingers threading into your hair, keeping you right where she wants you.
You point your tongue, delving between her slick lips to probe at her entrance. Angie rocks her hips more insistently, effectively fucking herself on the slippery muscle. You grunt into her dripping cunt, struggling for air but not daring to stop your oral worship. Reaching up, you fill your hands with the firm globes of her asscheeks, aiding her movements.
"Fuck yes, just like that! Don't stop!" the journalist demands, picking up the pace, grinding her sopping pussy all over your face with wild abandon. You flatten your tongue, letting her use you, lashing against her swollen bundle of nerves on every pass. Her breathy moans escalate into high-pitched keens and you know she's close.
Suddenly, Angie stiffens above you, thighs clamping around your head like a vice. "Ohfuckohfuckohfuuuck! I'm cummming!" she wails, gushing all over you as her orgasm crashes through her. You open your mouth wide, drinking down her sweet nectar, prolonging her pleasure with little kitten licks to her sensitized clit. She rides out the aftershocks, grinding against your face until it becomes too much and she shakily dismounts.
Angie stands on quivering legs, staring down at you with a blissed out expression. "Damn, I knew that mouth was good for more than smooth-talking. We'll have to do this again sometime," she says with a wink. You simply nod, dazed, face glazed with her essence. She saunters off to the shower, calling over her shoulder "Oh, and you can consider my story officially spiked… for now." You breath a sigh of relief, but something tells you this won't be the last "favor" the sexy journalist calls in.
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Hub]]
<<set $gallery.AngieLick = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/angela/portrait.png][Angela]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Fuck you. Do you have any idea who you're speaking with? I can make it so you don't cross the threshold of your house in one piece tonight. Get the fuck outta my office."
Angie's face is pale from terror. She can barely move, but then at once she rushes to the door with all her speed and runs away.
[[Continue|Hub]]<<switch $event7>>
<<case "none">>
A working girl blabbed to competitors about plans for a new coke shipment. <br><br>
1. <<link "Forgive her">>
<<set $stats.illegal -= 2>>
<<set $stats.crime -= 2>>
<<set $event7 = "forgive">>
<<goto "event7">>
<</link>> <br>
2. <<link "Kill her">>
<<set $stats.crime += 1>>
<<set $stats.pigs -= 2>>
<<set $event7 = "kill">>
<<goto "event7">>
<</link>> <br>
3. <<link "Help her escape in exchange for sex">>
<<set $stats.illegal -= 2>>
<<set $stats.crime -= 3>>
<<set $event7 = "escape">>
<<goto "event7">>
<</link>> [Sex scene ahead!] <br>
4. <<if $stats.illegal >= 12>>
<<link "Let your people take care of this">>
<<set $event7 = "people">>
<<goto "event7">>
==Let your people take care of this==
<</if>> (Requires 12 [I]) <br>
<<case "forgive">>
You decide to show mercy. While it costs you in the short term, your compassion may pay off later.
<<set $event7 = "none">>
<<case "kill">>
A harsh but effective message is sent. The criminal world respects your ruthlessness, but the heat is on.
<<set $event7 = "none">>
<<case "escape">>
You help her slip away, but not before collecting your "payment".
<<set $event7 = "none">>
You have the blonde pinned beneath you on the bed, her pale skin flushed and glistening with sweat. She moans wantonly as you thrust into her from behind, her tight heat gripping you like a vice. You grab a leather belt from the nightstand, looping it around her slender neck.
<br> <br>
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/events/event7escape.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
"Please," she whimpers, a mix of fear and arousal in her voice. You tighten the belt, cutting off her air supply as you pound into her relentlessly. Her pussy clenches around you, spasming as she comes undone. You loosen your grip just enough to let her gasp for air before choking her again.
<br> <br>
The working girl writhes beneath you, trapped between pleasure and pain. You can feel her getting wetter with each brutal thrust, her juices coating your shaft. She tries to form words but can only manage choked moans and gurgles. The power you hold over her is intoxicating.
<br> <br>
You increase your pace, jackhammering into her as you pull the belt tighter. Her eyes roll back, face turning red as another orgasm rips through her oxygen-deprived body. You growl in satisfaction, using her like the dirty little fucktoy she is. This is the price she pays for her betrayal.
<br> <br>
"Cum for me again, slut," you demand, easing up on the belt. She sucks in a desperate breath before screaming in ecstasy, gushing around your cock as you fuck her through yet another climax. You're relentless, chasing your own release now as you choke her once more.
<br> <br>
With a roar, you bury yourself to the hilt and explode, flooding her cunt with your seed. The blonde convulses beneath you, cumming one final time as you paint her insides white. You collapse on top of her, both of you panting heavily. As you roll off, you smirk. She's earned her escape…
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Hub]]
<<set $gallery.WorkingGirlEscape = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>
<<case "people">>
Your criminal empire handles the situation discreetly. Problem solved without getting your hands dirty.
<<set $event7 = "none">>
<</switch>><<switch $event8>>
<<case "none">>
A federal agent is hunting you. <br><br>
1. <<if $stats.legal >= 12>>
<<link "Ward off her suspicions with financial statements">>
<<set $event8 = "financials">>
<<goto "event8">>
==Ward off her suspicions with financial statements==
<</if>> (Requires 12 [L])<br>
2. <<link "Lay low">>
<<set $stats.illegal -= 2>>
<<set $stats.pigs += 1>>
<<set $event8 = "laylow">>
<<goto "event8">>
<</link>> <br>
3. <<if $stats.money >= 100>>
<<link "Bribe her bosses">>
<<set $stats.money -= 100>>
<<set $event8 = "bribe">>
<<goto "event8">>
==Bribe her bosses==
<</if>> (Requires $100) <br>
4. <<if $patreonTier > 2>><<link "Seduce her">><<set $event8 = "seduce">><<goto "event8">><</link>><<else>>==Seduce her== (Patreon ''$10 tier'' reward)<</if>> [you can unlock this scene by subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
<<case "financials">>
You invite the agent to your office, presenting impeccable financial records. She buys your every word.
<<set $event8 = "none">>
<<case "laylow">>
You keep a low profile for a while. The heat dies down, but your illegal operations take a hit.
<<set $event8 = "none">>
<<case "bribe">>
Money talks. The investigation mysteriously loses steam after some well-placed "donations".
<<set $event8 = "none">>
<<case "seduce">>
You turn on the charm, inviting the agent for a private "discussion" of the case...
<<set $event8 = "none">>
The federal agent throws her head back, golden hair cascading down her back as she rides you with abandon. Her petite body bounces atop your larger frame, tight walls gripping you like a vice. You grip her hips, guiding her movements as she impales herself on your shaft again and again.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/events/event8seduce.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
"Oh god, yes!" she cries out, lost in pleasure. Her badge and gun lay discarded on the floor along with her crisp suit, all semblance of professionalism gone. You smirk, knowing you've won this round. The hunter has become the prey.
You thrust up to meet her downward motions, driving yourself deeper. The agent's perky breasts bounce enticingly with each movement. Unable to resist, you lean forward to capture a rosy nipple between your lips, sucking and nibbling. She gasps, inner muscles clenching around you in response.
"Fuck, you feel so good inside me," the blonde moans, picking up her pace. Her nails dig into your shoulders as she chases her release. You can feel your own orgasm building, that familiar tightening in your core. But you're determined to make her come undone first.
Snaking a hand between your bodies, you find her sensitive nub and start rubbing tight circles. The effect is immediate - she throws her head back with a keening wail, entire body shuddering as waves of pleasure crash over her. You fuck her through it, prolonging her climax.
As she comes down from her high, you flip her onto her back and start pounding into her with renewed vigor. She wraps her legs around your waist, urging you deeper. With a guttural groan, you bury yourself to the hilt and explode, filling her with your seed. As you both lay there panting, you can't help but chuckle. This "discussion" of the case went even better than planned.
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Hub]]
<<set $gallery.FederalAgentSeduce = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>
<</switch>><<switch $event9>>
<<case "none">>
A major mobster was brutally murdered. <br><br>
1. <<link "Take responsibility for the murder">>
<<set $stats.crime += 4>>
<<set $stats.pigs -= 2>>
<<set $event9 = "responsibility">>
<<goto "event9">>
<</link>> <br>
2. <<if $stats.money >= 150>>
<<link "Express condolences and help the family financially">>
<<set $stats.crime += 1>>
<<set $stats.money -= 150>>
<<set $event9 = "condolences">>
<<goto "event9">>
==Express condolences and help the family financially==
<</if>> (Requires $150) <br>
3. <<if $patreonTier > 2>><<link "Fuck his widow wife">><<set $event9 = "wife">><<goto "event9">><</link>><<else>>==Fuck his widow wife== (Patreon ''$10 tier'' reward)<</if>> [you can unlock this scene by subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]<br>
4. <<if $stats.crime >= 11>>
<<link "Seize the moment and take over his business">>
<<set $stats.illegal += 3>>
<<set $stats.pigs -= 3>>
<<set $event9 = "takeover">>
<<goto "event9">>
==Seize the moment and take over his business==
<</if>> (Requires [C] 11) <br>
<<case "responsibility">>
You claim the hit as your own. The criminal world fears you, but the heat is on.
<<set $event9 = "none">>
<<case "condolences">>
Your gesture of goodwill is noted in the criminal underworld. It's expensive, but it buys you respect.
<<set $event9 = "none">>
<<case "wife">>
You visit the widow in her penthouse under the guise of offering condolences. One thing leads to another...
<<set $event9 = "none">>
At the mobster's luxurious penthouse, his widow stands on the balcony in alluring blue lingerie, her olive skin glowing in the moonlight. You approach, admiring her flowing brown hair and dark, smoldering eyes. She turns, a hint of a smile on her lips as she sinks to her knees and takes you in her mouth.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/events/event9wife.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
You groan as her warm, wet tongue works its magic. Gripping her hair, you begin thrusting into her throat. The widow moans around you, her expert technique bringing you close to the edge. Just before you lose control, you pull her up and bend her over the balcony railing.
With one swift motion, you enter her from behind. She cries out in pleasure as you pound into her relentlessly. The cool night air caresses your bodies as you fuck against the skyline. Her inner walls clench around you as she reaches her first climax of the night.
Moving inside, you toss her onto the king-sized bed. She spreads her legs invitingly and you dive between them, tasting her sweetness. Your tongue and fingers work in tandem, soon sending her into another screaming orgasm.
Flipping her over, you take her from behind again. Then she rides you cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, her lithe body undulating atop yours. With each new position, you bring her to new heights of ecstasy. She's insatiable, begging for more with each climax.
As the night wears on, you lose count of her orgasms. Finally spent, you both collapse in a tangle of sweaty limbs. She curls into your side with a contented sigh. "Now that's how you pay respects," she purrs. You chuckle, already thinking about your next "condolence" visit.
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Hub]]
<<set $gallery.MobsterWidow = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>
<<case "takeover">>
You move swiftly, absorbing the dead mobster's operations. Your illegal empire grows, but it doesn't go unnoticed.
<<set $event9 = "none">>
<</switch>>!!!Nikki Jones, Club Manager
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nikki/portrait.png][Nikki]]>><</link>></div>
Nikki meets you in the VIP-area of her club.
NIKKI JONES: "Hi boss. I got an idea. Let's pay a celebrity to come spend the night at our place for the next few weeks exclusively. Needs a budget, but will pay off big!"
1: <<if $stats.money >= 250>>[[Pay the celebrity|card29res1][$stats.money += 200; $stats.legal += 2; $sympathy.nikki += 1]]<<else>>==Pay the celebrity==<</if>> (Requires $250) <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Forget about it|card29res2][$stats.legal -= 2]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>(+$200, [L] +2, Nikki's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([L] -2)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nikki/portrait.png][Nikki]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Aight, here's $250 for your budget."
NIKKI JONES: "Thanks, boss. I'm telling ya, soon we'll be swimming in Benjamins."
Nikki leaves, stashing the money into her cleavage.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nikki/portrait.png][Nikki]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "No can do babygirl, I don't even have the money."
NIKKI JONES: "Tsk, that sucks. Well, I guess I'll see ya around."
Nikki leaves.
!!!Veronika Green, Police Informant
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/veronika/portrait.png][Veronika]]>><</link>></div>
She barges into your office, looking worried.
VERONIKA GREEN: "Mr. <<= $family.currentName>>, it's fucking urgent! The new commissioner is a real fucking dick. He's threatened to give you hell on Earth. But there's a way to evade this shot: buy out his men and make them loyal to you, and not to that fat self-righteous fuck."
1. [[Accept the new reality|card30res1][$stats.crime -= 2; $stats.pigs -= 2; $stats.legal -= 2; $stats.illegal -= 2]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2. <<if $stats.money > 274>>[[Pay up|card30res2][$stats.pigs += 3; $sympathy.veronika += 1; $stats.money -= 275]]<<else>>==Pay up==<</if>> (Requires $275) <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([C] -2, [L] -2, [I] -2, [P] -2)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([P] +3, Veronika's sympathy +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/veronika/portrait.png][Veronika]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Well, it's time I learn the new rules to play by."
VERONIKA GREEN: "Huh. Funny. For a moment I thought you had balls."
She leaves with a snicker. The commissioner turns out to be just as bad as she described.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/veronika/portrait.png][Veronika]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "You've got yourselves a deal, you pigs. I'm paying."
VERONIKA GREEN: "Now we're talking! Forget about the commissoner fella, you ain't gotta about about no more commissioners now."
She leaves with a snicker.
[[Continue|Hub]]<<if $NPC4.name == "none" or $NPC1.name == "none" or $NPC2.name == "none" or $NPC3.name == "none">>
<<set $NPC.gen = false>>
<<if $NPC.gen == true>>
<<linkappend "Scout for talents">>
<<set $NPC.gen = false>>
<<set _x = random(1, 3)>>
<<if _x == 3>>
<<set _NPC = {
name: either("Johnny", "Eddie", "Freddie", "Michael", "Spok", "Jimmy", "Gabe", "Derek", "Kris", "Vinnie", "Machete", "Hooligan", "Caleb", "Tony", "Big Dick Johnson", "Snake", "Cowboy", "Al Pacino", "Al Capone", "Billy Thompson", "Jack Spinoza", "Tommy Two-Times", "Frankie Fingers", "Salvatore Russo", "Nicky 'The Fish' Marconi", "Rocco Gambini", "Louie 'The Lip' Santini", "Benny 'The Bull' Costa", "Charlie Marino", "Mickey Ferraro", "Paulie Castagna", "Vito Bellucci", "Angelo Moretti", "Sammy Mancini", "Johnny Malone", "Ricky Romano", "Vincent DeLuca", "Tony Bellini", "Frank DiSalvo", "Gino Esposito"),
driving: random(25, 75),
shooting: random(25, 75),
fighting: random(25, 75),
authority: random(25, 75),
<<set _NPC = {
name: either("Johnny", "Eddie", "Freddie", "Michael", "Spok", "Jimmy", "Gabe", "Derek", "Kris", "Vinnie", "Machete", "Hooligan", "Caleb", "Tony", "Big Dick Johnson", "Snake", "Cowboy", "Al Pacino", "Al Capone", "Billy Thompson", "Jack Spinoza", "Tommy Two-Times", "Frankie Fingers", "Salvatore Russo", "Nicky 'The Fish' Marconi", "Rocco Gambini", "Louie 'The Lip' Santini", "Benny 'The Bull' Costa", "Charlie Marino", "Mickey Ferraro", "Paulie Castagna", "Vito Bellucci", "Angelo Moretti", "Sammy Mancini", "Johnny Malone", "Ricky Romano", "Vincent DeLuca", "Tony Bellini", "Frank DiSalvo", "Gino Esposito"),
driving: random(10, 25),
shooting: random(10, 25),
fighting: random(10, 25),
authority: random(10, 25),
People who wanna join your gang: <br>
1. <<= _NPC.name>> <br>
Driving: <<= _NPC.driving>>/100 <br>
Shooting: <<= _NPC.shooting>>/100 <br>
Fighting: <<= _NPC.fighting>>/100 <br>
Authority: <<= _NPC.authority>>/100 <br>
<<if $NPC1.name == "none">><<if _x == 3>><<set _y = either(300, 300, 350, 425)>><<else>><<set _y = either(100, 200, 250, 150)>><</if>><<if $stats.money > (_y - 1)>><<link "Hire as a driver">>
<<set $NPC1.name = _NPC.name>>
<<set $NPC1.driving = _NPC.driving>>
<<set $NPC1.shooting = _NPC.shooting>>
<<set $NPC1.fighting = _NPC.fighting>>
<<set $NPC1.authority = _NPC.authority>>
<<set $stats.money -= _y>>
<<goto "Crew">>
<</link>><<else>>==Hire as a driver<</if>> (Requires $<<= _y>>)<</if>>
<<if $NPC2.name == "none">><<if _x == 3>><<set _y = either(300, 350, 350, 425)>><<else>><<set _y = either(150, 200, 250, 150)>><</if>><<if $stats.money > (_y - 1)>><<link "Hire as a shooter">>
<<set $NPC2.name = _NPC.name>>
<<set $NPC2.driving = _NPC.driving>>
<<set $NPC2.shooting = _NPC.shooting>>
<<set $NPC2.fighting = _NPC.fighting>>
<<set $NPC2.authority = _NPC.authority>>
<<set $stats.money -= _y>>
<<goto "Crew">>
<</link>><<else>>==Hire as a shooter<</if>> (Requires $<<= _y>>)<</if>>
<<if $NPC3.name == "none">><<if _x == 3>><<set _y = either(300, 350, 350, 425)>><<else>><<set _y = either(150, 200, 250, 150)>><</if>><<if $stats.money > (_y - 1)>><<link "Hire as a looter">>
<<set $NPC3.name = _NPC.name>>
<<set $NPC3.driving = _NPC.driving>>
<<set $NPC3.shooting = _NPC.shooting>>
<<set $NPC3.fighting = _NPC.fighting>>
<<set $NPC3.authority = _NPC.authority>>
<<set $stats.money -= _y>>
<<goto "Crew">>
<</link>><<else>>==Hire as a looter<</if>> (Requires $<<= _y>>)<</if>>
<<if $NPC4.name == "none">><<if _x == 3>><<set _y = either(300, 350, 350, 425)>><<else>><<set _y = either(150, 200, 250, 150)>><</if>><<if $stats.money > (_y - 1)>><<link "Hire as a leader">>
<<set $NPC4.name = _NPC.name>>
<<set $NPC4.driving = _NPC.driving>>
<<set $NPC4.shooting = _NPC.shooting>>
<<set $NPC4.fighting = _NPC.fighting>>
<<set $NPC4.authority = _NPC.authority>>
<<set $stats.money -= _y>>
<<goto "Crew">>
<</link>><<else>>==Hire as a leader<</if>> (Requires $<<= _y>>)<</if>>
''Current Crew''<br>
You can train your crew from here (if training is on, every month they get + random value between 1 and 10 to their skill), and you can assign them on missions.
1. ''Driver'': <<= $NPC1.name>> [D: <<= $NPC1.driving>>, S: <<= $NPC1.shooting>>, F: <<= $NPC1.fighting>>, A: <<= $NPC1.authority>>]
<<if $stats.money >= 15>><<if $train.npc1.driving == false>><<link "Train D ($15/month)">><<set $train.npc1.driving = true>><<set $train.anything += 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>><<else>>==Train D== ($15/month) <<link "Stop training">><<set $train.npc1.driving = false>><<set $train.anything -= 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>> <</if>><<else>>==Train D== ($15/month)<</if>>
<<if $stats.money >= 15>><<if $train.npc1.shooting == false>><<link "Train S ($15/month)">><<set $train.npc1.shooting = true>><<set $train.anything += 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>><<else>>==Train S== ($15/month) <<link "Stop training">><<set $train.npc1.shooting = false>><<set $train.anything -= 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>> <</if>><<else>>==Train S== ($15/month)<</if>>
<<if $stats.money >= 15>><<if $train.npc1.fighting == false>><<link "Train F ($15/month)">><<set $train.npc1.fighting = true>><<set $train.anything += 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>><<else>>==Train F== ($15/month) <<link "Stop training">><<set $train.npc1.fighting = false>><<set $train.anything -= 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>> <</if>><<else>>==Train F== ($15/month)<</if>>
<<if $stats.money >= 15>><<if $train.npc1.authority == false>><<link "Train A ($15/month)">><<set $train.npc1.authority = true>><<set $train.anything += 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>><<else>>==Train A== ($15/month) <<link "Stop training">><<set $train.npc1.authority = false>><<set $train.anything -= 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>> <</if>><<else>>==Train A== ($15/month)<</if>>
<<link "Fire $NPC1.name">><<set $NPC1.name = "none">><<set $NPC1.driving = 0>><<set $NPC1.shooting = 0>><<set $NPC1.fighting = 0>><<set $NPC1.authority = 0>><<goto "Crew">><</link>>
2. ''Shooter'': <<= $NPC2.name>> [D: <<= $NPC2.driving>>, S: <<= $NPC2.shooting>>, F: <<= $NPC2.fighting>>, A: <<= $NPC2.authority>>]<br>
<<if $stats.money >= 15>><<if $train.npc2.driving == false>><<link "Train D ($15/month)">><<set $train.npc2.driving = true>><<set $train.anything += 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>><<else>>==Train D== ($15/month) <<link "Stop training">><<set $train.npc2.driving = false>><<set $train.anything -= 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>> <</if>><<else>>==Train D== ($15/month)<</if>>
<<if $stats.money >= 15>><<if $train.npc2.shooting == false>><<link "Train S ($15/month)">><<set $train.npc2.shooting = true>><<set $train.anything += 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>><<else>>==Train S== ($15/month) <<link "Stop training">><<set $train.npc2.shooting = false>><<set $train.anything -= 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>> <</if>><<else>>==Train S== ($15/month)<</if>>
<<if $stats.money >= 15>><<if $train.npc2.fighting == false>><<link "Train F ($15/month)">><<set $train.npc2.fighting = true>><<set $train.anything += 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>><<else>>==Train F== ($15/month) <<link "Stop training">><<set $train.npc2.fighting = false>><<set $train.anything -= 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>> <</if>><<else>>==Train F== ($15/month)<</if>>
<<if $stats.money >= 15>><<if $train.npc2.authority == false>><<link "Train A ($15/month)">><<set $train.npc2.authority = true>><<set $train.anything += 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>><<else>>==Train A== ($15/month) <<link "Stop training">><<set $train.npc2.authority = false>><<set $train.anything -= 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>> <</if>><<else>>==Train A== ($15/month)<</if>>
<br> <br>
<<link "Fire $NPC2.name">><<set $NPC2.name = "none">><<set $NPC2.driving = 0>><<set $NPC2.shooting = 0>><<set $NPC2.fighting = 0>><<set $NPC2.authority = 0>><<goto "Crew">><</link>>
3. ''Looter'': <<= $NPC3.name>> [D: <<= $NPC3.driving>>, S: <<= $NPC3.shooting>>, F: <<= $NPC3.fighting>>, A: <<= $NPC3.authority>>]<br>
<<if $stats.money >= 15>><<if $train.npc3.driving == false>><<link "Train D ($15/month)">><<set $train.npc3.driving = true>><<set $train.anything += 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>><<else>>==Train D== ($15/month) <<link "Stop training">><<set $train.npc3.driving = false>><<set $train.anything -= 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>> <</if>><<else>>==Train D== ($15/month)<</if>>
<<if $stats.money >= 15>><<if $train.npc3.shooting == false>><<link "Train S ($15/month)">><<set $train.npc3.shooting = true>><<set $train.anything += 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>><<else>>==Train S== ($15/month) <<link "Stop training">><<set $train.npc3.shooting = false>><<set $train.anything -= 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>> <</if>><<else>>==Train S== ($15/month)<</if>>
<<if $stats.money >= 15>><<if $train.npc3.fighting == false>><<link "Train F ($15/month)">><<set $train.npc3.fighting = true>><<set $train.anything += 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>><<else>>==Train F== ($15/month) <<link "Stop training">><<set $train.npc3.fighting = false>><<set $train.anything -= 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>> <</if>><<else>>==Train F== ($15/month)<</if>>
<<if $stats.money >= 15>><<if $train.npc3.authority == false>><<link "Train A ($15/month)">><<set $train.npc3.authority = true>><<set $train.anything += 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>><<else>>==Train A== ($15/month) <<link "Stop training">><<set $train.npc3.authority = false>><<set $train.anything -= 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>> <</if>><<else>>==Train A== ($15/month)<</if>>
<br> <br>
<<link "Fire $NPC3.name">><<set $NPC3.name = "none">><<set $NPC3.driving = 0>><<set $NPC3.shooting = 0>><<set $NPC3.fighting = 0>><<set $NPC3.authority = 0>><<goto "Crew">><</link>>
4. ''Leader'': <<= $NPC4.name>> [D: <<= $NPC4.driving>>, S: <<= $NPC4.shooting>>, F: <<= $NPC4.fighting>>, A: <<= $NPC4.authority>>]<br>
<<if $stats.money >= 15>><<if $train.npc4.driving == false>><<link "Train D ($15/month)">><<set $train.npc4.driving = true>><<set $train.anything += 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>><<else>>==Train D== ($15/month) <<link "Stop training">><<set $train.npc4.driving = false>><<set $train.anything -= 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>> <</if>><<else>>==Train D== ($15/month)<</if>>
<<if $stats.money >= 15>><<if $train.npc4.shooting == false>><<link "Train S ($15/month)">><<set $train.npc4.shooting = true>><<set $train.anything += 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>><<else>>==Train S== ($15/month) <<link "Stop training">><<set $train.npc4.shooting = false>><<set $train.anything -= 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>> <</if>><<else>>==Train S== ($15/month)<</if>>
<<if $stats.money >= 15>><<if $train.npc4.fighting == false>><<link "Train F ($15/month)">><<set $train.npc4.fighting = true>><<set $train.anything += 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>><<else>>==Train F== ($15/month) <<link "Stop training">><<set $train.npc4.fighting = false>><<set $train.anything -= 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>> <</if>><<else>>==Train F== ($15/month)<</if>>
<<if $stats.money >= 15>><<if $train.npc4.authority == false>><<link "Train A ($15/month)">><<set $train.npc4.authority = true>><<set $train.anything += 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>><<else>>==Train A== ($15/month) <<link "Stop training">><<set $train.npc4.authority = false>><<set $train.anything -= 1>><<goto "Crew">><</link>> <</if>><<else>>==Train A== ($15/month)<</if>>
<<link "Fire $NPC4.name">><<set $NPC4.name = "none">><<set $NPC4.driving = 0>><<set $NPC4.shooting = 0>><<set $NPC4.fighting = 0>><<set $NPC4.authority = 0>><<goto "Crew">><</link>>
1. <<if $NPC1.driving > 24 and $NPC3.fighting > 19 and $NPC3.authority > 19 and $crewJob < 1>>[[Rob a liquor store][$crewJob = random(2, 4)]]<<else>>==Rob a liquor store==<</if>>
(Provides some money and some [C]) (Needs a Looter with at least 20 in Fighting and Authority and a Driver with at least 25 in Driving)
2. <<if $NPC2.shooting > 29 and $crewJob < 1>>[[Murder a rival gangster][$crewJob = random(1, 3)]]<<else>>==Murder a rival gangster==<</if>>
(Provides [C]) (Needs a Shooter with at least 30 in Shooting)
3. <<if $NPC4.authority > 29 and $crewJob < 1>>[[Negotiate with rival gangsters][$crewJob = random(2, 5)]] <<if $NPC2.name isnot "none">>[[Negotiate with rival gangsters with backup][$crewJob = random(2, 5)]]<<else>>==Negotiante with rival gangsters with backup==<</if>> (It's a lot safer to send your Leader with the backup (Shooter), since if the Leader fails he might die)<<else>>==Negotiate with rival gangsters==<</if>>
(Provides [I] and lowers [R]) (Needs a Leader with at least 30 in Authority)
4. <<if $NPC1.driving > 19 and $NPC2.shooting > 19 and $NPC3.fighting > 19 and $NPC4.authority > 19 and $crewJob < 1>>[[Rob a bank][$crewJob = random(4, 8)]]<<else>>==Rob a bank==<</if>>
(Provides much more money, might descrease [P]) (Needs a Looter with at least 20 in Fighting, a Driver with at least 20 in Driving, a Shooter with at least 20 in Shooting, and a Leader with at least 20 in Authority)
5. <<if $NPC4.authority > 29 and $crewJob < 1>>[[Negotiate with pigs][$crewJob = random(1, 3)]]<<else>>==Negotiate with pigs==<</if>>
(Provides [P]) (Needs a Leader with at least 30 in Authority)
<<if $crewJob > 0>><br>
''Warning: your crew is tired after the last job. Wait $crewJob more months!''
[[Back|Hub]]Liquor store robbery in progress. Success rate: 0%
<<set _success_rate = 0>>
<<if $NPC3.fighting >= random(1, 100) or $NPC3.authority >= random(0, 100)>>
Looter makes no mistakes. His chanches were: (<<= $NPC3.fighting>>% + <<= $NPC3.authority>>%) / 2 = <<= ($NPC3.fighting + $NPC3.authority) / 2>>%
<<set _success_rate += 50>>
<<elseif $NPC3.fighting <= random(1, 100) or $NPC3.authority <= random(0, 100)>>
Looter makes a crucial mistake. His chances were: His chanches were: (<<= $NPC3.fighting>>% + <<= $NPC3.authority>>%) / 2 = <<= ($NPC3.fighting + $NPC3.authority) / 2>>%
<<set _success_rate += 15>>
Looter makes a slight mistake, which lowers your success rate. His chanches were: (<<= $NPC3.fighting>>% + <<= $NPC3.authority>>%) / 2 = <<= ($NPC3.fighting + $NPC3.authority) / 2>>%
<<set _success_rate += 35>>
Success rate: <<= _success_rate>>%
<<if $NPC1.driving >= random(1, 100)>>
Driver makes no mistakes. His chanches were: <<= $NPC1.driving>>%
<<set _success_rate += 50>>
<<elseif $NPC.driving <= random(1, 100)>>
Driver makes a crucial mistake. His chances were: <<= $NPC1.driving>>%
<<set _success_rate += 15>>
Driver makes a slight mistake, which lowers your success rate. His chances were: <<= $NPC1.driving>>%
<<set _success_rate += 35>>
Success rate: <<= _success_rate>>%
<<set _z = 0>>
<<set _y = random(1, 100)>>
<<if _y > random(1, 100) + 30>>
<<set _z = random(0, 3)>>
<<if _z == 0>>
<<elseif _z == 1>>
Driver has to deal with a cop trying to pull him out of his car.
<<if $NPC1.fighting < random(1, 100)>>
<<set _success_rate -= 15>>
But unfortunately, he fails at it.
<<set _success_rate += 20>>
But fortunately, he makes a cool 180-turn and drives away to safety.
<<elseif _z == 2>>
Looter has to start the car by himself as the driver is occupied by the store's manager.
<<if $NPC3.driving < random(1, 100)>>
<<set _success_rate -= 15>>
But unfortunately, he fails at it.
<<set _success_rate += 20>>
But fortunately, he turns the car ready, and as the driver comes back they lose no time.
Driver has to come and help the looter control the crowd.
<<if $NPC1.authority < random(1, 100)>>
<<set _success_rate -= 15>>
But unfortunately, he fails at it.
<<set _success_rate += 20>>
But fortunately, he scares the shit out of the people in the store.
Success rate: <<= _success_rate>>%
<<if _success_rate >= random(1, 100)>>
The operation was a succeess! You get <<set _x = either(100, 150, 200, 250, 300)>><<set $stats.money += _x>>$<<= _x>> as your cut after paying the crew for their work. You also gain <<set _x = random(1, 3)>> to your [C] stat. <<set $stats.crime += _x>>
The operation was a failure! You get no money, and your people's authority suffers. <<set $NPC1.authority -= 5>><<set $NPC3.authority -= 5>>
[[Back|Crew]]Murder a rival gangster in progress. Success rate: 0%
<<set _success_rate = 0>>
<<if $NPC2.shooting >= random(1, 100)>>
Shooter makes no mistakes. His chanches were: <<= $NPC2.shooting>>%
<<set _success_rate += 100>>
<<elseif $NPC2.shooting >= random(1, 100)>>
Shooter makes a slight mistake. His chanches were: <<= $NPC2.shooting>>%
<<set _success_rate += 75>>
<<elseif $NPC2.shooting >= random(1, 100)>>
Shooter makes a serious mistake. His chanches were: <<= $NPC2.shooting>>%
<<set _success_rate += 50>>
Shooter makes a crucial mistake. His chanches were: <<= $NPC2.shooting>>%
<<set _success_rate += 30>>
Success rate: <<= _success_rate>>%
<<set _z = 0>>
<<set _y = random(1, 100)>>
<<if _y > random(1, 100) + 30>>
<<set _z = random(0, 2)>>
<<if _z == 0>>
<<elseif _z == 1>>
Shooter has to escape on a stolen car.
<<if $NPC2.driving < random(1, 100)>>
<<set _success_rate -= 10>>
But unfortunately, he fails at it.
<<set _success_rate += 20>>
But fortunately, he drives off to safety with ease.
<<elseif _z == 2>>
Shooter has to fight the target in close combat before shooting.
<<if $NPC2.fighting < random(1, 100)>>
<<set _success_rate -= 15>>
But unfortunately, he fails at it.
<<set _success_rate += 20>>
But fortunately, he beats the shit out of the dude.
Success rate: <<= _success_rate>>%
<<if _success_rate >= random(1, 100)>>
The operation was a succeess! You get <<set _x = random(1, 5)>><<set $stats.crime += _x>><<= _x>> [C] as a result.
The operation was a failure! You get no [C], and your people's authority suffers. <<set $NPC2.authority -= 5>>
[[Back|Crew]]Negotiate with rival gangsters in progress. Success rate: 0%
<<set _success_rate = 0>>
<<if $NPC4.authority >= random(1, 100)>>
Leader makes no mistakes. His chanches were: <<= $NPC4.authority>>%
<<set _success_rate += 100>>
<<elseif $NPC4.authority >= random(1, 100)>>
Leader makes a slight mistake. His chanches were: <<= $NPC4.authority>>%
<<set _success_rate += 75>>
<<elseif $NPC4.authority >= random(1, 100)>>
Leader makes a serious mistake. His chanches were: <<= $NPC4.authority>>%
<<set _success_rate += 50>>
Leader makes a crucial mistake. His chanches were: <<= $NPC4.authority>>%
<<set _success_rate += 30>>
Success rate: <<= _success_rate>>%
<<set _z = 0>>
<<set _y = random(1, 100)>>
<<if _y > random(1, 100) + 30>>
<<set _z = random(0, 2)>>
<<if _z == 0>>
<<elseif _z == 1>>
Leader has to fistfight a rival mobster.
<<if $NPC4.fighting < random(1, 100)>>
<<set _success_rate -= 10>>
But unfortunately, he fails at it.
<<set _success_rate += 20>>
But fortunately, he beats the shit out of the prick.
<<elseif _z == 2>>
Leader has to shoot! Things turned south!
<<if $NPC4.shooting < random(1, 100)>>
<<set _success_rate -= 15>>
But unfortunately, he fails at it.
<<set _success_rate += 20>>
But fortunately, he shoots his way out of the trouble.
Success rate: <<= _success_rate>>%
<<if _success_rate >= random(1, 100)>>
The operation was a succeess! You get <<set _x = random(1, 5)>><<set $stats.illegal += _x>><<= _x>> [I] as a result and also <<set _j = random(1, 2)>>-<<= _j>> to your [R]!
<<set $stats.risk -= _j>>
The operation was a failure! You get no [I].
<<if $NPC4.shooting >= random(1, 100) or $NPC4.fighting >= random(1, 100)>> Leader manages to escape. His shooting and fighting skills saved the situation.<<else>> Leader is shot dead. <<set $NPC4.name = none>><<set $NPC4.fighting = none>><<set $NPC4.shooting = none>><<set $NPC4.authority = none>><<set $NPC4.driving = none>><</if>>
[[Back|Crew]]Negotiate with rival gangsters in progress. Success rate: 0%
<<set _success_rate = 0>>
<<if $NPC4.authority >= random(1, 100)>>
Leader makes no mistakes. His chanches were: <<= $NPC4.authority>>%
<<set _success_rate += 100>>
<<elseif $NPC4.authority >= random(1, 100)>>
Leader makes a slight mistake. His chanches were: <<= $NPC4.authority>>%
<<set _success_rate += 75>>
<<elseif $NPC4.authority >= random(1, 100)>>
Leader makes a serious mistake. His chanches were: <<= $NPC4.authority>>%
<<set _success_rate += 50>>
Leader makes a crucial mistake. His chanches were: <<= $NPC4.authority>>%
<<set _success_rate += 30>>
Success rate: <<= _success_rate>>%
<<set _z = 0>>
<<set _y = random(1, 100)>>
<<if _y > random(1, 100) + 30>>
<<set _z = random(0, 2)>>
<<if _z == 0>>
<<elseif _z == 1>>
Leader has to fistfight a rival mobster.
<<if $NPC4.fighting < random(1, 100)>>
<<set _success_rate -= 10>>
But unfortunately, he fails at it.
<<set _success_rate += 20>>
But fortunately, he beats the shit out of the prick.
<<elseif _z == 2>>
Leader has to shoot! Things turned south!
<<if $NPC4.shooting < random(1, 100)>>
<<set _success_rate -= 15>>
But unfortunately, he fails at it.
<<set _success_rate += 20>>
But fortunately, he shoots his way out of the trouble.
Success rate: <<= _success_rate>>%
<<if _success_rate >= random(1, 100)>>
The operation was a succeess! You get <<set _x = random(1, 5)>><<set $stats.illegal += _x>><<= _x>> [I] as a result and also <<set _j = random(1, 2)>>-<<= _j>> to your [R]!
<<set $stats.risk -= _j>>
The operation was a failure! You get no [I].
<<if $NPC4.shooting >= random(1, 100) or $NPC4.fighting >= random(1, 100) or $NPC2.shooting >= random(1, 100) or $NPC2.fighting >= random(1, 100)>> Leader manages to escape. His and the backup guy's shooting and fighting skills saved the situation.<<else>> Leader is shot dead. Shooter loses lots of authority.<<set $NPC4.name = none>><<set $NPC4.fighting = none>><<set $NPC4.shooting = none>><<set $NPC4.authority = none>><<set $NPC4.driving = none>><<set $NPC2.authority -= 25>><</if>>
[[Back|Crew]]<<switch $event10>>
<<case "none">>
A rival gang declares war on you! You cannot flee, but you must fight back. This is your moment of truth - could you handle the whole world in your pocket?<br><br>
1. <<link "Fight back">>
<<set $event10 = "war">>
<<goto "event10">>
<</link>> ([C] + [I] + Bonuses vs. random(0, 45) (1 friendship point with Tony grants a temporary +5 to your [C], 1 friendship point with Jackie grants you a temporary +5 to your [I], <<= Math.round($NPC2.shooting / 10)>> grants you your Crew's Shooter <<= $NPC2.name>>)<br>
2. <<if $stats.crime + $stats.illegal + Math.round($NPC2.shooting / 10) + ($sympathy.tony * 5) + ($sympathy.jackie * 5) >= 40>>
<<link "Auto-win the war, appliying +5 bonuses to [C] and [I] from Tony and Jackie and keeping them, turning them permanent">>
<<if $sympathy.tony > 0>>
<<set $stats.crime += 5>>
<<if $sympathy.jackie > 0>>
<<set $stats.illegal += 5>>
<<set $statuses.worldIsYours = true>>
<<set $cooldowns.worldIsYours = 4>>
<<set $event10 = "none">>
<<goto "Hub">>
==Auto-win the war, appliying +5 bonuses to [C] and [I] from Tony and Jackie and keeping them, turning them permanent==
<</if>> (Requires 40 warpower - see calculations above) (<<if $sympathy.tony > 0>>+5<<else>>0<</if>> [C], <<if $sympathy.jackie > 0>>+5<<else>>0<</if>> [I], status "The World is Yours")<br>
<<case "war">>
The war begins right now. <br>
Calculating... <br>
$stats.crime + $stats.illegal + ($sympathy.tony * 5) + ($sympathy.jackie * 5) + <<= Math.round($NPC2.shooting / 10)>> = <<= $stats.crime + $stats.illegal + ($sympathy.tony * 5) + ($sympathy.jackie * 5) + Math.round($NPC2.shooting / 10)>>
<<set $event10 = "none">>
<<if ($stats.crime + $stats.illegal + ($sympathy.tony * 5) + ($sympathy.jackie * 5) + Math.random($NPC2.shooting / 10)) >= random(0, 45)>>
Your people end this within a month. The rival gang is no more. ''The World Is Yours''. <<set $statuses.worldIsYours = true>><<set $cooldowns.worldIsYours = 4>>
Your people couldn't make it. The rival gang is victorious. You suffer losses. <<set $stats.crime -= random(1, 4)>><<set $stats.illegal -= random(1, 4)>><<set $stats.legal -= random(1, 4)>><<set $stats.pigs -= random(1, 4)>>
<</switch>>Liquor store robbery in progress. Success rate: 0%
<<set _success_rate = 0>>
<<if $NPC4.authority >= random(1, 100)>>
Leader makes no mistakes. His chanches were: <<= $NPC4.authority>>%
<<set _success_rate += 25>>
<<elseif $NPC4.authority <= random(1, 100)>>
Leader makes a crucial mistake. His chances were: His chanches were: <<= $NPC4.authority>>%
<<set _success_rate += 5>>
Leader makes a slight mistake, which lowers your success rate. His chanches were: <<= $NPC4.authority>>%
<<set _success_rate += 15>>
Success rate: <<= _success_rate>>%
<<if $NPC2.shooting >= random(1, 100)>>
Shooter makes no mistakes. His chanches were: <<= $NPC2.shooting>>%
<<set _success_rate += 25>>
<<elseif $NPC2.shooting <= random(1, 100)>>
Shooter makes a crucial mistake. His chances were: <<= $NPC2.shooting>>%
<<set _success_rate += 5>>
Shooter makes a slight mistake, which lowers your success rate. His chances were: <<= $NPC2.shooting>>%
<<set _success_rate += 15>>
Success rate: <<= _success_rate>>%
<<if $NPC3.fighting >= random(1, 100)>>
Looter makes no mistakes. His chanches were: <<= $NPC3.fighting>>%
<<set _success_rate += 25>>
<<elseif $NPC3.fighting <= random(1, 100)>>
Looter makes a crucial mistake. His chances were: <<= $NPC3.fighting>>%
<<set _success_rate += 5>>
Looter makes a slight mistake, which lowers your success rate. His chances were: <<= $NPC3.fighting>>%
<<set _success_rate += 15>>
Success rate: <<= _success_rate>>%
<<if $NPC1.driving >= random(1, 100)>>
Driver makes no mistakes. His chanches were: <<= $NPC1.driving>>%
<<set _success_rate += 25>>
<<elseif $NPC1.driving <= random(1, 100)>>
Driver makes a crucial mistake. His chances were: <<= $NPC1.driving>>%
<<set _success_rate += 5>>
Driver makes a slight mistake, which lowers your success rate. His chances were: <<= $NPC1.driving>>%
<<set _success_rate += 15>>
Success rate: <<= _success_rate>>%
<<set _z = 0>>
<<set _y = random(1, 100)>>
<<if _y > random(1, 100) + 30>>
<<set _z = random(0, 5)>>
<<if _z == 0>>
Nothing out of the ordinary happens.
<<elseif _z == 1>>
Driver has to deal with a cop trying to pull him out of his car.
<<if $NPC1.fighting < random(1, 100)>>
<<set _success_rate -= 15>>
But unfortunately, he fails at it.
<<set _success_rate += 20>>
But fortunately, he makes a cool 180-turn and drives away to safety.
<<elseif _z == 2>>
Looter has to start the car by himself as the driver is occupied by the store's manager.
<<if $NPC3.driving < random(1, 100)>>
<<set _success_rate -= 15>>
But unfortunately, he fails at it.
<<set _success_rate += 20>>
But fortunately, he turns the car ready, and as the driver comes back they lose no time.
<<elseif _z == 3>>
Driver has to come and help the looter control the crowd.
<<if $NPC1.authority < random(1, 100)>>
<<set _success_rate -= 15>>
But unfortunately, he fails at it.
<<set _success_rate += 20>>
But fortunately, he scares the shit out of the people in the store.
<<elseif _z == 4>>
Shooter has to come and help the looter control the crowd.
<<if $NPC2.authority < random(1, 100)>>
<<set _success_rate -= 15>>
But unfortunately, he fails at it.
<<set _success_rate += 20>>
But fortunately, he scares the shit out of the people in the bank.
<<elseif _z == 5>>
Leader has to negotiate with police.
<<if $NPC4.authority < random(1, 100)>>
<<set _success_rate -= 15>>
But unfortunately, he fails at it.
<<set _success_rate += 20>>
But fortunately, he manages to get a safe exit corridor from them.
Success rate: <<= _success_rate>>%
<<if _success_rate >= random(1, 100)>>
The operation was a succeess! You get <<set _x = either(425, 375, 500, 520, 760, 850, 675, 625, 650)>><<set $stats.money += _x>>$<<= _x>> as your cut after paying the crew for their work. You also lose <<set _x = random(0, 2)>>_x of your [P] stat. <<set $stats.pigs -= _x>>
The operation was a failure! You get no money, and your people's authority suffers. <<set $NPC1.authority -= 10>><<set $NPC3.authority -= 10>><<set $NPC2.authority -= 10>><<set $NPC4.authority -= 10>>
[[Back|Crew]]Negotiate with pigs in progress. Success rate: 0%
<<set _success_rate = 0>>
<<if $NPC4.authority >= random(1, 100)>>
Leader makes no mistakes. His chanches were: <<= $NPC4.authority>>%
<<set _success_rate += 100>>
<<elseif $NPC4.authority >= random(1, 100)>>
Leader makes a slight mistake. His chanches were: <<= $NPC4.authority>>%
<<set _success_rate += 75>>
<<elseif $NPC4.authority >= random(1, 100)>>
Leader makes a serious mistake. His chanches were: <<= $NPC4.authority>>%
<<set _success_rate += 50>>
Leader makes a crucial mistake. His chanches were: <<= $NPC4.authority>>%
<<set _success_rate += 30>>
Success rate: <<= _success_rate>>%
<<if _success_rate >= random(1, 100)>>
The operation was a succeess! You get <<set _x = random(1, 5)>><<set $stats.pigs += _x>><<= _x>> [P] as a result!
The operation was a failure! You get no [P] and your people's authority suffers. <<set $NPC4.authority -= 10>>
[[Back|Crew]]<<if $cooldowns.guards <= 0>>
<<set $cooldowns.guards = 3>>
<<if random(1, 100) > 50 and $upgrades.guards == true>>
<<if $stats.risk > 0>>
<<set $stats.risk -= 1>>
<<if $upgrades.guards>><<set $cooldowns.guards -= 1>><</if>>
<<if $cooldowns.CCTV <= 0>>
<<set $cooldowns.CCTV = 6>>
<<if random(1, 100) > 25 and $upgrades.CCTV == true>>
<<if $stats.risk > 0>>
<<set $stats.risk -= 1>>
<<if $upgrades.CCTV>><<set $cooldowns.CCTV -= 1>><</if>>
<<set $popup.sympathy.visible -= 1>>
<<set $cooldowns.event -= 1>>
<<set $date.month += 1>>
<<set $date.monthVisual += 1>>
<<if $date.monthVisual == 12>>
<<set $date.monthVisual = 0>>
<<if $statuses.newPoliceChief == true>>
<<set $cooldowns.newPoliceChief -= 1>>
<<set $stats.pigs -= 1>>
<<if $cooldowns.newPoliceChief == 0>>
<<set $statuses.newPoliceChief = false>>
<<if $statuses.cartelWars == true>>
<<set $cooldowns.cartelWars -= 1>>
<<set _randy = random(1, 100)>><<if _randy > 50>><<set $stats.illegal -= 2>><</if>>
<<if $cooldowns.cartelWars == 0>>
<<set $statuses.cartelWars = false>>
<<if $statuses.fbiFraud == true>>
<<set $cooldowns.fbiFraud -= 1>>
<<if $stats.legal > 10>><<set $stats.risk += 1>><</if>>
<<if $cooldowns.fbiFraud == 0>>
<<set $statuses.fbiFraud = false>>
<<if $statuses.married == true and $statuses.hasChild == false>>
<<set _son = random(1, 100)>>
<<if _son < 11>>
<<set $statuses.hasChild = true>>
<<set $cooldowns.bribeCops -= 1>>
<<set $cooldowns.raiseCrime -= 1>>
<<set $cooldowns.raiseBusiness -= 1>>
<<set $cooldowns.paperScam -= 1>>
<<set $cooldowns.swapIL -= 1>>
<<set $cooldowns.haitianDeal -= 1>>
<<if $statuses.newbie == true && (random(1, 100) <= 50)>>
<<set $stats.crime -= 1>>
<<set $hub = false>>
<<set $favor.jackie -= 1>>
<<set $favor.maria -= 1>>
<<set $favor.tony -= 1>>
<<set $favor.emmy -= 1>>
<<set $favor.val -= 1>>
<<set $favor.nia -= 1>>
<<set $favor.michelle -= 1>>
<<set $favor.nikki -= 1>>
<<set $favor.veronika -= 1>>
<<set $favor.angela -= 1>>
<<set $favor.vic -= 1>>
<<set $favor.carla -= 1>>
<<set $NPC.gen = true>>
<<if $facilities.bars > 0>>
<<set $stats.money += (10 * $facilities.bars)>>
<<if $facilities.drugDens > 0>>
<<set $stats.money += (15 * $facilities.drugDens)>>
<<if $facilities.pornStudios > 0>>
<<set $stats.money += (20 * $facilities.pornStudios)>>
<<if $statuses.investScarface == true>>
<<if $date.year == 1984 and $date.month == 1>>
<<set $stats.money += 1000>>
<<set $statuses.investScarface = false>>
<<if $train.anything > 0 and $stats.money >= (15 * $train.anything)>>
<<set $NPC1.driving += $train.npc1.driving * random(1, 10)>>
<<set $NPC1.shooting += $train.npc1.shooting * random(1, 10)>>
<<set $NPC1.fighting += $train.npc1.fighting * random(1, 10)>>
<<set $NPC1.authority += $train.npc1.authority * random(1, 10)>>
<<set $NPC2.driving += $train.npc2.driving * random(1, 10)>>
<<set $NPC2.shooting += $train.npc2.shooting * random(1, 10)>>
<<set $NPC2.fighting += $train.npc2.fighting * random(1, 10)>>
<<set $NPC2.authority += $train.npc2.authority * random(1, 10)>>
<<set $NPC3.driving += $train.npc3.driving * random(1, 10)>>
<<set $NPC3.shooting += $train.npc3.shooting * random(1, 10)>>
<<set $NPC3.fighting += $train.npc3.fighting * random(1, 10)>>
<<set $NPC3.authority += $train.npc3.authority * random(1, 10)>>
<<set $NPC4.driving += $train.npc4.driving * random(1, 10)>>
<<set $NPC4.shooting += $train.npc4.shooting * random(1, 10)>>
<<set $NPC4.fighting += $train.npc4.fighting * random(1, 10)>>
<<set $NPC4.authority += $train.npc4.authority * random(1, 10)>>
<<set $stats.money -= $train.anything * 15>>
<<set $crewJob -= 1>>
<<if $statuses.worldIsYours == true>>
<<if $cooldowns.worldIsYours < 1>>
<<set $statuses.worldIsYours = false>>
<<set $cooldowns.worldIsYours -= 1>>
<<set $stats.money += 50>>
<<set $stats.crime += 1>>
<<set $stats.illegal += 1>>
<<set $stats.legal += 1>>
<<set $stats.pigs += 1>>
<<set $cooldowns.debt -= 1>>
<<set $family.monthsBloodline += 1>>
<<set $family.monthsAlive += 1>>
<<if $family.bestPersonalScore < $family.monthsAlive>>
<<set $family.bestPersonalScore += 1>>
<<if $family.bestFamilyScore < $family.monthsBloodline>>
<<set $family.bestFamilyScore += 1>>
<<goto "Start">>!!!Maria Castillo, Accountant
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/maria/portrait.png][Maria]]>><</link>></div>
Maria bursts in, holding an urgent letter.
MARIA CASTILLO: "Boss, a rival gang hacked our accounts! We can report it to the authorities or retaliate by hacking them back."
1: [[Report to authorities|card31res1][$stats.legal += 2; $stats.illegal -= 1; $stats.pigs += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Retaliate|card31res2][$stats.illegal += 2; $stats.risk += 1; $sympathy.maria += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if $upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100)">><<set $stats.money -= 100>><<replace "#counselor1">>([L] +2, [I] -1, [P] +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([I] +2, [R] +1, Maria's sympathy +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>> <br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/maria/portrait.png][Maria]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's turn to the authorities for help. Show them fuckers we won't play by their rules."
MARIA CASTILLO: "Uh? I mean, yeah, sure..."
Maria leaves, looking lost in her thoughts.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/maria/portrait.png][Maria]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Alright, let's make sure our best computer guys are on this."
MARIA CASTILLO: "Sure thing, boss! I think you've made the right choice."
Maria leaves, looking confident and energetic.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Emmy Schultz, Brothel Manager
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/emmy/portrait.png][Emmy]]>><</link>></div>
Emmy enters, exasperated.
EMMY SCHULTZ: "A politician wants to host a 'special event' in our establishment. He promises protection, but it's a PR nightmare waiting to happen."
1: [[Host the event|card32res1][$stats.illegal += 2; $stats.pigs -= 1; $sympathy.emmy -= 1; $stats.money += 100]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Refuse the offer|card32res2][$stats.legal += 1; $stats.pigs += 1; $sympathy.emmy += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if $upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100)">><<set $stats.money -= 100>><<replace "#counselor1">>([I] +2, [P] -1, Emmy's sympathy -1, +$100)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([L] +1, [P] +1, Emmy's sympathy +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>> <br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/emmy/portrait.png][Emmy]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's host the event. Hell, I might even attend the party myself."
EMMY SCHULTZ: "As you wish, boss"
Emmy leaves with a stoic expression on her face.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/emmy/portrait.png][Emmy]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "We'll pass on that one."
EMMY SCHULTZ: "Glad to hear that, boss."
Emmy leaves, looking relieved.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Jackie Chan, Smuggler
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/jackie/portrait.png][Jackie]]>><</link>></div>
Jackie barges in, holding a crumpled map.
JACKIE CHAN: "Boss, I’ve scoped out a new stash house location. It’s perfect, but we’ll need to clear out some squatters first. What’s the call?"
1: [[Clear the squatters|card33res1][$stats.illegal += 2; $stats.risk += 1; $stats.crime += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Find another location|card33res2][$stats.legal += 1; $stats.illegal -= 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if $upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100)">><<set $stats.money -= 100>><<replace "#counselor1">>([I] +2, [R] +1, [C] +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([L] +1, [I] -1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/jackie/portrait.png][Jackie]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Kick them out, Jackie. We need that space."
JACKIE CHAN: "Consider it done, boss. They’ll be out by tonight."
Jackie grins and leaves, already dialing his crew. You feel the heat rising from this choice.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/jackie/portrait.png][Jackie]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Too risky. Find a cleaner spot."
JACKIE CHAN: "Got it, boss. We’ll stay off the radar."
Jackie leaves, slightly disappointed but understanding.
!!!Michelle Adams, Lawyer
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/michelle/portrait.png][Michelle]]>><</link>></div>
Michelle walks in, holding a stack of papers.
MICHELLE ADAMS: "Boss, one of our contracts with the city has loopholes. We can exploit them for quick cash, but it might lead to investigations."
1: [[Exploit the loopholes|card34res1][$stats.money += 350; $stats.risk += 2; $stats.legal -= 2]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Leave it alone|card34res2][$stats.legal += 2; $stats.illegal -= 1; $sympathy.michelle += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if $upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100)">><<set $stats.money -= 100>><<replace "#counselor1">>(+$350, [R] +2, [L] -2)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([L] +2, [I] -1, Michelle's sympathy +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>> <br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/michelle/portrait.png][Michelle]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let’s cash in. Make it airtight, Michelle."
MICHELLE ADAMS: "Understood. This could bring some unwanted attention, though."
Michelle walks out, her expression serious. You hope the payoff is worth the risk.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/michelle/portrait.png][Michelle]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "No need for extra heat. Let’s stick to the rules."
MICHELLE ADAMS: "Good call, boss. This will keep us under the radar."
Michelle leaves with a satisfied nod. Sometimes, playing it safe is the smartest move.
[[Continue|Hub]] <<switch $event11>>
<<case "none">>
Tony gets you to meet Sgt. Darwell, a seasoned veteran, now a respected drill sergeant. He offers his services for a reasonable price. Pick a guy from your crew, and Sarge will take good care of him, granting he's efficient in every task by the end of the training course.<br><br>
1. <<if $NPC1.name isnot "none">>
<<if $stats.money > 99>>
<<link "Your driver $NPC1.name">>
<<set $stats.money -= 100>>
<<set $NPC1.driving += random(15, 30)>>
<<set $NPC1.shooting += random(15, 30)>>
<<set $NPC1.fighting += random(15, 30)>>
<<set $NPC1.authority += random(15, 30)>>
<<set $event11 = "driver">>
<<goto "event11">>
==Your driver $NPC1.name== (Requires $100)
//You don't have a driver in your crew!//
2. <<if $NPC2.name isnot "none">>
<<if $stats.money > 99>>
<<link "Your shooter $NPC2.name">>
<<set $stats.money -= 100>>
<<set $NPC2.driving += random(15, 30)>>
<<set $NPC2.shooting += random(15, 30)>>
<<set $NPC2.fighting += random(15, 30)>>
<<set $NPC2.authority += random(15, 30)>>
<<set $event11 = "shooter">>
<<goto "event11">>
==Your shooter $NPC2.name== (Requires $100)
//You don't have a shooter in your crew!//
3. <<if $NPC3.name isnot "none">>
<<if $stats.money > 99>>
<<link "Your looter $NPC3.name">>
<<set $stats.money -= 100>>
<<set $NPC3.driving += random(15, 30)>>
<<set $NPC3.shooting += random(15, 30)>>
<<set $NPC3.fighting += random(15, 30)>>
<<set $NPC3.authority += random(15, 30)>>
<<set $event11 = "looter">>
<<goto "event11">>
==Your looter $NPC3.name== (Requires $100)
//You don't have a looter in your crew!//
4. <<if $NPC4.name isnot "none">>
<<if $stats.money > 99>>
<<link "Your leader $NPC4.name">>
<<set $stats.money -= 100>>
<<set $NPC4.driving += random(15, 30)>>
<<set $NPC4.shooting += random(15, 30)>>
<<set $NPC4.fighting += random(15, 30)>>
<<set $NPC4.authority += random(15, 30)>>
<<set $event11 = "leader">>
<<goto "event11">>
==Your leader $NPC4.name== (Requires $100)
//You don't have a leader in your crew!//
5. <<link "Pass on the offer">>
<<set $event11 = "none">>
<<goto "Hub">>
<<case "driver">>
Your driver $NPC1.name gains some skills!
<<set $event11 = "none">>
<<case "shooter">>
Your shooter $NPC2.name gains some skills!
<<set $event11 = "none">>
<<case "looter">>
Your looter $NPC3.name gains some skills!
<<set $event11 = "none">>
<<case "leader">>
Your leader $NPC4.name gains some skills!
<<set $event11 = "none">>
<</switch>>!!!Tony "Spike" Ricci, Weapons Supplier
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/tony/portrait.png][Tony]]>><</link>></div>
Spike enters your office, looking unusually restrained and troubled.
TONY "SPIKE" RICCI: "Boss, I, ugh... Didn't think I'd ever tell you this. But we gotta tip the authorities about some of our rival operations. If you refuse, that's alright, I respect it. But consider this, Boss: we're fucked if we don't play dirty."
1: [[Leak info to pigs|card35res1][$stats.money += 100; $stats.illegal += 2; $stats.risk += 3; $sympathy.tony += 1; $stats.pigs += 2]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Refuse|card35res2][$stats.illegal -= 4; $stats.crime += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>(+$100, [I] +2, [P] +2, [R] +3, Tony's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([I] -4, [C] +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/tony/portrait.png][Tony]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Alright, Spike. I trust you on this. But don't make me regret it."
TONY "SPIKE" RICCI: "I won't, Boss."
Spike leaves, still troubled, but with a tint of relief.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/tony/portrait.png][Tony]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "You outta your goddamn mind? I'm not a rat!"
TONY "SPIKE" RICCI: "I'm sorry, Boss. I shouldn't have asked."
Spike leaves, still troubled.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Nia Numato, Modeling Agency Owner
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nia/portrait.png][Nia]]>><</link>></div>
Nia greets you in her office.
NIA NUMATO: "Boss, looking dashing today! Mmm, so anyways, I've got a few clients lined up waiting for special treatment... Who do we focus on? Cops or thugs?"
1: [[Cops|card36res1][$stats.illegal += 2; $stats.pigs += 4; $stats.money += 50; $sympathy.nia += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Thugs|card36res2][$stats.illegal += 1; $stats.crime += 4; $stats.money += 250]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([I] +2, [P] +4, +$50, Nia's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([I] +1, [C] +4, +$250)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nia/portrait.png][Nia]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's focus on cops. I heard they're more galant with the girls, aren't they?"
NIA NUMATO: "They sure are, Boss. I'll make sure we squeaze them good."
Nia leaves with a dry smirk.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nia/portrait.png][Nia]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's focus on thugs. They pay the most."
NIA NUMATO: "And fuck like animals. Alright, I got you."
Nia leaves with a dry smirk.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Nikki Jones, Club Manager
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nikki/portrait.png][Nikki]]>><</link>></div>
Nikki calls you from her office at the club.
NIKKI JONES: "Boss, there's a bunch of mobsters acting like pigs and causing trouble."
1: [[Kick them out|card37res1][$stats.legal += 2; $stats.crime -= 3; $sympathy.nikki += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Treat them as clients|card37res2][$stats.crime += 2; $stats.legal -= 3; $stats.risk -= 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([L] +2, [C] -3, Nikki's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([L] -3, [C] +2, [R] -1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nikki/portrait.png][Nikki]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Kick them fuckers out."
NIKKI JONES: "Got it, boss. With pleasure."
Who do they think they are?
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nikki/portrait.png][Nikki]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Calm down. Treat them as guests, so what if they break a glass or two?"
NIKKI JONES: "Ahem... Mkay. Sure."
Nikki hangs up. You wonder if you've made the right call.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Veronika Green, Police Informant
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/veronika/portrait.png][Veronika]]>><</link>></div>
Veronika calls you, sounding nervous.
VERONIKA GREEN: "There's a big raid planned for tomorrow night. Your operations might be in danger. What should I do?"
1: [[Tell her to leak false info|card38res1][$stats.pigs -= 4; $stats.risk += 1; $stats.illegal += 2;]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Advise her to stay quiet|card38res2][$stats.illegal -= 2; $stats.pigs -= 1; $sympathy.veronika += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([P] -4, [R] +1, [I] +2)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([I] -2, [P] -1, Veronika's sympathy +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/veronika/portrait.png][Veronika]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Tell the cops about a fake stash to throw them off."
VERONIKA GREEN: "I'll make the call now. It's a lot of heat, though."
Using false info is tricky, but it could buy you some time.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/veronika/portrait.png][Veronika]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Tell the cops about a fake stash to throw them off."
VERONIKA GREEN: "I'll make the call now. It's a lot of heat, though."
Using false info is tricky, but it could buy you some time.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Carla Diaz, Undercover FBI Agent
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/carla/portrait.png][Carla]]>><</link>></div>
Carla meets you at a gala event and pulls you away from the crowd.
CARLA DIAZ: "My bosses are planning a big raid, and only I can point them at the right - or wrong - direction."
1: [[Tell her the address of one of your legal fronts|card39res1][$stats.legal -= 2; $stats.pigs -= 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Tell her the address of one of your drug stashes|card39res2][$stats.illegal -= 4; $stats.pigs += 2; $sympathy.carla += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if ($upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100) or $patreonTier > 1>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100 or free if you're a ''$5 tier''-sub or higher)">><<if $patreonTier > 1>><<else>><<set $stats.money -= 100>><</if>><<replace "#counselor1">>([P] -1, [L] -2)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([P] +2, [I] -4, Carla's symapthy +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/carla/portrait.png][Carla]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Here's an address. That's one of my joints. Worst case scenario - you close it for a few months for alcohol regulation reasons or something."
CARLA DIAZ: "Gotcha. But you owe me big time, Mr. Mafia Boss"
She sashays away, somewhat disappointed, but ultimately not giving a damn.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/carla/portrait.png][Carla]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Here's an address. That's a drug stash. No traces that could lead to me or my associates, but it's a lotta drug money I'm willing to lose."
CARLA DIAZ: "Mmm, tasty! Someone's in the mood tonight, huh?"
She sashays away, swaying her hips, leaving you baffled.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Valentina "Val" Kovach, Casino Manager
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/valentina/portrait.png][Valentina]]>><</link>></div>
Valentina strolls in, cigarette dangling from her lips.
VALENTINA KOVACH: "Boss, one of our VIPs just won big. Rumor is he’s laundering cash for a rival gang. Should we investigate or just skim from his winnings?"
1: [[Investigate him|card40res1][$stats.illegal += 2; $stats.money += 500; $stats.risk += 3; $sympathy.valentina += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Skim from his winnings|card40res2][$stats.money += 300; $stats.legal -= 2; $stats.pigs -= 2]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if $upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100)">><<set $stats.money -= 100>><<replace "#counselor1">>(+$500, [I] +2, [R] +3, Valentina's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>(+$300, [L] -2, [P] -2)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>> <br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/valentina/portrait.png][Valentina]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Look into him, Val. If he’s dirty, we’ll use it against him."
VALENTINA KOVACH: "Consider it done. I’ll dig up whatever I can."
Valentina leaves, looking focused. You know this could uncover something explosive—or bring heat.
[[Continue|Hub]] <br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/valentina/portrait.png][Valentina]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Skim off the top. Let’s make a quick profit."
VALENTINA KOVACH: "Smart move, boss. He’ll never even notice."
Valentina walks out with a sly grin. You’ve made easy money, but it might draw attention.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Angela "Angie" Bianchi, Journalist
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/angela/portrait.png][Angela]]>><</link>></div>
Angie storms in, waving her notebook.
ANGELA BIANCHI: "Boss, I have intel about a senator with skeletons in their closet. Publish it to create chaos or sell it for a fat payday?"
1: [[Publish the dirt|card41res1][$stats.illegal -= 1; $stats.pigs += 3; $sympathy.angela += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: <<if $stats.money >= 250>>[[Sell the dirt|card41res2][$stats.money += 400; $stats.risk += 1]]<<else>>==Sell the dirt==<</if>> (Requires $250 //for logistics//) <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if $upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100)">><<set $stats.money -= 100>><<replace "#counselor1">>([I] -1, [P] +3, Angela's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>(+$400, [R] +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>> <br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/angela/portrait.png][Angela]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Publish it. Let’s shake things up."
ANGELA BIANCHI: "This is going to make headlines! You’re going to love the fallout."
Angela leaves with a gleam in her eye. Chaos is sure to follow, but you’ve made your move.
[[Continue|Hub]] <br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/angela/portrait.png][Angela]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Sell it. Let’s turn this into cash."
ANGELA BIANCHI: "Smart choice, boss. This senator’s going to pay big to keep this quiet."
Angela smirks as she exits. The payday will be sweet, but it’s risky business.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Victor "Vic" Borov, Port Manager
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/victor/portrait.png][Victor]]>><</link>></div>
Victor shuffles in, sweating nervously.
VICTOR BOROV: "Boss, the union at the port is demanding higher pay. We can meet their demands or bring in scabs to break the strike."
1: <<if $stats.money >= 200>>[[Meet their demands|card42res1][$stats.money -= 200; $stats.legal += 2; $sympathy.vic += 1]]<<else>>==Meet their demands==<</if>> (Requires $200) <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Bring in scabs|card42res2][$stats.illegal += 2; $stats.risk += 2]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if $upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100)">><<set $stats.money -= 100>><<replace "#counselor1">>(-$200, [L] +2, Victor's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([I] +3, [R] +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>> <br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/victor/portrait.png][Victor]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Pay them off. Let’s keep things smooth at the port."
VICTOR BOROV: "Thank you, boss. I’ll let them know we’re on their side."
Victor leaves, looking relieved. Your legal front remains intact, but at a cost.
[[Continue|Hub]] <br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/victor/portrait.png][Victor]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Bring in scabs. No one messes with us."
VICTOR BOROV: "Understood, boss. I’ll handle it."
Victor hurries out. The port is back in operation, but tensions are sure to rise.
!!!You need to start a new game to play this version!
<<set $patreonTier = 0>>
<<set $galleryActive = false>><<switch $event12>>
<<case "none">>
You had a night with a respected old mob's daughter. <br><br>
1. <<if $stats.crime >= 13>>
<<link "Sincerely apologize">>
<<set $event12 = "apology">>
<<goto "event12">>
==Sincerely apologize==
<</if>> (Requires 13 [C]) <br>
2. <<if $stats.money >= 350>>
<<link "Marry her">>
<<set $statuses.married = true>>
<<set $stats.money -= 350>>
<<set $event12 = "marry">>
<<goto "event12">>
==Marry her==
<</if>> (Requires $350) (sex scene ahead!)<br>
3. <<if $stats.money >= 100>>
<<link "Offer money">>
<<set $stats.money -= 100>>
<<set $stats.crime -= 4>>
<<set $event12 = "money">>
<<goto "event12">>
==Offer money==
<</if>> (Requires $100) <br>
4. <<link "Shrug it off and fuck her again">>
<<set $stats.crime -= 4>>
<<set $stats.risk += 2>>
<<set $event12 = "shrug">>
<<goto "event12">>
<</link>> (sex scene ahead!)
<<case "apology">>
Your luck you've earned enough credit with your actions so far for the old mobster to let it slip.
<<set $event12 = "none">>
<<case "money">>
Not the way you handle things like that. This wasn't business, this was personal. Still, perhaps your money helped the old mobster to cool his temper a little.
<<set $event12 = "none">>
<<case "shrug">>
You shrug off the mobster girl's advances to marry you. All you want is to fuck her again. She eagerly shows up at your place, soon wearing nothing but white knee socks.
She gets on her knees and sucks your cock with sloppy enthusiasm, deepthroating you like a champ as you grab her hair and facefuck her roughly. Her saliva slops everywhere. She gags and chokes, but you keep stuffing her face full of cock. Once you're rock-hard, and your meat is slippery enough, you pull out. Let's see how her daddy likes his little girl wrecked by a real man.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/events/event12shrug.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
You pick her up and carry-fuck her petite frame up against the wall. She wraps her legs around you, moaning and biting your neck, as you pound into her tight, slick heat. She whimpers with blissful delirium as she's speared hard, clinging tightly, cumming almost continuously, the constant stream of jism flowing out as proof of just how deep she's taken it, how rough she loves it. Soon her sweet pussy becomes so tight from multiple climaxes that you can hardly pull out!
You move to the couch missionary style, pinning her wrists and grunting as you slam fast and hard into her wet folds while she squeals with pleasure beneath you. The old mobster's daughter has turned to complete jelly at your relentless ravishment, and the whole house vibrates from your frenetic couch-screwing of his only little girl!
Flipping her over, you pound her pussy from behind, your hips smacking her firm ass with each vigorous thrust as you grip her hips and rail her doggy style while she cries out in ecstasy. She begs you to fill her, crying in blissful submission, cumming and crying out like the helpless sex-crazed mess that you love.
After hours of mercilessly pounding all her slutty holes, you unload your seed down her hungry throat with a groan of satisfaction. She swallows your load and licks her lips clean, looking up at you with sultry, dark eyes.
The old man is in rage. He swears he'll get you for this one day.
<<set $event12 = "none">>
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Hub]]
<<set $gallery.OldMobsterDaughter = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>
<<case "marry">>
If there's a shotgun wedding to happen, you better do it with class. You spend a fortune on the celebration. The old mobster seems suspicious about you, but ultimately has no problem with you.
<<set $event12 = "none">>
Your new bride looks resplendent in her wedding gown as the bedroom door closes behind you. She turns to you with a sultry smile, her petite bronze body barely contained by the white silk and lace. Desire smolders in her dark eyes as she approaches the bed where you wait.
Slowly, teasingly, she crawls on top of you, like a cat. She kisses you deeply as her hands roam your body, mapping the contours of your muscles. Her lips trail down your neck, your chest, lower and lower until they wrap around your hardness. You groan as she takes you into her hot mouth, tongue swirling.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/events/event12marry1.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
She strokes you to full mast, then wraps her soft lips around the tip, swirling her tongue. She takes you deep into her warm, wet mouth, bobbing her head as she blows you with skill and eagerness. The sight of her servicing you while still wearing her wedding gown is incredibly erotic.
You fuck your new wife's working mouth, almost too aggressively, as if it was her fault you couldn't keep your dick in your pants and had to marry her. Lost in bliss, it takes all your willpower not to finish right then. You tug her up and push her on her back, desperate to be inside her.
She spreads her toned thighs for you with a seductive smile. You rub the thick head of your manhood along her slick folds, coating yourself in her arousal.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/events/event12marry2.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
With a forceful thrust, you bury yourself to the hilt inside her tight heat. She cries out and arches her back as you stretch and fill her. Her fingernails dig into your back as you start pumping into her vigorously, the bed creaking under your passionate coupling. You grip her hips and slam into her harder and faster, overcome with animalistic lust.
She moans and gasps loudly with each deep, rough thrust. Her inner walls clench around you like a vice as she builds to a powerful climax. You feel your own orgasm swelling as you rut into her wildly. Biting her neck, you empty yourself deep inside her quivering depths with a guttural groan, marking her as yours. You collapse together in a sweaty, satisfied tangle of limbs as you both catch your breath.
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Hub]]
<<set $gallery.ShotgunWedding = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>
<</switch>>With redheaded Veronika naked and on her knees before you, you step forward and brush the tip of your hardening shaft against her full, pouting lips. She looks up at you with lust-filled eyes as her tongue darts out to lick the salty drops of pre-cum beading at your slit. Groaning, you grab a fistful of her fiery hair and guide your cock into her eager mouth. Her lips wrap around you as she begins to suck, cheeks hollowing.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/characters/veronika/suck.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
You start thrusting, slowly at first but quickly building speed. Veronika takes you deep, opening her throat and burying her nose in your pubic hair with each forceful pump of your hips. Her tongue swirls around your girth as she sucks you off with skill and enthusiasm. Saliva drips down her chin as she gags and slurps noisily on your cock.
"Fuck yeah, suck that dick," you growl, gripping her hair tighter as you fuck her pretty face with abandon. She moans around your shaft, the vibrations adding to your pleasure. You pound into her mouth relentlessly, using her like a living sex doll, a receptacle for your lust.
You feel your balls tighten as your orgasm builds. Veronika senses it too and doubles her efforts, bobbing her head faster, taking you impossibly deep down her clasping throat. Her fingernails dig into your ass cheeks, urging you on. With a guttural cry, you explode in her mouth, spurting thick ropes of cum down her gullet. She swallows it all like a good girl, milking you with her lips and tongue, not letting a single drop escape.
Spent, you slip from her mouth with a wet plop. Veronika licks her glistening lips and smiles up at you in satisfaction, looking deliciously debauched with cum and saliva dripping down her face and tits. "Mmm, you taste so good," she purrs, giving your sensitive cock a few more languid licks. "I can't wait to feel this monster splitting my pussy."
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Veronika]]
<<set $gallery.VeronikaBJ = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>With Veronika bent over in front of you, hands braced against the doorframe, you admire the way her black stockings hug her toned legs and juicy ass. Her dripping cunt is presented like a gift, pink and glistening with arousal. Grabbing her hips, you rub the bulbous head of your rock-hard shaft along her slick slit, teasing her entrance.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/characters/veronika/fuck.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
"Please, put it in," she whimpers, arching her back and pushing her ass towards you. "I need your big cock stretching me, filling me…"
With a powerful thrust, you bury yourself balls-deep in her tight, clasping heat. Veronika cries out in ecstasy as you stretch and stuff her, her pussy clenching around your thickness. You freeze for a moment,savoring the feel of her, then start to move, pulling out slowly before slamming back in.
You set a hard, driving rhythm, pounding into her over and over with deep, forceful strokes. The sounds of flesh slapping flesh and Veronika's wanton moans fill the room. You grip her hips hard enough to bruise as you rail her, grunting with the effort of fucking her so vigorously.
"Yes, yes, fuck me! Harder!" she screams, pushing back to meet your thrusts. Her juices soak your cock and balls, dripping down her thighs. You reach around to maul her bouncing tits, pinching and tugging her nipples roughly.
Sweat drips down your chest as you continue your relentless assault on her pussy, spearing into her sopping wetness like a jackhammer. Veronika braces herself against the wall, body shaking, incoherent sounds spilling from her mouth as she's fucked into oblivion. Her cunt spasms around you as she cums hard, coating your cock in her slick cream.
A few more powerful thrusts and you follow her over the edge, groaning like a beast as you shoot your load deep in her clutching channel.
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Veronika]]
<<set $gallery.VeronikaFuck = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>With your cock already throbbing in anticipation, you guide the gorgeous ebony beauty to her knees before you. Nikki looks up at you with those smoky bedroom eyes and licks her thick, lush lips hungrily. "Mmm, give me that big dick," she purrs, wrapping her fingers around your thick shaft. She pumps you a few times, then runs her flat tongue along the underside from root to tip.
"Fuck," you groan, fisting your hand in her tight curls. Nikki smirks and opens her mouth wide, taking your bulbous head inside her warm, wet mouth. Her full lips form a tight seal as she starts to suck, head bobbing up and down. She takes you deeper with each descent, until her nose is buried in your pubes and your cock is lodged down her clutching throat.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/characters/nikki/suck.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
Damn, this girl has no gag reflex! You marvel at her deepthroat skills as she swallows around your thick meat, massaging you with her gullet. Strings of saliva hang obscenely from your shaft to her lips. Nikki slurps and gags on your rod, but gamely keeps sucking, determined to milk your balls dry.
Your hips undulate as you start to fuck her face, holding her head in place. She just relaxes her jaw and takes it, moaning like a whore as you use her. You glance down and see tears leaking from the corners of her eyes, mascara starting to run, but she looks blissed out. Having surrendered control, Nikki contentedly lets you pump her face, piston-like, ravaging her throat raw.
A familiar tugging in your balls signals your impending eruption. You speed up, grunting and rutting desperately into the tight channel of Nikki's throat. She grips your ass, pulling you impossibly deeper, your pelvis mashing her nose. Her fingernails draw blood as she urges you to let go. "C'mon baby, feed me that cum," she rasps during a quick breath. "I want to taste you…"
That sends you over the edge. With a bellow, you spasm and spurt, flooding Nikki's mouth with jet after jet of hot, salty jizz. She gulps it down greedily, throat working, milking out every last drop. You sag back against the wall panting as your spent cock slips from her puffy, bruised lips. Nikki sits back on her haunches and grins up at you saucily, your cum painted over her face like a glazed donut. She scoops some onto her fingers and licks them clean. "Delicious," the kinky minx giggles.
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Nikki]]
<<set $gallery.NikkiBJ = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>The door to the manager's office barely closes before you're on Nikki like a starving man on a steak. Your tongues battle feverishly as you tear at each other's clothes. Buttons pop and fabric shreds in your haste to get naked together. "I'm gonna fuck you till you can't walk straight," you growl against the fragrant skin of her neck.
"Yes! Fuck me!" Nikki mewls, humping your thigh desperately. Your huge erection throbs against her belly through your pants. She deftly undoes your belt and zipper, shoving both pants and boxer briefs down to your ankles. Your monster cock springs free, slapping audibly against your abs. Nikki wraps her manicured fingers around it reverently. "Oh my god, so fucking big," she coos.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/characters/nikki/fuck.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
With a savage growl you grab her petite body and throw her onto a couch. You shove her delicate frame into the seat, kicking her feet apart. Her pert ass juts up at you invitingly, the gusset of her panties already soaked through. You hook your fingers in the elastic and yank them down her long legs. Your rampant erection notches between the globes of her ass. "I'm gonna ruin your pussy for all other men," you rasp, reaching down to test her readiness. Lube gushes over your fingers and runs down her inner thighs.
Gripping your stalk, you slap the engorged head against Nikki's puffy vulva a few times, making her whine and wiggle, before lining up with her entrance. With a brutal thrust, you bury yourself to the balls in her clasping heat. Twin groans fill the room at the intensity. Nikki's velvety walls ripple around you like a million tiny mouths, fluttering and sucking. You pull back slowly, savoring the drag of her satiny flesh, then slam back in. Her juices squelch obscenely as you rut into her. "Take it, slut," you pant. "This is what you needed, isn't it? A nice hard cock splitting you open…"
"Oh god yes, don't stop!" Nikki babbles mindlessly, clawing at the sofa as you rail her cunt. The wet slap of skin on skin and your mingled grunts and moans create a raunchy symphony. You plow into Nikki's snug channel relentlessly, like a possessed man. Reaching down, you flick her swollen clit rapidly and she wails, bucking back into you wildly, chasing her pleasure. Her pussy clamps down on you like a silken vise as she cums, screaming, coating your pistoning cock with her slick essence.
You power through the spasming grip of her cunt, fucking her through her climax and building to your own. Each thrust threatens to split Nikki in half but she just takes it, urging you on with garbled pleas of "more" and "harder". A familiar tingle starts at the base of your spine, your balls drawing up. You hammer into Nikki's abused pussy with renewed vigor, racing for the finish line. With a hoarse shout, you slam into her one last time and erupt like a geyser, spunk jetting from your slit to paint her womb.
You grind against her crotch, stirring your seed into her pussy as Nikki trembles and mewls in overstimulated bliss beneath you. Thoroughly satisfied, you slip from her gaping, cum-oozing hole with a wet pop. You slump back against the desk, surveying your handiwork smugly. Nikki is splayed out bonelessly, a fucked-stupid expression on her face, thighs coated in sperm and girl-goo. You'll have to do this again sometime.
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Nikki]]
<<set $gallery.NikkiFuck = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>v0.82
By Mercury & Cock Cocknovsky!!!Maria Castillo, Accountant
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/maria/portrait.png][Maria]]>><</link>></div>
Maria tiptoes in, her posture suggests both excitement and caution.
MARIA CASTILLO: "Boss, I've identified a bank that's about to collapse. We can withdraw our assets now and avoid the collapse, or take advantage by shorting our competitors who might get trapped."
1: [[Withdraw assets|card43res1][$stats.money += 50; $stats.legal += 1; $sympathy.maria += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Short competitors|card43res2][$stats.illegal += 3; $stats.crime += 2; $stats.money += 300]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if $upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100)">><<set $stats.money -= 100>><<replace "#counselor1">>(+$50, [L] +1, Maria's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([I] +3, [C] +2, +$300)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/maria/portrait.png][Maria]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Pull our assets out, Maria. Let's play this safe."
MARIA CASTILLO: "Wise decision, boss. I'll make sure we're secure."
Maria departs, visibly relieved. You've ensured financial stability, though it cost you potential gains.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/maria/portrait.png][Maria]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's seize the opportunity and short our competition."
MARIA CASTILLO: "Understood, it's a bold move, but it might pay off big time."
Maria leaves, her mind racing with numbers. The gains are great if you manage to capitalize on others' misfortunes.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Emmy Schultz, Brothel Manager
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/emmy/portrait.png][Emmy]]>><</link>></div>
Emmy waltzes in, holding a newspaper.
EMMY SCHULTZ: "Boss, they're running exposés on brothels in the city. We can offer exclusive interviews to show a 'softer' side, or double down on our underground operations."
1: [[Offer interviews|card44res1][$stats.legal += 2; $stats.illegal -= 2; $sympathy.emmy += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Double down underground|card44res2][$stats.illegal += 3; $stats.pigs -= 1; $stats.crime += 2]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if $upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100)">><<set $stats.money -= 100>><<replace "#counselor1">>([L] +2, [I] -2, Emmy's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([I] +3, [P] -1, [C] +2)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/emmy/portrait.png][Emmy]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's use media to our advantage. Prepare those interviews."
EMMY SCHULTZ: "Smart move, boss. This'll change how people see us."
Emmy heads out to prep the interviews. Your legal reputation sees a boost, but keeping operations clean might limit revenues.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/emmy/portrait.png][Emmy]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Ignore the papers. We're going deeper underground."
EMMY SCHULTZ: "You got it, boss. Let's keep it quiet."
Emmy leaves, determination in her stride. You're reinventing the business, but any exposure could have dire consequences.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Jackie Chan, Smuggler
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/jackie/portrait.png][Jackie]]>><</link>></div>
Jackie rushes in, holding a map of the coast.
JACKIE CHAN: "Boss, a coastal patrol service is offering protection services at a price. We can pay up to ensure safe routes or risk going it alone and avoid the fee."
1: [[Pay for protection|card45res1][$stats.money -= 200; $stats.illegal -= 1; $sympathy.jackie += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Risk it alone|card45res2][$stats.illegal += 3; $stats.risk += 2; $stats.crime += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if $upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100)">><<set $stats.money -= 100>><<replace "#counselor1">>(-$200, [I] -1, Jackie's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([I] +3, [R] +2, [C] +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/jackie/portrait.png][Jackie]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's make sure our routes are safe. Pay the patrol."
JACKIE CHAN: "Got it, boss. I'll sort out the details."
Jackie leaves, ensuring your cargo goes unseen. You've traded money for peace of mind.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/jackie/portrait.png][Jackie]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "We're not paying. Let's run it on our own."
JACKIE CHAN: "Alright, boss. Hope we've got the luck on our side."
Jackie departs, the thrill evident on his face. High risk could mean high reward—or disaster.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Michelle Adams, Lawyer
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/michelle/portrait.png][Michelle]]>><</link>></div>
Michelle arrives, briefcase in hand.
MICHELLE ADAMS: "Boss, a developer is planning to rezone an area critical to us. I can halt the proceedings with legal battles, or we could bribe the official directly."
1: [[Legal battle|card46res1][$stats.legal += 3; $stats.money -= 150; $sympathy.michelle += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: <<if $stats.money >= 250>>[[Bribe the official|card46res2][$stats.illegal += 1; $stats.pigs -= 1; $stats.money -= 250]]<<else>>==Bribe the official==<</if>> [Requires $250] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if $upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100)">><<set $stats.money -= 100>><<replace "#counselor1">>([L] +3, -$150, Michelle's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([I] +1, [P] -1, -$250)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/michelle/portrait.png][Michelle]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's fight it out in court, Michelle."
MICHELLE ADAMS: "As you wish, boss. This isn't my first rodeo."
Michelle leaves, ready to attack. Legal channels are secure, but the cost is high.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/michelle/portrait.png][Michelle]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's take the shortcut. Bribe the official."
MICHELLE ADAMS: "Understood, boss. I'll make it happen."
Michelle exits, her head already calculating the costs of favors owed.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Tony "Spike" Ricci, Weapons Supplier
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/tony/portrait.png][Tony]]>><</link>></div>
Spike walks in, holding a blueprint.
TONY "SPIKE" RICCI: "Boss, I've come across designs for a custom weapon. We can manufacture it ourselves or sell the designs to a rival gang."
1: <<if $stats.money >= 150>>[[Manufacture the weapon|card47res1][$stats.illegal += 2; $stats.money -= 150; $stats.crime += 2; $sympathy.tony += 1]]<<else>>==Manufacture the weapon==<</if>> [Requires $150] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Sell the designs|card47res2][$stats.illegal -= 1; $stats.money += 200; $sympathy.tony -= 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if $upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100)">><<set $stats.money -= 100>><<replace "#counselor1">>([I] +2, -$150, [C] +2, Tony's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([I] -1, +$200, Tony's sympathy -1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/tony/portrait.png][Tony]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's build it. We could use the firepower."
TONY "SPIKE" RICCI: "Alright, boss. I'll get the team on it right away."
Spike leaves, excitement visible in his eyes. Production will increase your might but it's costly.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/tony/portrait.png][Tony]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Sell the designs. Let them handle the risk."
TONY "SPIKE" RICCI: "If you say so, boss. Easy money, but I think we're missing out."
Spike exits, disappointed. You've gained instant cash but lost potential muscle.
!!!Nia Numato, Modeling Agency Owner
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nia/portrait.png][Nia]]>><</link>></div>
Nia sashays in with a tablet in hand.
NIA NUMATO: "Darling, a rival agency's top models want to defect to us. We can poach them cleanly or blackmail them with compromising photos."
1: [[Poach them legally|card48res1][$stats.legal += 2; $sympathy.nia += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Use blackmail|card48res2][$stats.crime += 2; $stats.illegal += 1; $stats.money += 100]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if $upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100)">><<set $stats.money -= 100>><<replace "#counselor1">>([L] +2, Nia's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([C] +2, [I] +1, +$100)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nia/portrait.png][Nia]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's do this professionally, Nia. Make them proper offers."
NIA NUMATO: "A classy approach, darling. I'll start the negotiations."
Nia leaves gracefully. Taking the high road might cost more, but it's better for long-term reputation.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nia/portrait.png][Nia]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Use the photos, Nia. Make sure they understand their position."
NIA NUMATO: "Oh, this will be deliciously effective, darling."
Nia sashays out with a devious smile. The models won't have a choice but to join you.
!!!Nikki Jones, Club Manager
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nikki/portrait.png][Nikki]]>><</link>></div>
Nikki storms in, holding a stack of papers.
NIKKI JONES: "Boss, health inspectors are cracking down. We can either renovate the kitchen properly or set up a fake inspection station."
1: [[Proper renovation|card49res1][$stats.legal += 2; $stats.money -= 250; $stats.pigs += 1; $sympathy.nikki += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Fake inspection|card49res2][$stats.illegal += 2; $stats.pigs -= 2; $stats.risk += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if $upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100)">><<set $stats.money -= 100>><<replace "#counselor1">>([L] +2, -$250, [P] +1, Nikki's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([I] +2, [P] -2, [R] +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nikki/portrait.png][Nikki]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's do the renovation properly, Nikki. No shortcuts."
NIKKI JONES: "Thank god. The kitchen staff will be thrilled, boss."
Nikki leaves with renewed energy. A proper kitchen means better operations and happier staff.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/nikki/portrait.png][Nikki]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Set up the fake inspection station. Make it convincing."
NIKKI JONES: "Alright, boss. I know just the guys for this job."
Nikki exits quickly. It's risky, but cheaper than a full renovation.
!!!Veronika Green, Police Informant
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/veronika/portrait.png][Veronika]]>><</link>></div>
Veronika whispers urgently into the phone.
VERONIKA GREEN: "Boss, there's an internal affairs investigation. I can mislead them or provide real intel about corrupt cops."
1: [[Mislead investigation|card50res1][$stats.pigs -= 2; $stats.crime += 1; $stats.risk += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Expose corrupt cops|card50res2][$stats.legal += 2; $stats.pigs += 1; $sympathy.veronika += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if $upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100)">><<set $stats.money -= 100>><<replace "#counselor1">>([P] -2, [C] +1, [R] +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([L] +2, [P] +1, Veronika's sympathy +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/veronika/portrait.png][Veronika]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Throw them off track, Veronika. Keep our interests safe."
VERONIKA GREEN: "Got it, boss. I'll feed them some convincing dead ends."
The line goes dead. Internal Affairs won't know what hit them.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/veronika/portrait.png][Veronika]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Give them the corrupt cops, Veronika. Clean house a bit."
VERONIKA GREEN: "Finally! Some of these guys deserve what's coming."
Veronika hangs up, satisfied. Sometimes doing the right thing serves our interests too.
!!!Carla Diaz, Undercover FBI Agent
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/carla/portrait.png][Carla]]>><</link>></div>
Carla approaches at a fundraiser.
CARLA DIAZ: "There's a task force forming. I can either feed them false leads or help you clean up operations temporarily."
1: [[Feed false leads|card51res1][$stats.pigs -= 1; $stats.illegal += 4; $stats.risk += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Clean up operations|card51res2][$stats.legal += 2; $stats.illegal -= 2; $sympathy.carla += 1]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if $upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100)">><<set $stats.money -= 100>><<replace "#counselor1">>([P] -1, [I] +4, [R] +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([L] +3, [I] -2, Carla's sympathy +1)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/carla/portrait.png][Carla]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Feed them false information. Keep them running in circles."
CARLA DIAZ: "Consider it done. They won't know what's real anymore."
Carla disappears into the crowd. The task force will be chasing shadows.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/carla/portrait.png][Carla]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "We'll clean up. Better to lay low for a while."
CARLA DIAZ: "Smart move. I'll help you stay under their radar."
Carla nods and walks away. Sometimes retreat is the best strategy.
[[Continue|Hub]]!!!Valentina "Val" Kovach, Casino Manager
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/valentina/portrait.png][Valentina]]>><</link>></div>
Val enters with a concerned expression.
VAL KOVACH: "Boss, we've caught several card counters. We can either hire them to teach our dealers or make an example of them."
1: <<if $stats.money >= 100>>[[Hire them|card52res1][$stats.legal += 1; $stats.illegal += 1; $stats.money -= 100; $sympathy.valentina += 1]]<<else>>==Hire them==<</if>> (Requires $100) <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Make examples|card52res2][$stats.crime += 2; $stats.pigs -= 1; $stats.money += 150]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if $upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100)">><<set $stats.money -= 100>><<replace "#counselor1">>([L] +1, [I] +1, -$100, Valentina's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([C] +2, [P] -1, +$150)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>>!!!Angela "Angie" Bianchi, Journalist
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/angela/portrait.png][Angela]]>><</link>></div>
Angie arrives with a mysterious envelope.
ANGIE BIANCHI: "Got photos of a judge in compromising situations. And I already found us a buyer - an up and coming young district attorney."
1: [[Sell photos|card53res1][$stats.legal += 2; $stats.pigs += 2; $sympathy.angela += 1; $stats.money += 150]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Blackmail judge|card53res2][$stats.crime += 2; $stats.illegal += 2; $stats.money += 100]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if $upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100)">><<set $stats.money -= 100>><<replace "#counselor1">>([L] +2, [P] +2, +$150, Angela's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([C] +2, [I] +2, +$100)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>>!!!Victor "Vic" Borov, Port Manager
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/victor/portrait.png][Victor]]>><</link>></div>
Vic enters, looking unusually confident.
VIC BOROV: "Boss, I've got a plan to automate our port operations. Could make things more efficient or create perfect cover for smuggling."
1: [[Legitimate automation|card54res1][$stats.legal += 2; $sympathy.victor += 1]] <span id="counselor1"></span>
2: [[Use as cover|card54res2][$stats.illegal += 1; $stats.pigs -= 1; $stats.money += 50]] <span id="counselor2"></span>
<<if $upgrades.counselor and $stats.money >= 100>><<linkreplace "Call your counselor ($100)">><<set $stats.money -= 100>><<replace "#counselor1">>([L] +2, Victor's sympathy +1)<</replace>><<replace "#counselor2">>([I] +1, [P] -1, +$50)<</replace>><</linkreplace>><</if>><br>
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/valentina/portrait.png][Valentina]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Hire them, Val. Let's turn their skills to our advantage."
VAL KOVACH: "Now that's thinking outside the box, boss!"
Val leaves excitedly. These card counters might prove invaluable in spotting others.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/valentina/portrait.png][Valentina]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Make an example of them. Send a message."
VAL KOVACH: "They won't forget this lesson, boss. Neither will anyone else."
Val exits with a cold determination. The message will be clear: don't mess with our casino.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/angela/portrait.png][Angela]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Sell it, Angie. And let's hope the DA's smart enough to appreciate a favor."
ANGIE BIANCHI: "This is going to be explosive, boss. I knew you'd love the idea."
Angie leaves clutching her story. The judge's corruption will be exposed to all.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/angela/portrait.png][Angela]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Keep it quiet. We'll use this for leverage."
ANGIE BIANCHI: "Right... I'll keep the photos safe until needed."
Angie leaves reluctantly. Having a judge in your pocket could prove useful.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/victor/portrait.png][Victor]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Let's automate legitimately, Vic. Modernize our operations."
VIC BOROV: "This'll put us ahead of the competition, boss. Smart move."
Vic leaves with renewed purpose. The port will become a model of efficiency.
<div class="portrait"><<link [img[media/characters/victor/portrait.png][Victor]]>><</link>></div>
YOU: "Use it as cover, Vic. Make it work both ways."
VIC BOROV: "Perfect plan, boss. Nobody looks twice at automated systems."
Vic exits with a knowing smile. The perfect cover for our real operations.
[[Continue|Hub]]Angie Bianchi kneels on the stained carpet of your office, in front of you sitting in your leather armchair. The busty reporter is eager to please, hoping to get a scoop in exchange for a throat fuck. You whip out your half-chub and smack it against her procelain cheek.
"Suck it, you dumb whore," you order gruffly. Angie obeys, wrapping her DSLs around your rapidly hardening shaft. Her mouth is warm and wet as she slurps on your cock like it's her last meal. Strings of drool leak out the corners of her stretched lips as she takes you deeper.
You grab Angie's dark hair and force her further down on your dick, making her gag. She looks up at you with watery eyes, mascara already running, but keeps sucking like a good slut. You start to thrust your hips, fucking her face with increasing force.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/characters/angela/suck.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
"Yeahhh, choke on that fat cock, bitch," you groan, pelvis slamming against her chin. Angie just takes it, gargling and sputtering as you use her throat like a fleshlight. She fondles your heavy balls, desperate to coax out your load.
Your balls tighten as you get close, Angie's tongue massaging the sensitive underside of your shaft. With a few more hard thrusts, you push her head all the way down and bust a nut straight down her throat.
"Drink it all, cumslut," you grunt, pumping spurt after spurt of thick jizz into her stomach. Angie swallows greedily, determined to milk you of every last drop. When you're spent, you finally let her pull off. She gasps for air, cum and spit dripping down her chin onto her tits.
"Thanks for the interview," Angie says in a raspy voice, wiping her messy face. She staggers to her feet and stumbles out of your office, leaving you satisfied. The dumb broad got her story, and you got your dick wet. All in a day's work.
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Angela]]
<<set $gallery.AngelaBJ = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>You've got the sexy reporter Angie Bianchi on all fours, plump ass raised high on the pristine white hotel bed. Her dark hair is tied up in a ponytail, perfect for grabbing. You kneel behind her, rock hard cock in hand, ready to pound this slut senseless.
"Beg for my dick, whore," you growl, smacking Angie's jiggling asscheek.
"Please, I need your big cock in my tight pussy! Fuck me hard!" Angie whimpers desperately, looking back at you with lustful eyes.
You grab the base of her ponytail and yank her head back sharply as you slam your thick meat into her dripping wet snatch. Angie cries out, back arching as you start brutally fucking her.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/characters/angela/fuck.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
Your hips smack loudly against her ass with each rough thrust, the lewd sound of skin-on-skin mingling with Angie's slutty moans. You put your back into it, all-out piledriving the kinky journalist's cunt.
"Yeah, take that cock! Who's my little fuckpig?" you grunt, balls slapping her clit with every stroke.
"I am! I'm your dirty fuckpig!" Angie squeals in ecstasy, reamed out beyond belief.
You wrap her ponytail around your fist, using it as a handle to forcibly impale Angie on your cock again and again, splitting her in half. Her pussy is so tight and wet, clenching needily around your shaft.
Sweat drips down your body from the sheer intensity of banging this bimbo. The bed creaks noisily beneath you, threatening to break. But you don't let up, determined to absolutely wreck Angie's hole.
"I'm gonna fuckin' nuuuut!" you roar, slamming balls-deep one final time before exploding.
"Yes, fill me up! I want your cum!" Angie begs, quim spasming around you as she cums hard.
Thick ropes of jizz paint Angie's insides white as you empty your heavy balls in her fertile womb. You collapse on top of her, both of you gasping for air. You really did a number on this cumrag.
After you've recovered, you pull out, watching with satisfaction as your spunk pours out of Angie's gaping, twitching hole and soaks the sheets. A job well done.
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Angela]]
<<set $gallery.AngelaFuck = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>Agent Carla Diaz kneels between your spread legs, her wavy dark hair cascading over bare shoulders. Even in submission, a dangerous glint shines in her eyes. But with your cock in her face, the undercover slut has no choice but to play along.
"Suck it good and I might have some info for you," you say, grabbing your shaft and smacking it on her full lips. Carla begrudgingly opens wide, accepting your thick head into her wet mouth. You groan as her velvety tongue swirls around the tip sultrily.
Carla starts bobbing her head up and down your length, sucking lewdly, drool leaking down her chin. You gather her silky hair in a ponytail and hold it tight, guiding her pace.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/characters/carla/suck.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
"Come on whore, you can do better," you grunt, yanking her further down your meat. Carla chokes and sputters as you hit the back of her throat, eyes watering, but doesn't stop. The slutty agent takes you deeper, nose pressed to your pubes as she deepthroats like a pro.
"Fuuuck, just like that cocksucker," you groan, hips thrusting to meet her bobbing head. Carla gags and retches around your thickness, saliva stringing obscenely from her stretched lips. But she persists, fondling your balls, determined to earn your seed - and your secrets.
Your groin tightens, pressure building to the breaking point. Carla feels your cock pulsing urgently on her tongue. Suddenly you force her head down and explode, ejaculating directly down her spasming gullet with a deep groan.
"Swallow it all, federal fuckpig," you growl, pumping spurt after spurt into her belly. Carla has no choice, gulping down every drop, throat working overtime. When your balls are drained, you let her pull off, gasping.
"Good girl, here's what I know…" you say, proceeding to feed her a true but limited lead. The dazed agent stumbles off to chase it down, your seed still warm in her stomach. Keep your enemies close, and your enemies slurping on your cock even closer.
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Carla]]
<<set $gallery.CarlaBJ = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>You're sitting in a secluded corner booth at the 11th Street Diner, and under the table, the slutty agent is hard at work earning her intel.
Carla slipped beneath the table a minute ago, unzipping your slacks and pulling out your half-hard cock. Now her wet mouth engulfs you, sucking lewdly. You fight to maintain your poker face as her tongue swirls skillfully around the head.
Pleasure jolts through you as Carla takes you deeper, nose nestling in your pubes as she throats your shaft. The diner is crowded but she shows no fear, slurping and gagging on your meat like the seasoned whore she is.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/characters/carla/fuck.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
You look around casually, making sure no one notices as you face-fuck a federal agent. Under the table, Carla works feverishly, one hand fondling your balls as she bobs on your thick rod, drool leaking down her chin.
"Cough twice if you're close," Carla whispers, before plunging back down and swallowing around your cockhead lodged in her throat. Her velvety muscles milk your shaft, beckoning your load.
Pleasure builds in your groin until you can't take anymore. You fake two coughs. Suddenly Carla forces herself balls-deep, nose pressed against you, and swallows greedily as you explode straight down her throat.
You bite back a groan, unloading spurt after spurt into Carla's belly as she gulps it down. When you finish, she carefully tucks your spent cock away and emerges from under the table, wiping her mouth. No one is the wiser.
"Thanks for the tip," Carla says smoothly, standing up and leaving the diner without a backward glance, your seed warm in her stomach. Another risky public rendezvous, another chance to pump the feds with misinformation. Just part of the game.
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Carla]]
<<set $gallery.CarlaBJ2 = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>><<switch $event13>>
<<case "none">>
A Hollywood starlet is in town filming a movie. Rumor has it she likes to party... and has expensive tastes.<br><br>
1. <<if $stats.money >= 150>>
<<link "Throw a lavish party to get her attention">>
<<set $stats.money -= 150>>
<<set $stats.legal += 2>>
<<set $event13 = "party">>
<<goto "event13">>
==Throw a lavish party to get her attention==
<</if>> (Requires $150)<br>
2. <<link "Ignore her, focus on business">>
<<set $stats.legal += 1>>
<<set $stats.illegal += 1>>
<<set $event13 = "ignore">>
<<goto "event13">>
3. <<if $patreonTier > 2>><<link "Seduce her">><<set $event13 = "seduce">><<goto "event13">><</link>><<else>>==Seduce her== (Patreon ''$10 tier'' reward)<</if>> [you can unlock this scene by subscribing to my <a href="https://patreon.com/mercurydev/">Patreon</a>, $10 tier]
<<case "party">>
The starlet is dazzled by your opulent party. She gushes about your "old school charm" to the press, boosting your image.
<<set $event13 = "none">>
<<case "ignore">>
You keep your nose to the grindstone, letting the celebrity buzz die down on its own. Your empire won't build itself.
<<set $event13 = "none">>
<<case "seduce">>
The actress is stunning in a slinky red dress as she saunters into your private room. Time for a different sort of Hollywood ending...
<<set $event13 = "none">>
"I heard you're the man to know in this town," the starlet purrs, cornflower blue eyes twinkling with mischief. You flash a rakish grin, patting your thigh in invitation. She slides into your lap, looping her arms around your neck. The sexual tension is palpable.
You slip a hand beneath her dress, discovering she's sans panties. "My my, came prepared did we?"
She just smirks, then gasps as your fingers find her wet folds. You stroke her with expert precision, thumb grazing her clit. Soon she's panting and grinding on your lap, expensive dress hiked up around her hips.
"Please, I need you inside me," the actress begs, fumbling with your zipper. Your cock springs free and she wastes no time, lifting up and then sinking down on you with a throaty moan. Her tight heat engulfs you perfectly.
<div class="portrait"><video src="media/events/event13seduce.mp4" loop controls autoplay muted></video></div>
Gripping her hips, you guide her motions as she starts to ride, pert breasts bouncing with each movement. She leans back, bracing her hands on your thighs, angling to take you deeper. Overcome, you bury your face in her cleavage, licking and nipping the soft flesh.
The starlet cries out sharply as you thrust up hard, impaling her on your thick length. "Yes, fuck me!"
You pound into her forcefully from below while she rides you for all she's worth. The room fills with sounds of skin against skin and dual moans of pleasure.
Her silken sheath flutters around you as she gets close. You reach between your bodies, rubbing her swollen clit in time with your thrusts. She comes undone, shrieking her release as her pussy clamps down on you like a vise.
"Fuck!" you groan, her spasming walls milking you. With a final slam of your hips, you bury to the hilt and explode inside her gripping heat. The actress mewls as you fill her up with rope after rope of hot cum.
After, she lifts off you with a satisfied sigh, cum dripping down her thighs. "That was even better than the movies," she quips with a wink. You just smirk. You showed her a real blockbuster performance.
<<if $galleryActive == true>>[[Continue|Gallery][$galleryActive = false]]<<else>>[[Continue|Hub]]
<<set $gallery.HollywoodStarletSeduce = true>>
<blockquote>//Scene has been added to gallery//</blockquote><</if>>